The College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR) at the University of Connecticut (UConn) invites applications for the position of Associate Dean for Extension and Diversity with appointment as Full Professor with tenure in a CAHNR Department related to the candidate’s academic discipline. We are seeking an inspirational, dynamic, and visionary individual to provide […]
Enhancing health and well-being locally, nationally, and globally
Support for Extension
Thank you! Your support helped us co-create solutions to the critical issues facing Connecticut in 2021. We are committed to providing transformational learning experiences to all our audiences. Extension continues to adapt and collaborate to find solutions for the human, environmental, and agricultural issues that our state faces. You can support Extension at:
Celebrate Native American History with Recipes
November is Native American History month and our UConn Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) recommends adding some Native American recipes to your menu. We have the Blueberry Slump and Three Sisters recipes in English and Spanish. In Native American folklore, blueberries are called “star berries’ because the blossom at the end of […]
UConn PEP Communities Welcomes New Facilitators
An update from our People Empowering People Communities program: Last week, seven people participated in facilitator training. They will bring the UConn PEP Program to their communities. They will provide this 15-session personal, family, and civic leadership development program for people in their communities encouraging them as they move forward on their leadership journeys. Congratulations […]
Danbury Farmers’ Market YouTube Page
SNAP-Ed has been a long standing community partner of the Danbury Farmers’ Market Community Collaborative (DFMCC) providing on-site indirect or direct nutrition education for the past 12 years. In the past 5 years, SNAP participants have benefited from direct nutrition education via a 30-minute bilingual nutrition presentation and cooking demonstration. This year given COVID-19, only farm […]
Job Openings in Farmington and Bethel
We’re hiring! Extension has two positions open: Assistant/Associate Cooperative Extension Educator (UConn 4-H educator based in our Bethel office) Educational Program Assistant 1, Hartford County Extension (75% part-time position located in Hartford). Apply online at Educational Program Assistant (75% Position) JOB SUMMARY The UConn Extension Center located in Farmington, CT is seeking applications […]
Key questions about environmental contaminants to be addressed by CTSG, partners
Connecticut Sea Grant, in partnership with the New Hampshire and North Carolina Sea Grant programs, has been awarded an $850,000 federal grant to help unravel the complex problem of contaminants of emerging concern, or CECs, in coastal and freshwater environments. CECs are residues of products commonly used by people and businesses, including pharmaceuticals, personal care […]
Cooking Citrus Vegetables with UConn EFNEP
Citrus vegetables are a healthy meal choice. Make some with us using the easy-to-follow recipe: Heather Peracchio and Juliana Restrepo Marin walk us through the recipe for this delicious meal.
Water Testing for Homeowners
When was the last time you had your well water tested? The Connecticut Department of Public Health has certified testing locations throughout the state. Visit for locations and other resources. If you have “city water”, your supplier is required to test your water on a regular basis (check your water company website or call […]
Making Waldorf Salad with Angie Surowiecki from UConn EFNEP
Angie Surowiecki from our UConn Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) walks us through making a Waldorf salad. The directions and ingredients can be found here:
Simple Stuffed Peppers with UConn EFNEP
Ready to make simple stuffed peppers with us? The recipe is available at: Heather Peracchio and Juliana Restrepo Marin walk us through the recipe for these peppers!
Zucchini Stir Fry with UConn EFNEP
Enjoy zucchini from your garden or farmer’s market bounty with this quick and easy vegetable side dish. Heather Peracchio and Juliana Restrepo Marin walk us through the recipe for this delicious and healthy dish.
Tackling Food & Justice, Youth Style!
On Wednesday, August 18th, The CT Farm to School Collaborative partnered with The CT Youth Food Program Alliance to host a virtual event, for youth, by youth! The virtual event included a career panel, and mini-workshops, that were hosted by the following Youth MCs, Sayaada Arouna of Grow Hartford Youth Program, Melyssa Cristino of Grow Windham, […]
Recover From Tropical Storm Henri
We understand that there will be a lot of cleanup required when Tropical Storm Henri recedes. Our friends at LSU AgCenter have curated the following resources in response to hurricanes and severe weather in their area. These can help you as you use a generator, recover, and clean up from the storm. Storm Recovery Guide Storm […]
Prepare for Hurricane Henri
Hurricane Henri is approaching, and our UConn Extension Disaster Education Network encourages you to prepare with an emergency supply kit and other measures. Visit for more information.
