
Black History Month

Black History Month Theme 2025: African Americans and Labor”, Invisible Changemakers of Industry The contributions of African Americans are intricately woven into America across time, industry and community. From the enslaved workers agricultural, industrial, and professional workers, there is an indelible footprint that shapes this country. Feb. 3-7: Before and During the Civil War Feb. […]

Meet Halie Shea

Halie Shea joined UConn Extension as the UConn 4-H educator for New Haven County in June. She is from Windsor Locks and has a bachelor of arts in special education from Elms College and a master of science in natural science education and environment and natural resources from the University of Wyoming. What is your […]

Job Opening: New Farmer Business Specialist Program Assistant 2

Tolland County Extension is hiring! Seeking applicants for a part-time (19.25 hours per week) Educational Program Assistant 2 to serve as New Farmer Business Specialist in Vernon, CT. This position will perform customized technical assistance and group training to bolster farm business planning, financial management, access to grants and capital through established state and federal […]

Help us Reach all Communities During UConn Gives

We are Reaching All Communities with UConn Extension because of your support. Please help us increase our impact by donating to our programs at https://s.uconn.edu/givetoextension. UConn Extension programs are serving residents in all 169 municipalities of Connecticut. We focus on health and well-being, agriculture, horticulture, natural resources, and youth development. Your support allows us to […]

Sheep Day 2024

2024 UConn 4-H Sheep Day Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 – 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Ratcliffe Hicks Arena – UConn Storrs, CT Designed for youth ages 7-18, parents/guardians, leaders and sheep enthusiasts. Each youth MUST have a chaperone on the premises. If a parent/guardian will not be accompanying a youth participant to UConn 4-H Sheep […]

Connecticut Gardeners’ 2024 Calendar

The UConn Master Gardeners have assembled a calendar for Connecticut gardeners! There are tips through every month on how to plan and maintain your garden for fresh blooms and abundant vegetables. This year there is additional information on supporting beneficial insects in the landscape, with tips on using integrated pest management, creating habitat for beneficials, […]

On-Farm Field Day

June 1, 1-4pm Join us at Cecarellis Harrison Hill Farm for an on-farm field day! 186 Old Post Rd Northford, CT 06472 Register at s.uconn.edu/fieldday Focus will be on low-to no-till implements, a new strip-type plastic culture implemented to battle climate change, along with other customized implements that fit the need for small farms. Implements […]

Job Openings at UConn Extension

Remember to check our jobs page with UConn Extension and consider the opportunity to join our team!  There are several new faculty and staff openings encompassing varying backgrounds and specialties. The current open positions are below. Visiting Assistant Extension Educator – Long Island Sound Study (LISS) Outreach Coordinator Visiting Assistant Extension Educator – Nature-Based Approaches […]

Connecticut Saves Week

Connecticut Saves Week is February 27th through March 3rd, 2023! Each day includes a financial theme that Connecticut Saves will be promoting alongside America Saves. Monday, February 27: Saving Automatically, Tuesday, February 28: Saving for the Unexpected, Wednesday, March 1: Saving for Major Milestones, Thursday, March 2: Paying Down Debt is Saving Friday, March 3: […]

Seminarios Web para Trabajadores de la Industria de Invernaderos y Viveros Ornamentales – 2023

Le invitamos a atender a estos seminarios web (webinars) en español diseñados para trabajadores en invernaderos y viveros de producción de plantas ornamentales. El programa incluye ocho presentaciones/videos de 30 minutos cada una. Marzo 20: Saneamiento de superficies duras entre ciclos de cultivos en invernaderos que producen plantas ornamentales – Rosa Raudales Marzo 2: Control de malezas como […]

EFNEP Program Assistant (Educational Program Assistant 1), Educational outreach – Fairfield

Applications Closed Search #: 497240 Work type: Full-time Location: Fairfield County Extension Ctr Categories: Academic Programs and Services JOB SUMMARY   The UConn Fairfield County Extension Center located in Bethel, CT is seeking applications for a full-time Program Assistant, Education Outreach. The Program Assistant will be responsible for promoting and carrying out community-based nutrition, outreach, and youth development programs […]

Outreach Assistant (Educational Program Assistant 2)

