Author: Stacey Stearns

Logue Farms is Connecticut’s 2024 New England Green Pastures Winner

Logue Farms, Inc. is the winner of the 2024 New England Green Pastures Award from Connecticut. This dairy farm has been in continuous operation since 1905, with fourth generation as the current operators and 10 children in the fifth generation. David and Debbie Logue own the farm with their sons Michael and James; their daughters […]

Coastal Flooding Preparedness

Connecticut Sea Grant and UConn Extension have a new project to help older underserved residents of New London, Stamford and West Haven be better prepared for flooding and other weather emergencies. This past week’s flooding in western Connecticut demonstrated how critical preparedness and community resilience projects are. More information on the new project is at […]

Cleaning and Removing Mold in Your Home

Mold grows in wet, damp conditions and this can happen in homes after floods or water leaks. Humid areas are another prime location for mold. It is important to remove mold quickly and carefully from homes because it causes health issues and once it is present, will continue to grow faster. Kitchens and bathrooms are […]

Ag Mechanics Classes Help New and Beginning Farmers

Connecticut’s new and beginning farmers face numerous tasks and expenses when starting their farm businesses. To support these farmers, UConn Extension’s Solid Ground program offers a comprehensive suite of workshops and programming. One of the standout offerings each winter for new farmers is the Ag-Mechanics series.  Ag-Mechanics workshops focus on equipping farmers with practical skills […]

Meet Diane Dorfer

Diane Dorfer (’03 CLAS) joined UConn Extension as our Farm Viability Service Coordinator in June. She’s from Mansfield Center and owns and operates Cobblestone Farm. Diane earned her bachelor of science degree in ecology and evolutionary biology from UConn. What is your area of interest?  One of the goals of my new position is to […]

Meet Chelsea Erem

Chelsea Erem (’24 CAHNR) joined our Farmington office as an educational program assistant in June. She’s originally from Waterbury and earned her bachelor’s degree in Allied Health and Psychology at UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. What is your area of interest and how did you get interested in it? My academic interests […]

Meet Fanny Hernandez

Fanny Hernandez joined UConn Extension as our Evaluation Specialist in April. She is from the Dominican Republic, and before moving to Connecticut, she lived in Kalamazoo, Michigan, for almost nine years. She earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from the Santo Domingo Institute of Technology (INTEC) and a certificate in education in the Dominican […]

Seniors Eating Well in Danbury

Community partnerships are a crucial part of our land-grant mission to take the university’s research to the public. Twelve years ago we started working with Elmwood Hall at the Danbury Senior Center on the Seniors Eating Well and Farm Market on the Move program in partnership with the Danbury Connecticut Farmers’ Market, and Clatter Valley […]

Biological Controls for Ornamental Growers: Aug. 15 in New Haven

We’re pleased to offer the Biological Controls for Ornamental Growers program again this year in partnership with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station in New Haven. The details include: Biological Control Conference for Ornamental Growers   Thursday, August 15, 2024  Jones Auditorium at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES), New Haven, CT   Featuring:   ·         Suzanne Wainwright Evans […]

Meet Lauren Kurtz

Lauren Kurtz joined UConn Extension as an Invasive Species Outreach Specialist. She’s originally from Frankfort, Illinois, and earned her undergraduate degrees in environmental studies and geography from Western Michigan University, before coming to UConn for her masters and PhD in horticulture and plant breeding in the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture. Lauren is […]

Vegetable IPM Field Workshop: August 1, 2024 in Storrs

Vegetable IPM Field Workshop August 1, 2024 – 3 – 6 pm – rain or shine UConn Plant Science Research and Education Facility, 59 Agronomy Road, Storrs CT Join UConn Extension Faculty at the Plant Science Research Farm to learn about important vegetable pests and management options. Presentation topics include: UConn Plant Diagnostic Lab updates Bacterial […]

Meet Emily Picard

Emily Picard (’09 CAHNR, ’10 NEAG) joined UConn Extension as the UConn 4-H educator for Fairfield County in June. She is from Killingworth and has a bachelor of science in agriculture and natural resources from the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources. Emily has a master of arts in curriculum and instruction with a concentration in […]

Meet Halie Shea

Halie Shea joined UConn Extension as the UConn 4-H educator for New Haven County in June. She is from Windsor Locks and has a bachelor of arts in special education from Elms College and a master of science in natural science education and environment and natural resources from the University of Wyoming. What is your […]

Sowing the Seeds of Coaching with the Master Gardeners

The Fairfield County Master Gardeners had a successful collaboration and a fun and productive day of teaching and gardening when they recently hosted the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Connecticut Charter Chapter at their Demonstration Garden at the Fairfield County Extension Center in Bethel. This event was held during ICF’s annual International Coaching Week (ICW) in […]

Staying Safe in the Heat Wave

Out working in the heat wave? Here are some tips from the Korey Stringer Institute to help: – Hydrate/drink plenty of fluids before you go outside. – Cool your body before heading outside (cold shower, air conditioning, etc.). – Avoid direct sunlight when possible and seek shade/take breaks. – Continue hydrating/drinking plenty of water while […]

Home Food Preservation

Fresh fruits and vegetables are bountiful at farmers’ markets. The abundance can create kitchen challenges and one way to address those is with food preservation. It is important to learn and follow safe home food preservation methods. There are risks to almost every method, but canning, pickling, and fermentation carry some specific risks. Visit […]

Juneteenth 2024

“Juneteenth,” June 19th, is a Federal Holiday.  The word “Juneteenth”, a combination of June and nineteenth, also known as “Jubilee Day, Freedom Day, Emancipation Day, National Independence Day and Black Independence Day.” The slaves were freed on January 1, 1863, but it took a long time for word to reach other parts of the United […]