Catch Up on the Latest Trail News with the CT Trails Program
Last month the Connecticut Trails Extension team launched The Connecticut Trails Blog on the Connecticut Trails Website! This blog will serve as a place where Connecticut Trails faculty, staff, and partners will discuss the things that are important to them, work-related and in the broader, global community. They are very excited to share with you […]
COVID-19 Vaccine Resources – #AskUConnExtension
For this week’s #AskUConnExtension Showcase, let’s do our part in keeping our community safe—get vaccinated today. Text: From UConn Extension, let’s all do our part to protect those we care about most. Visit the resources below to learn more about vaccine safety in our community:
Best Practices for Cooking and Storing Meats – #AskUConnExtension
On this week’s #AskUConnExtension Showcase, we answer your questions about food preparation and storage. Extension Educator Dr. Indu Upadhyaya demonstrates the tips and tricks of ideal internal meat temperatures, best practices for storage, and more. For more food-safe information, be sure to visit Text: Cooking meat can be a sensitive job. But, with some […]
New Normal with Extension Programs
Extension educators rose to the challenge and virtually shared our programs and educational outreach over the past year and a half. While we will continue incorporating virtual educational opportunities, we are eager to resume in-person programs as well. A few of our educators share what the new normal with Extension will be for their programs. […]
Healthy Home Resources
Every family deserves a safe and healthy home. Recognize hidden hazards and learn how to prepare for severe storms with the CDC resources below. Lightning: Lightning Safety Tips Click here to view Keep Children Safe During Disaster Clean Up Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Songbird Alert
CVMDL (Drs. Mishra, Reinhardt, and Frasca) in UConn CAHNR are working with wildlife biologists of the CT DEEP to investigate this illness of songbirds; it is a disease concern throughout the mid-Atlantic and Northeast. CVMDL – the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory – is coordinating sampling and testing with CT DEEP, who are working with […]
UConn Extension is Strengthening Immunization Excitement Through USDA-NIFA, CDC Grant Funding
UConn Extension received funding to strengthen immunization excitement in Connecticut through a grant funded project by USDA-NIFA, the Extension Foundation, and the CDC. The UConn project focuses on residents in Windham, Middletown, East Hartford, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, and Groton. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided $9.95 million in funding to the […]
Heat Kills! Problems and Solutions from our EDEN Team
We are in a period of extreme heat and heat kills! Our Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) team shares problems and solutions for dealing with extreme heat. The Problem: Know the Signs Profuse sweating Dizziness Confusion The Solution: Take Action Seek shade (outside) or air conditioning (inside) Drink fluids (water is ideal) Rest Learn more […]
Connecticut Residents Urged to Pick Up the Phone! for Largest-Ever Town-Level Survey on Quality of Life and Recovery from COVID-19
Connecticut Residents Urged to “Pick Up the Phone!” for Largest-Ever Town-Level Survey on Quality of Life and Recovery from COVID-19: Over 75 Leading Foundations, Hospitals, and Local Agencies Join DataHaven Initiative Over 10,000 randomly-selected Connecticut residents will participate in the 2021 Community Wellbeing Survey’s live, in-depth interviews, the fifth such survey that DataHaven has fielded […]
Keep Ticks & Mosquitoes Out of Your Yard
Keep your family and household safe by keeping your yard free from pests!
Ready, Set, Go! For a Healthier You!
Welcome any youth between the ages of 7 and 18 interested in challenging themselves to improve how they feel and how they feel about themselves. Join us for the next 6 weeks in learning about ways to practice good habits, and getting rewarded for doing it. We will be holding a weekly workshop on a […]
Job Openings: Educational Program Assistants
Search #: 495338 Please Apply Here: Educational Program Assistant 1, Tolland County Extension Search #: 495338 Work type: Full-time Location: Tolland County Extension Ctr Categories: Academic Programs and Services JOB SUMMARY The UConn Extension Center located in Vernon, CT is seeking applications for two (2) Educational Program Assistant 1 positions – one full-time position and one part-time position (75%). These […]
Grilling Fire Safety Tip
As the weather gets warmer more of us will start to fire up our grills. Make sure to use safe grilling practices!
