
Black History Month Series: Faith

The theme for this week is Faith.   The Black church has been a foundation of faith and resistance, as well as a spiritual center, place of worship, cultural and social center. Churches and other faith organizations also provided a safe haven for enslaved people, such as: 👉🏾Physical safety 👉🏾Food and clothing 👉🏾Encouragement, hope and […]

2023 Spring Urban Agriculture Tour at Green Village Initiative

Save the Date for the upcoming Urban Ag Conservation Tour we will be co-hosting with partners on April 29, 2023, as part of our CT Soil Health Initiative with USDA NRCS. Hosted at Green Village Initiative’s Reservoir Community Farm in Bridgeport, learn about support for urban farms and organizations. Leaders in the industry will be […]

Become a FoodCorps Service Member

About FoodCorps FoodCorps partners with schools and communities to nourish kids’ health, education, and sense of belonging so that every child, in every school, experiences the joy and power of food. Our AmeriCorps members serve alongside educators and school nutrition leaders to provide kids with nourishing meals, food education, and culturally affirming experiences with food […]

Job Opening Master Gardener (Educational Program Coordinator)

Master Gardener (Educational Program Coordinator) APPLY NOW Search #: 497171 Work type: Full-time Location: Other – please see posting for additional information Categories: Academic Programs and Services JOB SUMMARY This Master Gardener (Educational Program Coordinator) position ensures the effective and consistent function of the UConn Extension Master Gardener program in developing trained volunteers who can assist the general public […]

Black History Month – Week 2

The theme for this week is Activism. Food activism can be seen in many aspects of African American History.   👉🏾When the Transatlantic Slave Trade started, captured Africans braided seeds and grains into their hair to bring their foods with them as a way of survival. Rice, okra, peanuts, benne, watermelon are some examples of […]

Substitutability of cash and in-kind benefit among the poor farming households in developing countries

  PI: Shuresh Ghimire The purpose of this study is to find the value of in-kind benefit respondent is willing to give up for less cash amount or vice-versa and identify the factors affecting the preference of cash vs in-kind benefit. Funded by: UConn’s OVPR Research Excellence Program This study expects to determine the degree of […]

Climate Smart Agriculture

Interested in making your farm more resilient? Concerned about climate change? Join us at the Litchfield County Extension Center on February 9 to learn about ways to enable your operation to be sustainable. Dinner provided! For more information and to register, visit: For special accommodations, please contact

Q&A with Dr. Mayra Rodríguez – Urban Community Forestry Educator

Dr. Mayra Rodríguez joined UConn Extension in August 2022 as our Urban Community Forestry educator. We sat down for a Q&A with her about her Extension program and interests. How did you get interested and involved in forestry? I’ve been told that my path to forestry is a bit unconventional, but I think this just […]

CT NOFA Winter Conference – workshop previews

CT NOFA is proud to present our 41st Winter Conference, to be held the second week of March, kicking off on Monday, March 6th, 2023 with a week of live virtual workshops and concluding on March 11th with an in-person gathering and celebration at Wesleyan University. We’ll be offering a variety of live virtual workshops on farming, […]

Urban Farming Program in Hartford

  Live in the Hartford area and interested in growing your Urban Farming Experience? Running from March through November for 3 years, this program offers all participants both in-class and hands-on training and education on multiple farming techniques.  All participants become active farmers working together to supply produce to the Hartford Public Schools and individually […]

Recognizing Diane Gawronski, UConn Master Gardener, for Receiving Haddam Historical Society Award

We love sharing the accomplishments of Master Gardeners! Diane Gawronski, MG Middlesex Class of 2022, was honored this year with an award by the Haddam Historical Society. See their full post below: “This year the Haddam Historical Society acknowledged garden volunteer Dr. Diane Gawronski, DMD with the Founders’ Day Award. Diane has been responsible for […]