Outreach Assistant (Educational Program Assistant 2) APPLICATIONS CLOSED Search #: 497128 Work type: Part-time Location: Tolland County Extension Center Categories: Academic Programs and Services JOB SUMMARY UConn Extension is seeking a part-time Outreach Assistant (Education Program Assistant 2) who will coordinate the activities and provide support for the University’s farm-to-school outreach programming in partnership with the CT Farm […]

Black History Month Series: Faith

The theme for this week is Faith.   The Black church has been a foundation of faith and resistance, as well as a spiritual center, place of worship, cultural and social center. Churches and other faith organizations also provided a safe haven for enslaved people, such as: 👉🏾Physical safety 👉🏾Food and clothing 👉🏾Encouragement, hope and […]

Business Manager Job Opportunity with Foxwoods

Job Details Description Under the direction of the Executive Director Farm, the incumbent is responsible for designing business strategies and managing day to day operations to ensure company efficiency. Bachelor’s degree in business, business management or related fields. Five (5) years of experience with three (3) of those years in a management position. Experience in […]

2023 Tri-State SARE Webinar Series Announcement

The 2023 Tri-State SARE Webinars will focus on soil nutrient management. All webinars will be held on Wednesdays from 10 am to 12 noon. Webinar Dates and Details: February 22: Principals of Nutrient Management Speaker: Kirsten Workman (Cornell Extension PRO-DAIRY) March 15: Integration of pasture management and nutrient management Speakers: Cheryl Cesario (UVM Extension) Rich […]

Farm Succession School

The biggest hurdle in farm succession planning is getting the plan done. For senior farmers and farm partners in Connecticut, like Chris, who are looking toward retirement and farm transition, the Farm Succession School is here to help! This three-day winter course is for senior farmers who are ready to do the work and dig […]

Encuesta del USDA para Agricultores Latin@ de habla hispana (estipendio de $200) // Latinx Spanish Speaking Farmers USDA Survey ($200 Stipend)

English message follows below the Spanish message // El mensaje en inglés sigue debajo de este mensaje en español.   Estimada comunidad agrícola de CT y del noreste:   Espero que todos hayan tenido un gran comienzo de semana. Mi nombre es Dra. Ivette Ruiz soy la fundadora de Healing By Growing Farms. Estoy muy […]

CT Sea Grant featured on WNPR talk show

WNPR’s “Where We Live” show on June 10 focused on Connecticut’s kelp industry, with host Lucy Nalpathanchil interviewing CTSG Aquaculture Extension Specialist Anoushka Concepcion, Stonington kelp farmer Suzie Flores and David Standridge, executive chef at the Shipwright’s Daughter restaurant in Mystic, where kelp is on the menu. Listen to the show here.    Post taken […]

Educational Program Assistant position open!

The UConn Extension Center located in Farmington, CT is seeking applications for one Educational Program Assistant 1. The full-time position is responsible for supporting and helping implement high-quality, comprehensive, Extension programming at different program sites throughout the region, with specific support to Forest Resources, EFNEP, Master Gardener, and 4-H programs. The Educational Program Assistant will […]

National Lyme Disease Awareness Month

It’s National Lyme Disease Awareness Month. Before you venture outside, learn about the precautions you should take from @uconnladybug newest blog post linked below. The Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL) in the Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science offers tick testing. Visit here for more info: https://cvmdl.uconn.edu/tests-fee/tick-testing/  @uconnladybug blog post: One early spring afternoon three years ago […]

Canter Curriculum

Interested in learning about horse nutrition? Sign up for Canter Curriculum. This asynchronous course will cover topics such as the digestive system basics, nutrients needed by horses, how to feed different types of horses, supplements, feeding guidelines, and common questions and myths.         Sign up at https://secure.touchnet.com/C21646_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=2747 Reach out to Dr. Jenifer Nadeau, […]

Part Time Biotechnology Grant Project

UConn Extension has two part-time positions open on a biotechnology grant project. These positions are both four-year appointments through the grant period. Program Assistant (15 hours per week) Program Coordinator (15 hours per week) The grant will create 4-H clubs focused on teaching teen members about biotechnology and encouraging them to pursue it as a […]

DEEP Recreational Trails Program Grant

The Connecticut Trail Census Program by UConn Extension received funding from the CT Department of Energy and Environmental. The DEEP awarded $3 million in grant funding through its Recreational Trails Grant Program. These funds will be used for locally supported trails and trail systems, bikeways, and multi-use paths. More information can be found at https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP/News-Releases/News-Releases—2022/DEEP-Announces-3-Million-in-Trail-Grants-For-20-Projects-Across-the-State 

Know Your Farmer Fair

Know your farmer fair event is occurring on March 19th. More information can be found at  www.grownconnected.org/knowyourfarmerfair or at the Facebook event page  https://fb.me/e/2fKJs6X2F . This is the 7th year this event is happening but the Grown ConNECTed program is now partnering with the organizers this year to hopefully make it even more successful. 

