
Enhancing health and well-being locally, nationally, and globally

Meet Neva Taylor: Extension Intern and Podcast Host

Hi! My name is Neva Taylor and I am one of the summer interns with the CT Trail Census and UConn CAHNR Extension. At UConn, I am a double major in Urban and Community Studies (UCS) and Sociology, and in the Master’s in Public Policy (MPP) fast track program. At UConn I am on the […]

How do I get a tick tested?

Ticks carry many diseases that affect humans and animals. The Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory in the Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science at UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources offers tick testing. The steps to submit a tick are outlined in this video and you can visit to download the submission […]

Partner Testimonials

Partnerships are at the foundation of Extension’s work statewide in all 169 towns and cities of Connecticut. We integrate with agencies and non-profits in communities in a variety of ways. “Our partnerships strengthen Extension, and in turn increase our statewide impact. Our innovative collaborations allow Extension and our partners to reach respective goals together.” ~ […]

How to Make a Strawberry Kale Smoothie with Molly Basak-Smith

Molly Basak-Smith of our UConn Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) walks through how to make a strawberry kale smoothie as part of our Slurpie challenge with the Put Local On Your Tray program. Make your own smoothie at home and join us in the Great Smoothie Slurp!  

Mental Health Resources / Recursos Para Su Salud Conductual

The COVID-19 virus has struck the nation unexpectedly. We recognize that taking care of your behavioral health during a pandemic can be a challenge. Worrying about your health and the health of your loved ones can cause extreme stress, fear, and anxiety. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has provided many Mental Health […]

What to Know Before You Go: Visiting a Farm During COVID

Facemasks and social distancing have become the norm in all parts of our lives. Farm stands, community supported agriculture (CSA) operations; farmers’ markets and pick-your-own operations have remained open despite the pandemic. However, the operations have changed to adhere to regulations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Before you visit the farm […]

On the Trail Podcast

Did you know that the CT Trail Census is starting a podcast? Well they are! It is called “On the Trail” and each week they focus on a different path having to do with trails and nature in Connecticut. This week’s episode features an interview with Cary Chadwick, a geospatial educator, about how to find […]

A Message to the CAHNR Community

Dear Friends and Colleagues – The events of the past few weeks have brought sadness and outrage to communities across our nation. The senseless killing of black men and women demonstrates that as a nation, we need to make further and strong progress toward our aspirations of a diverse and inclusive society. The College of […]

UConn Extension Hand Sanitizer Distribution

The CT Department of Agriculture secured a limited amount of free hand sanitizer from FEMA through a donation from Exxon. The CT Department of Agriculture has been working to distribute to farmers markets via the Hartford Regional Market. They have given part of the donation to UConn Extension to disperse to on-farm markets/CSA’s and PYO operations. It is on […]

Cows’ Milk Alternatives – What you need to know about plant–based milk alternative options

People choosing plant-based drinks in place of cows’ milk has surged over the past eight to ten years. The popularity has fueled increases in sales and there are many options to choose from in grocery and health food stores. The biggest reason many people choose plant-based drinks is that they don’t tolerate dairy or want […]

Healthy Family Connecticut

Interested in more nutrition information for you and your family? The Healthy Family Connecticut website from the UConn Department of Allied Health Sciences offers many science-based and nutrition resources for you and your family to stay healthy that are offered in both English and Spanish. Resources are offered for Parents of Toddlers, Preschool Aged Children, […]

5 Tips For Trail Etiquette

With the recent pandemic, you may find yourselves utilizing more local trails than ever before. Here are a few tips to keep in mind while you take your adventures outdoors! This message is brought to you by the UConn Extension PATHS team – People Active on Trails for Health and Sustainability. We are an interdisciplinary […]

UConn Extension has Stress Management Resources for Ag Producers

UConn Extension has Stress Management Resources for Agricultural Producers Article by MacKenzie White   We understand many of our Connecticut farms and families have been dealing with stress long before this pandemic took place. May is National Mental Health Month, although it may seem like there is nothing to celebrate, reaching out to someone could […]

Seafood survey could help further increase in demand

With national data showing Americans have been eating more fish and shellfish during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report on a survey of Connecticut residents’ seafood consumption habits and preferences offers timely information seafood dealers can use to help make the increase permanent. The final report on the Connecticut Seafood Survey, a project to better understand […]

UConn 4-H and Partners Move Over 78,000 Pounds of Dairy Products

UConn 4-H and Partners Move Over 78,000 Pounds of Dairy Products to Support Connecticut Communities UConn 4-H, the youth development program of Extension in the UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources has moved 78,894 pounds of dairy products to date – the equivalent of six full-size elephants – during Operation Community Impact. 4-H […]

Highlights of Extension

UConn Extension has collaborated with our partners, communities and stakeholders for over 100 years. We are proud to serve all 169 cities and towns in Connecticut. The worldwide pandemic involving COVID-19 (coronavirus) has produced unprecedented challenges in the UConn community and around the world. Our services continue during this challenging time. All of our educators […]