Windham Well Testing Workshop

Register today for a well water workshop for residents in Windham, Coventry and Mansfield! Even if your well water tastes and smells fine, that doesn’t always mean its safe to drink.  The workshop will run Sunday, February 12th, 2:30pm-4:00pm at Eastern Connecticut State University. At the end of the workshop there will be the opportunity […]

Creating Small Farms

Join a group of passionate farmers for a strategic planning and brainstorming session. We’re developing an onramp for farm ownership in CT.  DATE AND TIME Sat, February 04, 2023 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM EST LOCATION Sticks & Stones Farm 171 Huntingtown Road Newtown, CT 06470 Sign up here: • Enjoy a complementary catered lunch, […]

Build Your Network, Grow Our Future

Join the New CT Farmer Alliance Build Your Network, Grow Our Future 2023! This annual event is a chance for farmers to connect with each other and with service providers who can help us in our farming journeys.   The Details: Saturday January 21st 10AM-3PM AuerFarm, Bloomfield, CT The event will have a keynote address, […]

Tri-State SARE Professional Development Needs Assessment

The Tri-State (CT, MA, RI) SARE Professional Development Program is planning activities for the next three years – through 2026. The project will focus on training agricultural service providers as well as farmers in CT, MA and RI on sustainable livestock production practices. Specific content areas will be determined based on the feedback and needs […]

Northeast Disability and Agriculture Conference (FREE!)

The Northeast Disability and Agriculture Conference is a first-time regional event designed to educate and empower the agricultural community. Through workshops and presentations, farmer attendees will learn how to better advocate for themselves, and service provider attendees will learn how to identify potential distress risks within the community. Together attendees will learn how to build […]

Invest in Your Health: Cultivating a Healthy Mind Train the Trainer Workshop

Stigma exists across all age groups for those struggling with mental health. Navigation of the teen years in everyday situations can create angst and uncomfortable feelings that are difficult to express. According to the CDC, rates of depression and anxiety climb significantly during the ages of 12-17. Suicide is the second leading cause of death […]

Spring 2023 Riding Practicum and Equine Team Links are Now Live!

UConn’s Department of Animal Science offers a self-improvement, non-credit, extracurricular horse-riding program entitled “Horse Practicum.” The Practicum is open to all students enrolled at the University as well as faculty, staff and the community. Although priority for riding is given to Animal Science majors, all participants are welcome on a space available basis. Lessons are […]

Eat Smart, Live Strong with Heather Peracchio

Registered Dietitian and Assistant Extension Educator Heather Peracchio delivered the USDA Eat Smart, Live Strong session on Tuesday December 13th at Butter Brook Senior and Disabled Housing in New Milford, CT.  Seniors learned about eating fruits and vegetables and moving more throughout the winter. Seniors taste-tested a delicious one pot minestrone soup and received a […]

Holiday Giving With Fairfield County Community Nutrition

The Fairfield County Community Nutrition team assembled and delivered a can opener and  ‘Canned Foods Fill MyPlate’ materials to the Jericho Food Pantry in Danbury. Seventy-five of Danbury’s most in need residents will receive the gift bags in time for the holidays.              

UConn Extension in partnership with E&G Community Builders

Leaders of Color in Conservation Training Project is Hiring: Project Coordinator Info: 10-12 hrs/week $25/hour Mostly remote work with some travel Excellent organization and communication skills Comfortable with events, photography, and digital platforms Apply at:  

Master Gardener Calendar 2023

We are excited to present the 2023 UConn Master Gardener Calendar in Digital and Printable form. This calendar was compiled using photography and tips shared from Master Gardeners in New Haven County. The calendar includes information about our programming, resources for more information, insect highlights and the official Plant Hardiness Zone map of Connecticut and […]


Does your farm offer a CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture) program?  In the upcoming months the Connecticut Grown campaign will be promoting CSA’s and we want to be sure your farm is included. The Department of Agriculture maintains a list of Connecticut CSAs at To add your farm to this list, or to update the information […]