Volunteer Spotlight: Steve Kenton
UConn Extension’s Center for Learning in Retirement (CLIR) provides meaningful and serious intellectual activities for retirees and other adults from all walks of life, conducted in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. Volunteers work to put together interesting speakers for various sessions through the year. One of these volunteers is CLIR President, Dr. Steve Kenton. With […]
UConn EFNEP Adult Course May 2021 Graduates!
Heather, Molly, and Juliana of our UConn Expanded Food and Nutrition Program led participants through a virtual nutrition and cooking class. After completion participants shared: “Best class ever!” “The class was great, complete information, I liked it and learned a lot about food, hygiene, and sugary drinks. The drink class was very informative! Thank you […]
Local Food and Agriculture
Connecting Farmers and Consumers in the Northeast Corner Local food and agriculture took a spotlight in 2020 as residents avoided grocery stores and sought out contactless and close to home food options during the unfolding of COVID-19. Coincidentally, just months earlier, UConn Extension launched a new federally funded project to increase direct-to-consumer sales for farm […]
Educator Spotlight: Indu Upadhyaya
Supporting Farmers, Businesses, Students and Communities With positive vision and great ambition, Indu Upadhyaya joined UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources in June 2019 as an Assistant Extension Food Safety Educator. Indu obtained her Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (equivalent to DVM) and a Master’s degree in Veterinary Biochemistry from Rajiv […]
Frontlines of Extension
Meet Some of our Staff Extension serves over 124,265 individuals statewide every year. Our staff are essential to the success of our Extension programs— ensuring that participants, volunteers, and educators have what they need. We’re pleased to introduce you to a few of the faces on our frontlines. Maria Camara Haddam Office “I support all […]
ACE C & A Awards – UConn 2021
We would like to congratulate all of the UConn Extension team members who received awards from the Association for Communication Excellence (ACE)! Thank you for your hard work and continued efforts. All award recipients will be recognized at the ACE virtual conference in June. Rising Star Award Recipient: Stacey Stearns C & A Awards […]
CT Trail Census
A Yearly Review The Connecticut Trail Census (CTTC) is a volunteer-based program that brings transparent trail use data to the community and state through a network of infrared trail counters statewide and through implementation of trail-based user surveys. CTTC was created four years ago, and the data generated each year is instrumental in helping with […]
Resilience Through Partnerships
Enhancing Food Security in Fairfield County Food insecurity is not a new phenomenon, but the COVID-19 pandemic intensified the situation for many residents, including those in Fairfield County. Food banks and pantries across the state expanded their services to help the increasing numbers of food insecure families. The pandemic introduced Heather Peracchio, an Assistant Extension […]
Making the Best Better
4-H Members Civic Engagement Initiative Has Statewide Impact Food insecurity spiked across Connecticut because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The UConn 4-H team led and coordinated Operation Community Impact, a grassroots effort to help local families with food insecurity issues intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. The effort also addresses surplus milk issues that negatively impact dairy […]
Urban Agriculture Community Advisory Board
Attention New Haven Residents: Do you want to create an environment that supports all residents so that they can benefit from urban agriculture and its positive impacts on health, social, economic and environmental? Apply to the Urban Agriculture Community Advisory Council and help create a community-led vision and a plan for urban agriculture in New […]
Colchester Area Trail Guide
Looking for some trails? Find trails and tips that will help you prepare for your hike on the new Colchester Area Trail Guide!
Extension Services
Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online (CT ECO) CT ECO is a mapping website that contains environmental and natural resource geographic information for Connecticut. The site encourages, supports, and promotes informed land use and development decisions in Connecticut by providing local, state and federal agencies, and the general public with convenient access to the most up-to-date and complete natural resource […]