Job Opening: Vegetable & Hemp Outreach Assistant

We’re hiring! UConn Extension seeks applicants for a full-time Extension Outreach Assistant (Educational Program Assistant 2) to provide administrative and programmatic support to the Vegetable and Hemp Extension Program. This position will perform farm scouting and consultations with growers, and report farm observations and data to Extension faculty in vegetable production to create extension publications. Details: […]

Webinar Planned on Mapping Invasive Plants in a Coastal Forest

Webinar: Mapping Invasive Plants in a Coastal Forest WEDNESDAY, June 26, 2024 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Presenters: Shelby Larubina, CT NERR & Cary Chadwick, UConn CLEAR Details & register: The newly designated Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve encompasses ~52,000 acres of upland, marsh, sandy beach, rocky shoreline and open water habitats in Southeastern […]

Eighteen Farms Chosen for Climate Smart Farming Microgrants

UConn Extension is delighted to announce that eighteen new and beginning farmers are receiving climate smart microgrants fueled by Connecticut Department of Agriculture’s Climate Smart Farming: Agriculture and Forestry Grant. UConn Extension was one of 12 recipients and received a total of $500,000 with nearly half of that to be distributed through microgrants which will […]

Ask UConn Extension: White Pine Needle Disease Update

We are receiving reports of a rapid yellowing/browning and needle loss on all age and size of white pine trees in various parts of the state, in both the woods and along the roadsides. Tom Worthley, one of our Extension foresters states that we are observing a complex combination of needle fungi commonly referred to […]

Meet Amelia Magistrali

Amelia Magistrali joined our team as an Associate Extension Educator in soil health in May. Originally from Torrington, she earned a bachelor of arts in environmental studies from Middlebury College, a master of science in organic farming and food production systems from Newcastle University in the United Kingdom, and a PhD from Newcastle University as […]

New Game from UConn Extension Helps Youth Discover Biotechnology

Youth may not aspire to careers that they can’t visualize or fully comprehend. A new biotechnology game created by UConn Extension, in cooperation with the Learning Games Laboratory at New Mexico State University, allows youth to imagine and explore career opportunities in a biotechnology lab. The game, Dr. Eugene’s Biotechnology Lab, is now available at […]

Celebrating National Volunteer Week

It’s National Volunteer Week, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to the 5,531 volunteers across all UConn Extension programs who help extend our impact throughout Connecticut. In 2023, we had 5,531 volunteers who donated 172,374 hours, worth $5.4 million to our Connecticut communities. Learn more about our volunteers and sign up to help us at: […]

Spring Updates from Extension

  UConn Extension is everywhere: in libraries, public gardens, farms, schools, greenhouses, community centers, and nine Extension Centers located throughout the state. It’s never hard to connect with your local UConn Extension professionals. Our spring newsletter shares updates from various programs, including opportunities for you to get involved. Read our newsletter.

Help us Reach all Communities During UConn Gives

We are Reaching All Communities with UConn Extension because of your support. Please help us increase our impact by donating to our programs at UConn Extension programs are serving residents in all 169 municipalities of Connecticut. We focus on health and well-being, agriculture, horticulture, natural resources, and youth development. Your support allows us to […]

Meet Dan Carvalheiro

Dan Carvalheiro recently joined Extension as our data analyst. He is originally from Bridgeport and is working towards a doctoral degree in Human Development and Family Sciences at UConn. What is your area of interest and how did you get interested in it? My area of interest is at the intersection of data, statistics, research, […]

Small Farm Innovation Project

Española abajo UConn College of Engineering and College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, are developing a project-based learning curriculum that connects farmers to a collaborative team of students, faculty, Extension, and agriculture service providers, to help bring your ideas to fruition. Do you have an idea for a new tool, or a way to […]

4-H Robotics Shines at The Big E

Our UConn 4-H members participate in the Big E, the world’s only multi-state fair, with their projects every September. It provides an opportunity to showcase their project and develop lifelong skills to serve them in their future careers and activities. The robotics program offers demonstrations in the New England Center, and shares information on STEM […]

National Native American Heritage Month

National Native American Heritage Month is coming to a close. Here at UConn Extension, we celebrate throughout the year and continue supporting and learning from Connecticut’s Nations. Learn how UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources is supporting Tribal communities with assistance from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and others. Learn more at

Build Scientific Understanding of Genetic Engineering with High School Students

UConn Extension has made available a standards-based curriculum aimed at addressing the misunderstandings about genetically modified foods.  This curriculum, aimed toward science and agriscience educators, provides information about the applications of genetic engineering in agriculture and other fields.  Both a formal and non-formal curriculum are available.  The non-formal curriculum is a great tool that could be […]

8 Essential “Always” of Holiday Food Safety

Article by Indu Upadhyaya, Ph.D., Assistant Extension Educator, Food Safety Holiday gatherings bring families and friends together, to spread more joy and happiness. While the merriment begins around Thanksgiving and continues until the New Years’, the food during holiday buffets, the party trays, the turkey, and other delicacies remain the main attraction of gathering. But be […]

Online Course: Climate Smart Adaptation Strategies for CT Farmers

Climate Smart Adaptation Strategies for CT Farmers Join UConn Extension Solid Ground program in a new course that will help you understand the best practices for your farm in a changing climate.  Course includes expert instructors in various fields implementing climate smart agriculture practices, tools under $2000 that are suggested for use, virtual field trips […]

Meet Mike Gilman

Mike Gilman of Branford recently joined us as an Assistant Extension Educator with Connecticut Sea Grant, where he works with our aquaculture program. Mike received his bachelor of science from Albertus Magnus College and a master of science from Southern Connecticut State University. What is your area of interest? My main areas of interest are […]