Family and Food Resources from UConn EFNEP

The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) helps families learn about healthy eating, shopping on a budget, cooking and physical activity. EFNEP staff strive to empower participants, providing knowledge and skills to improve the health of all family members. Participants learn through doing, with cooking, physical activity and supportive discussions about nutrition and healthy habits. EFNEP […]

Communities Feed Kids

There are amazing stories from across Connecticut about the efforts being made to feed our communities. Responding to COVID-19 requires generosity and ingenuity. We recognize, more than ever, it is clear the roles schools play and the necessity of school meal programs to connect and serve healthy and local food with our communities. Put local […]

Home With Chickens: Enhance Your Poultry Skills With Us

Chickens are increasing in popularity with many residents, and for good reason. Owning poultry provides a source of fresh eggs, and is fun. At some point, you may have questions while you are home with chickens UConn Extension, part of the UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources has a suite of resources for […]

Operation Community Impact: 4-H Helps Distribute Milk Statewide

UConn 4-H, the youth development program of Extension in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources is organizing Operation Community Impact. This afternoon, 4-H members and volunteers are working with community partners and the UConn Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) to deliver 7,200 half-gallons of milk donated by Dairy Farmers of […]

Recommended Cleaning Agents to Kill Coronavirus in your Home

Your kitchen cabinet may be stocked with adequate cleaning supplies to kill Coronaviruses, but you need to be careful as not all chemicals will work. Each disinfecting chemical product has its own specific instructions. An important rule is that you should not immediately wipe a cleaning solution off as soon as you have sprayed it […]

Updates from the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources

In a state like Connecticut where water seems plentiful, it is easy to take water for granted. As long as clean water comes out of the tap, water issues may not rise to the top of our list of concerns. Although we do have plentiful water for the most part, there are still many reasons […]

Litchfield County 4-H Helps Distribute Dairy to Families in Need

Litchfield County 4-H to Help Distribute Yogurt and Sour Cream to Families in Need Background Facts: Because 30% of the fluid milk gets sold to restaurants, schools and institutions that are now closed, there is a huge surplus of fluid milk on the market now that cannot be further processed into more shelf stable products […]

Disinfectant Q & A on Facebook Live

The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) is hosting a Disinfectant Q&A on Facebook with VA Poison Control, OR Poison Control, and the National Association of Poison Control Centers. Anyone is welcome to join the event. They will address commonly asked safety questions about disinfectants, as well as new questions sent before the event. They are […]

Looking for Open Farm Stands? Use this Map

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, CT Northeast Organic Farming Association has partnered with the CT Dept of Agriculture to expand the list of farms, farmers’ markets, and farm stands beyond the current CT NOFA membership – free of charge and online. It is a joint effort to promote the availability of all Connecticut farmers who can provide food […]

Grow Your Own Vegetables: We Have Tips and Resources

Have you been thinking about starting your own vegetable garden while staying home and staying healthy? Now is the perfect time to select some seeds or starter plants and get started. Growing your own vegetables is fun, cost-effective, and helps provide your family with a safe and nutritious food supply. UConn CAHNR Extension has many […]

Thank You, Volunteers!

Thank you, volunteers! It’s National Volunteer Week, and we want to thank all of our volunteers who help us provide programs in all 169 Connecticut municipalities. Last year, our volunteers donated 207,887 hours valued at $5.3 million to Extension programs, a 25% increase over 2018. Our volunteers shifted to virtual programming with us when COVID-19 […]

Make Your Own Energy Trail Mix

Check out this awesome recipe shared by our UConn Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program- EFNEP Educator Erica! Energy Trail Mix Many prepackaged trail mixes are very expensive, plus they might have extra added sugar or salt that you don’t need. You may never buy a bagged trail mix again after you try our recipe! We’ve […]

¿Puedo Regar Mis Vegetales Con El Agua De Un Barril De Lluvia?

Por Joan Allen Publicado originalmente por el Centro de Educación del Hogar y Jardín de UConn La colección de agua de lluvia en barriles a través de los techos de las casas está creciendo en popularidad debido a los beneficios ambientales y prácticos. Estos barriles pueden ayudar al entorno porque desvían el agua que puede […]

Extension in Our Communities

Programs delivered by Extension reach individuals, communities, and businesses in each of Connecticut’s 169 municipalities. UConn Extension has collaborated with our partners, communities and stakeholders for over 100 years. Find your community on our map of Extension programs (based on 2019 data) and see how active we are in your city or town. Learn more […]

Agricultural Stress Management

We understand many of our Connecticut farms and families have been dealing with stress long before this pandemic took place. Through a collaborative of UConn Extension faculty and staff along with some of our critical partners (Farm Credit East, ACA, Connecticut Department of Agriculture, Connecticut Farm Bureau, CT NOFA, Eggleston Equine, and Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services) […]

CDC Resources for COVID-19

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is the best source of information on health-related information related to COVID-19. Here are a few of their recent posts that you might be interested in: Running Essential Errands Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2020 (NEW) Cloth […]