This week highlights the crucial role of pollinators in our food supply, crop success and persistence of the plants we admire. Pollinator activity is needed for the reproduction of over 85% of the world’s flowering plants including over 1,200 crop plants. We can take time to learn more about pollinators and reflect on the need […]
How Can You Maintain Hygiene Around Animals?
We all love our animals, and practicing good hygiene around animals is an important part of staying healthy. We offer tips on practicing good hygiene while still enjoying our animals. We also demonstrate the proper way to wash your hands.
UConn 4-H Computer Science Pathways
Bridging the Gap Between Scientists and Communities 4-H knows talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not. Building youth equity and closing opportunity gaps by connecting youth curriculum, lesson plans, technology and training is the focus of the UConn CAHNR Extension Computer Science (CS) Pathways program. Computer science and technology are not just transforming jobs and […]
Meet Neva Taylor: Extension Intern and Podcast Host
Hi! My name is Neva Taylor and I am one of the summer interns with the CT Trail Census and UConn CAHNR Extension. At UConn, I am a double major in Urban and Community Studies (UCS) and Sociology, and in the Master’s in Public Policy (MPP) fast track program. At UConn I am on the […]
COVID-19 Trail Impact Report: April-May 2020
CONNECTICUT TRAIL CENSUS RELEASES COVID-19 TRAIL IMPACT REPORT FOR APRIL-MAY 2020 We are pleased to release the latest data on how several of the state’s most popular multi-use trails are being impacted by COVID-19. The new report documents trail use during April-May 2020 at 12 sites on multi-use trails in Connecticut, and compares use with […]
How do I get a tick tested?
Ticks carry many diseases that affect humans and animals. The Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory in the Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science at UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources offers tick testing. The steps to submit a tick are outlined in this video and you can visit to download the submission […]
Partner Testimonials
Partnerships are at the foundation of Extension’s work statewide in all 169 towns and cities of Connecticut. We integrate with agencies and non-profits in communities in a variety of ways. “Our partnerships strengthen Extension, and in turn increase our statewide impact. Our innovative collaborations allow Extension and our partners to reach respective goals together.” ~ […]
Survey Impacts of COVID-19 on Agricultural Producers
Agricultural Producers: You are invited to participate in a research study. UConn Extension has many educational programs for agricultural producers. You may or may not have participated in these in the past. We are surveying agricultural producers to determine the impacts of COVID-19 on your agricultural business and what educational programs you need from UConn Extension and our partners because of COVID-19. […]
How to Make a Strawberry Kale Smoothie with Molly Basak-Smith
Molly Basak-Smith of our UConn Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) walks through how to make a strawberry kale smoothie as part of our Slurpie challenge with the Put Local On Your Tray program. Make your own smoothie at home and join us in the Great Smoothie Slurp!
Mental Health Resources / Recursos Para Su Salud Conductual
The COVID-19 virus has struck the nation unexpectedly. We recognize that taking care of your behavioral health during a pandemic can be a challenge. Worrying about your health and the health of your loved ones can cause extreme stress, fear, and anxiety. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has provided many Mental Health […]
Thames River Quests are fun for anytime this summer
The Thames River Heritage Park and Connecticut Sea Grant are inviting people to solve a word puzzle while exploring historic sites in New London and Groton by completing one or more of the four Thames River Quests any time this summer. Those who complete the quests can enter a prize drawing for heritage park T-shirts […]
What to Know Before You Go: Visiting a Farm During COVID
Facemasks and social distancing have become the norm in all parts of our lives. Farm stands, community supported agriculture (CSA) operations; farmers’ markets and pick-your-own operations have remained open despite the pandemic. However, the operations have changed to adhere to regulations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Before you visit the farm […]
On the Trail Podcast
Did you know that the CT Trail Census is starting a podcast? Well they are! It is called “On the Trail” and each week they focus on a different path having to do with trails and nature in Connecticut. This week’s episode features an interview with Cary Chadwick, a geospatial educator, about how to find […]
What is It?
