Author: Stacey Stearns

10 Tips for the August Gardener

1.      Fertilize container plantings. 2.      Pick summer squash and zucchini every day or two to keep the plants in production. 3.      Pick up and destroy any fallen summer fruits/vegetables to reduce pests and disease for next year. 4.      Continue to stake tomatoes and allow them to ripen on the plants for the best flavor. The […]

Urban Agriculture Program

A group of 13 Hispanic adults from Danbury and Bridgeport are participating in an Urban Agriculture program. This UConn Extension program has been designed in a way that students learn the science behind agriculture (botany, soils, vegetable production, integrated pest management, etc.), apply their knowledge by producing vegetables, and promotes entrepreneurship by allowing students sell their […]

Should I eat that?

When what your garden produces is less than perfect: Should I eat that?   By Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH, RD UConn Extension Educator, Food Safety It is common practice for the supermarket shopper and the farmers’ market customer to pick up every pepper and head of lettuce for closer inspection. When we buy produce, we do not […]

Watch Out for Basil Downy Mildew

Photo and article: Joan Allen, UConn Extension Basil downy mildew, a damaging disease of sweet basil plants, has been confirmed on plants at big box store garden centers (non-locally grown plants) in the Northeast. The major symptom is yellowing of the leaves, often between the veins.  Dark, sooty-looking spores of the fungus-like pathogen (Peronospora belbahrii) are […]

The Importance of Healthy Friendships

By Cheryl Czuba – Retired Extension Educator Community Development, Families Why are friendships important and how does this fit into sustainable living? Throughout life we have opportunities to develop friendships. In a healthy friendship each person works to meet the other’s needs and supports one another’s growth and development as unique individuals. We also need […]

CT Tree Warden’s Association

– Article by Bob Ricard for UConn Extension Approximately 85 tree wardens, deputy tree wardens, urban forestry volunteers, and others gathered in Glastonbury, March 20th, for the Tree Wardens’ Association of Connecticut, Inc., 22nd Annual Dinner Meeting. The primary purpose of the meeting was to conduct the business of the state-wide organization, founded in 1992 […]

Egg Safety

Take Care With Eggs—No Matter Where You Buy/Gather Them By Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH, RD UConn Extension Educator/Food Safety   Spring is here (at least officially) and it is always a good time to remind ourselves of how to safely handle eggs. Whether you are hard-boiling them for an Easter or Passover celebration, or looking forward […]

Build Your Network, Grow Our Future Event

How do we build our networks and help grow the potential for success in the future food economy? By bringing together farmers and service providers to meet each other, ask questions, listen and discuss. On February 19th, the New CT Farmer Alliance (NCTFA) did just this, in collaboration with several organizations and agencies: UConn Extension, […]

Keep Your Butts Off Our Beaches

Recently a columnist in a local Southeastern Connecticut newspaper wrote about the things that bug him when driving. It included the usual gripes that we all have—people driving slowly in the passing lane, failure to use turn signals, merging on the highway with little consideration of the traffic already on the highway, able-bodied people parking […]

New Greenhouse Pest Guide Web App

Try our new mobile optimized website app for commercial growers that contains options for biological control and pesticides for management of insect and mite pests common in commercial greenhouse production.  This app can be used on your computer, smart phone or other electronic device. This was a cooperative project between Leanne Pundt of UConn’s IPM […]

Barnum 4-H School Garden

This was originally posted by Organic Gardening 365.  Question: What do you get when you cross the savvy leadership training skills of 4-H with a Bridgeport, CT school that wants to teach kids responsibility through gardening? Answer: The Barnum School 4-H Garden. The Barnum School 4-H Garden is a display of hard work and great […]

Successful Year for UConn Dairy Program

Mary Margaret Cole, Executive Program Director of the Kellogg Dairy Center (KDC) at UConn’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources has had a very successful year. Cole and the KDC staff are setting the stage for top quality milk for Connecticut dairy producers. At the 2013 Eastern States Exposition Holstein Show, Cole was awarded champion […]

FoodCorps Program Update

The 2013 school year in Connecticut is turning out to be an interesting one. In New London, a giant apple showed up to a cafeteria to hand out apple chips, apple cider, and applesauce from apples donated by Palazzi Orchard in Killingly. At North Windham Elementary, 4th and 5th graders were seen standing outside on a […]

10 Water Conservation Tips

Even with yesterday’s rain, it will take a while for water levels to catch up. There are many small steps we can all take to conserve water in our homes. UConn Extension has these ten tips for your lawn and garden. Take shorter showers Run dishwashers and washing machines with full loads Use water only […]

Connecticut Food Justice Youth Corps

The Connecticut Food Justice Youth Corps (CTFJYC) is a team of five AmeriCorps VISTA’s increasing the collaboration and coherence of non-profits working the field of Food Justice. The strength of this collaboration begins and ends with an understanding of what each of these separate organizations seek to create: a community movement, driven by youth, to […]

More Awards & Honors!

Dr. Cathy Love received the Pharos Award from the APLU Commission on Access, Diversity and Excellence to recognize her lifetime commitment to addressing issues of diversity, access and success.  She and Dean Gregory Weidemann are shown on 11/10/13 at the APLU meeting in Washington DC. Dr. Jack Clausen received the USDA Teaching Award for the Northeast Region on […]