extreme heat

Staying Safe in the Heat Wave

Out working in the heat wave? Here are some tips from the Korey Stringer Institute to help: – Hydrate/drink plenty of fluids before you go outside. – Cool your body before heading outside (cold shower, air conditioning, etc.). – Avoid direct sunlight when possible and seek shade/take breaks. – Continue hydrating/drinking plenty of water while […]

Take Extra Care in Extreme Heat

During times of high temperatures, it is wise to take some extra precautions for your health. The UConn Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) would like to share some information from its USDA-NIFA funded project called Shelter from the Storm: Preparedness Education for Vulnerable Populations. The project is focused on reaching people who are unsheltered or […]

Heat Kills! Problems and Solutions from our EDEN Team

We are in a period of extreme heat and heat kills! Our Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) team shares problems and solutions for dealing with extreme heat. The Problem: Know the Signs Profuse sweating Dizziness Confusion The Solution: Take Action Seek shade (outside) or air conditioning (inside) Drink fluids (water is ideal) Rest Learn more […]