What is it? The Spotted Pine Sawyer Beetle. It is right on time with adults appearing in June. It’s look alike is the Asian Longhorn Beetle, but the adult stage for the ALB occurs during August, says Carol Quish from our UConn Home & Garden Education Center. Ask us your question at: Our colleagues at University of […]
Project Expands Support for CT Shellfish Industry
Connecticut shellfish farmers who endured severe sales losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic are being offered the chance to earn income by working on a unique project to rehabilitate the state’s natural shellfish beds. The project, developed by Connecticut Sea Grant and the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, will employ shellfish farmers with vessels normally used […]
UConn PEP: Empowering Communities
The UConn People Empowering People Program is an innovative personal and family development program with a strong community focus. Created by Cheryl Czuba, UConn Extension Educator, and coordinated by Cathleen T. Love, Ph.D, UConn Professor of Extension, The UConn PEP program has graduated over one thousand people in over fifteen years. The UConn PEP program […]
Green Farms Academy At UConn Environmental Action Day
Climate Change Challenge Winner Spotlight: Greens Farms Academy We were fortunate enough to have Greens Farms Academy’s Middle School Green Team attend our Environmental Action day event. Here is a short video about their experience at the summit: Find more at:
The Great Spring Smoothie Slurp!
SLURP your way into Summer With Put Local on Your Tray and New England Dairy! Spring is the perfect time to SOURCE, SERVE, and CELEBRATE local. Popular spring harvests includes our dark leafy greens like Kale, our colorful fruits like Strawberries and, of course, we can’t forget our local Dairy products, which are in season […]
Summer Environmental Education Academy
Connecticut educators are invited to participate in FE3: Facilitating Excellence in Environmental Education, Climate Simulation Workshop and Resources professional development program from July 14 to 16. To meet changing health directives this workshop will be offered electronically from a.m. to 3 p.m. A flier for the Summer Environmental Education Academy can be found here. This series […]
UConn 4-H Activity Calendar- June 2020
UConn 4-H has created an activity calendar for youth for the month of June. Participate in STEM-related activities with us all month long! The PDF is available at: UConn 4-H activity calendar-June 2020
CT, NY Sea Grants to Create Plan for LIS Debris Reduction
Abandoned boats, broken lobster traps, discarded tires and all types of other trash aren’t just eyesores on Long Island Sound’s beaches, coves and channels. They’re also hazards to wildlife that can impede navigation and threaten human safety and health. To address this problem, Connecticut and New York Sea Grant programs will initiate a Marine Debris […]
A Message to the CAHNR Community
Dear Friends and Colleagues – The events of the past few weeks have brought sadness and outrage to communities across our nation. The senseless killing of black men and women demonstrates that as a nation, we need to make further and strong progress toward our aspirations of a diverse and inclusive society. The College of […]
UConn Equine Extension Webinars with Dr. Jenifer Nadeau
Interested in learning more about trail etiquette, horse health, farm management practices, and even the history of the horse in North America? Luckily, the UConn Equine Extension Webinar series with Dr. Jenifer Nadeau begins this Wednesday and we would love for you to join us! To access meeting links please visit:
What is a Virus?