EFNEP Baby Food Making Class

UConn EFNEP hosted a baby food-making class which was a success!  9 parents register and picked up baby food-making kits. Three mothers with infants attended consistently, for one mother English was a second language, and another mother was from a family of 7 with her youngest just 7 months.  They discussed how to make homemade […]

Advancing 4-H Careers in Food and Agriculture via Biotechnology and STEM (FANE) Job Openings

Job opening! UConn Extension Hartford County is looking for a program assistant to work under the direction of the FANE Grant Team. For full consideration, please submit a cover letter, resume, and the names and contact information for three professional references to Jen Cushman,(Jennifer.cushman@uconn.edu), with the email subject FANE Coordinator Position. More information can be found at https://hr.uconn.edu/special-payroll-employment-opportunities/

Apply for Program Assistant Job

The Office of Outreach and Engagement is searching for a Program Assistant. Apply at https://jobs.hr.uconn.edu/cw/en-us/job/496104/assistant-to-the-director-of-outreach-and-engagement-administrative-program-support-2 The job centrally oversees and supports public engagement initiatives at UConn through outreach, community-based learning, engaged scholarship, and grant development. O&E strengthens UConn’s activities in particular fields of regional engagement and fosters collaboration with the University’s academic divisions to stimulate the […]

CT Dairy Anaerobic Digester Panel Discussion

CT Dairy Anaerobic Digester Panel Discussion is occurring on Thursday, February 17th from 2:00-4:00 pm EST. Most everyone is aware that CT has 2 active anaerobic digesters operating on dairy farms. What you may not realize is that several other dairy-based anaerobic digesters are also being developed. This panel discussion will provide an opportunity for […]

2022 CT Sea Grant Fellowship for Underrepresented Undergraduates Announced

The goal of the Connecticut Sea Grant (CTSG) Undergraduate Research Fellowship is to broaden participation of underrepresented/underserved students in marine and coastal professions by providing early career experience, training and mentorship to the next generation of scientists, decision makers, and marine industry professionals. The application deadline is March 14, 2022. Fellowship selections will be announced […]

Seminar Given by Livestock Specialist

This Friday, January 28th, listen in to a talk given by UConn Extensions Livestock Specialist, Dr. Joe Emenheiser. The seminar will be an introduction to Dr. Emenheiser and about ideas for meat quality improvement. Listen in using this link: https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=mba2ca53e15de5e744016d5f4c321d3f7 

New Haven artist chosen for 2021 CTSG Arts Support Award

Beachcombing with his wife and two children led New Haven artist Joseph Smolinski to the source of inspiration and raw materials for works he will create for Connecticut Sea Grant’s 2021 Arts Support Award Program that reflect on the human impacts of climate change. His project, titled “Carbon Adrift: Sea Coal in the Long Island […]

3 Helpful Tips for Encountering a Horse on a Trail

It’s that time of the year again! With the weather warming up it’s the perfect time to get out and enjoy hiking trails both locally and globally. Just like drivers share the roads with runners and bikers, trails are enjoyed by pedestrians, dogs, and people on horseback. Keeping this in mind, here are a few […]

Earth Day to feature audiovisual exhibit, puppet show

Several special events are planned for Earth Day (April 22) at the University of Connecticut’s Avery Point campus, including audiovisual artwork projected on campus buildings and an original puppet show. Events will begin at 6:30 p.m. with music recorded by the five-person Connecticut-based group Hitch and Giddyup sponsored by the Avery Point EcoHusky club. At 7 p.m., […]

A Guide to Planting Along the Connecticut Coast

Juliana Barrett, Ph.D. and Kiernan Sellars, 2021 This 35-page guide lists native trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials and vines that are appropriate for planting in Connecticut’s coastal zone. It includes a map of that ecoregion and characteristics of each species, such as tolerance to salt water and salt spray, light and soil requirements as well as […]