CT Trail Finder and Avenza Maps Webinar

WEDNESDAY, December 7, 2022 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Trail Mapping for CT Trail Finder with Avenza Maps Cary Chadwick & Emily Wilson, UConn CLEAR Connecticut Trail Finder is a free, interactive mapping site designed to help Connecticut residents and visitors find publicly accessible hiking, walking, snowshoeing, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, and paddling trails across […]

Give to Extension

Gifts to Extension support programs in all 169 cities and towns of Connecticut. Your contribution positively impacts the 4-H youth program, agriculture and food, climate, health, and sustainable landscapes. Support Extension today at   #GivingDay

Programas y Servicios en Español

    ¿Sabía que la Extensión de UConn ofrece programas y servicios en español? Si tiene interés en la salud, nutrición, horticultura, manejo integrado de plagas, y el desarrollo personal y comunitario nuestros programas están disponibles para ayudarlo a aprender!   UConn EFNEP El Programa Ampliado de Educación en Alimentación y Nutrición (UConn EFNEP) ayuda […]

Spanish Produce Safety Training Videos

Produce Safety Training VideosAvailable in Spanish and English Attention Farmers: UConn Extension’s 2 farm worker training videos are available now in Spanish. These are to help you with training your Spanish speaking employees in produce safety practices. These resources will help make your employees follow proper food safety on farm and ensure a safe food production. The videos were […]

Farmland Mixer

OUR LAST FARMLAND MIXER for the foreseeable future is coming up on DEC. 4TH.   So if you want to hear about some great land opportunities, talk about how to go about finding land, OR have some land you want to sell or lease yourself, then you should join us at our Farmland Mixer ! We already have some land opportunities already registered […]

Husky Harvest Info Session- Regional Campus Food Pantry

  SNAP-Ed Food Security recently teamed up with United Way to offer a info session for Stamford campus students and Husky Harvest clients.  Husky Harvest is the name for the new regional campus food pantry program. Food insecurity is rising on many college campuses and Husky Harvest strives to provide students with resources while minimizing […]

Respecting Our Roots with the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation

A partnership between UConn and local tribes led to the development of Meechooôk Farm and other programs that strengthen the tribal community, their land-base, and self-sufficiency. Learn more about the project by reading this article. Financial support for this work was provided by the USDA NIFA Federally-Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP Awards 2017-41580-26950 and 2022-41580-37944). […]

Fall Updates from Extension

The changing seasons are a reliable time marker, and this fall, UConn Extension is experiencing our own transitions. It’s an exciting time as new educators join the team and continue implementing our statewide programs. Catch up on our latest updates:

Job Opening: Fairfield County Master Gardener Coordinator

Position Description UConn Extension Master Gardener Coordinator Lower Fairfield County The UConn Extension Master Gardener Program is seeking applications for the position of Master Gardener Program Coordinator for Lower Fairfield County, based at the Bartlett Arboretum and Gardens in Stamford, CT. This is a 16-hour-per-week position and is a temporary, six month appointment. Renewal is […]

Community climate planning projects underway in four CT cities

Doreen Abubaker, of the Community Placement Engagement Network and West River Watershed Partnership, talks to a group at the New Haven Folk Festival about climate change impacts in New Haven and the upcoming Climathon. Photo: Steve Hamm. Four Connecticut cities have joined a pilot project to boost community participation in climate change planning. Community activities […]

Calling Master Gardener Alumni

Along with the changes in temperature and color brought with Fall, graduation season is upon us! As our new cohort of interns are joining the ranks of seasoned Master Gardener’s, we would love to hear from our Alums – even if you have not participated in Master Gardener events in a while. We encourage you […]

Encuesta del USDA para Agricultores Latin@ de habla hispana (estipendio de $200) // Latinx Spanish Speaking Farmers USDA Survey ($200 Stipend)

English message follows below the Spanish message // El mensaje en inglés sigue debajo de este mensaje en español.   Estimada comunidad agrícola de CT y del noreste:   Espero que todos hayan tenido un gran comienzo de semana. Mi nombre es Dra. Ivette Ruiz soy la fundadora de Healing By Growing Farms. Estoy muy […]