A virus has a very simple makeup. It is just a piece of DNA or RNA, a protein coat, and in some cases a fatty (lipid) layer. The protein coat provides protection for the piece of genetic information (DNA or RNA), and can code for different functions when the virus infects a host organism. Viruses […]
UConn Extension Hand Sanitizer Distribution
The CT Department of Agriculture secured a limited amount of free hand sanitizer from FEMA through a donation from Exxon. The CT Department of Agriculture has been working to distribute to farmers markets via the Hartford Regional Market. They have given part of the donation to UConn Extension to disperse to on-farm markets/CSA’s and PYO operations. It is on […]
Cows’ Milk Alternatives – What you need to know about plant–based milk alternative options
People choosing plant-based drinks in place of cows’ milk has surged over the past eight to ten years. The popularity has fueled increases in sales and there are many options to choose from in grocery and health food stores. The biggest reason many people choose plant-based drinks is that they don’t tolerate dairy or want […]
Healthy Family Connecticut
Interested in more nutrition information for you and your family? The Healthy Family Connecticut website from the UConn Department of Allied Health Sciences offers many science-based and nutrition resources for you and your family to stay healthy that are offered in both English and Spanish. Resources are offered for Parents of Toddlers, Preschool Aged Children, […]
Wethersfield Residents Grow With UConn PEP Program
Around the state, organizations have found a way to continue UConn Extension’s Parent Leadership Training, part of our People Empowering People (UConn PEP) program. With technology, determination and creativity PEP facilitators are keeping their parent leaders connected and informed during this difficult time by offering the UConn PEP program via Zoom. One such program is being run by […]
Caring for Electronics
KEEPING DEVICES CLEAN Electronics may carry germs that pose risks to your health. Minimize your health risks by following these practices: Before cleaning any device, wash your hands. Apply clean water and soap to your hands. Scrub the back and front of your hands, in between your fingers, and underneath your fingernails for 20 […]
5 Tips For Trail Etiquette
With the recent pandemic, you may find yourselves utilizing more local trails than ever before. Here are a few tips to keep in mind while you take your adventures outdoors! This message is brought to you by the UConn Extension PATHS team – People Active on Trails for Health and Sustainability. We are an interdisciplinary […]
May Wildflowers
Why are wildflowers the most beautiful of flowers? Perhaps it is because they are untamed by mankind and often appear when one is not even looking for them. In spring, one of the pleasures of getting out on nature trails or trekking through the woods is coming across some of Connecticut’s spring blooming wildflowers. These […]
Plant Diagnostic Lab Offers Hot Water Seed Treatment
Our Plant Diagnostic Laboratory now offers hot water seed treatment. What is it? Watch Abby Beissinger, our plant diagnostician, explain how hot water seed treatment works and can help you. Hot water seed treatment is supported in part by a UConn CAHNR Innovation in Extension Programming Award and a grant from the New England Vegetable […]
Is Your State Reopening? Know the Rules!
Teen-Adult Power = BIG Collective Environmental & Community Impacts!
When we think of environmental education (EE), we might think of connecting youth to nature, increasing student academic achievement, and developing the next generation of environmental stewards. These are all excellent and proven benefits of EE. But EE that specifically empowers youth and adults towards environmental action in their community can also lead to direct environmental […]
UConn Extension has Stress Management Resources for Ag Producers
UConn Extension has Stress Management Resources for Agricultural Producers Article by MacKenzie White We understand many of our Connecticut farms and families have been dealing with stress long before this pandemic took place. May is National Mental Health Month, although it may seem like there is nothing to celebrate, reaching out to someone could […]
Cold Weather and Finding Old Friends in the Garden
These are some crazy times lately. Snow in the second week of May just adds to the disruptions in our lives right now. Folks are looking to their yard and gardens to bring stability to the upheaval in their lives, and snow and cold weather does not ease the mind. However, mother nature has a […]
No-till Vegetable Production
No-till vegetable production: soil health, weed control, and crop yields Article by Shuresh Ghimire, Extension Vegetable Specialist, UConn Extension Building healthy soils, integrating cover crops, and managing weeds are key elements of vegetable farms. The use of no-till and cover crops provide a wealth of soil benefits thereby improving the productivity of the farming systems. […]
Seafood survey could help further increase in demand
With national data showing Americans have been eating more fish and shellfish during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report on a survey of Connecticut residents’ seafood consumption habits and preferences offers timely information seafood dealers can use to help make the increase permanent. The final report on the Connecticut Seafood Survey, a project to better understand […]
UConn 4-H and Partners Move Over 78,000 Pounds of Dairy Products
UConn 4-H and Partners Move Over 78,000 Pounds of Dairy Products to Support Connecticut Communities UConn 4-H, the youth development program of Extension in the UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources has moved 78,894 pounds of dairy products to date – the equivalent of six full-size elephants – during Operation Community Impact. 4-H […]
UConn 4-H Verification and Lease Guidelines for 2020
UConn 4-H Verification and Lease Guidelines for 2020 In recognition of the increased challenges associated with completing verification and lease forms during this social distancing period, UConn 4-H has revised the guidelines for the 2020 4-H Fair Season. Dairy, Beef and Horse Deadline for submission is now May 15 (grace period with late fee till […]