UConn 4-H

Guardians Farm: A Story of Growth, Community, and Education

David Buck and Tamra French began their farming journey in 2014 with chickens and a vegetable garden at their home in Naugatuck. The following year, they added goats and began making homemade soaps and lotions. “We really started making everything for ourselves, and it snowballed from there,” David shared. In 2020, they moved to their […]

Meet Matt Syrotiak

Matt Syrotiak ’24 (CAHNR) recently joined our team as the State 4-H Program Coordinator. Matt is from Bethlehem, Connecticut, and brings a wealth of leadership experience in 4-H and FFA to the role. Additionally, Matt is a proud UConn and CAHNR graduate; he earned a bachelor of science in animal science and is completing a […]

State 4-H Program Coordinator Job Opening

Job Opening: We are hiring a State 4-H Program Coordinator. The State 4-H Program Coordinator will provide oversight and coordination of state, regional, and national administrative aspects of the UConn 4-H program, including event management, fund development and foundation account management, promotion and marketing, and compliance with UConn Minor Protection and federal civil rights requirements. […]

Sandy Eggers: 4-H Volunteer Spotlight

Sandy Eggers has been a 4-H volunteer leader in Windham County for more than 45 years. She has and continues to serve as a club leader for the CT Whiplash Teamsters 4-H club. The Whiplash Teamsters are the only working steer 4-H club in the state of Connecticut. For more than 45 years, this club […]

UConn 4-H Giving Week

 Join UConn 4-H in Building a Ready Generation in a World of Change   UConn 4-H equips youth with skills for the future while meeting them where they are today. We craft programs to enable youth to thrive and build confidence and resiliency based on lessons learned through years of research on positive youth development. UConn […]

Meet Chelsea Erem

Chelsea Erem (’24 CAHNR) joined our Farmington office as an educational program assistant in June. She’s originally from Waterbury and earned her bachelor’s degree in Allied Health and Psychology at UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. What is your area of interest and how did you get interested in it? My academic interests […]

Meet Emily Picard

Emily Picard (’09 CAHNR, ’10 NEAG) joined UConn Extension as the UConn 4-H educator for Fairfield County in June. She is from Killingworth and has a bachelor of science in agriculture and natural resources from the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources. Emily has a master of arts in curriculum and instruction with a concentration in […]

New Game from UConn Extension Helps Youth Discover Biotechnology

Youth may not aspire to careers that they can’t visualize or fully comprehend. A new biotechnology game created by UConn Extension, in cooperation with the Learning Games Laboratory at New Mexico State University, allows youth to imagine and explore career opportunities in a biotechnology lab. The game, Dr. Eugene’s Biotechnology Lab, is now available at […]

4-H Robotics Shines at The Big E

Our UConn 4-H members participate in the Big E, the world’s only multi-state fair, with their projects every September. It provides an opportunity to showcase their project and develop lifelong skills to serve them in their future careers and activities. The robotics program offers demonstrations in the New England Center, and shares information on STEM […]

New Podcast Episode: UConn 4-H Fairfield County

Our UConn 4-H program has a positive impact on youth every day, and one of our youth, volunteers, and educators from Fairfield County explain more in our latest podcast episode. Learn more and listen in at s.uconn.edu/fairfield-fair – and join us this weekend for their 4-H Fair at Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo.

Youth Photography Scavenger Hunt at Meechooôk Farm

UConn Extension collaborated with the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (MPTN) Departments of Agriculture and Parks and Recreation to facilitate a youth photography scavenger hunt at Meechooôk Farm in July 2023. This activity is part of a larger shared commitment to youth development and improvements in agricultural literacy in the MPTN community. MPTN youth were provided […]

Join Us in Celebrating the Month of the Military Child

April is designated as the Month of the Military Child, a time to honor the strength and the sacrifices of our military children. UConn 4-H recognizes the importance of providing a supportive environment for military-connected children and youth to excel. We are proud to serve military families with our predictable military youth clubs on installations […]

UConn 4-H is hiring Associate Extension Educators!

The Department of Extension is seeking applicants for three full-time (11-month), non-tenure track Assistant/Associate Extension Educators. One position will target Food and Agricultural Literacy, one on Environmental Literacy, and the other will focus on Healthy Lifestyles Literacy. These three vacant positions are not specifically designated to an assigned location. Final placement will be negotiable, with […]

Adventures in Agriculture with Mashantucket Youth and 4-H

As a part of the symbiotic partnership between the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (MPTN) and UConn Extension and supported by USDA NIFA’s Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP), tribal youth engage in outreach opportunities designed to educate students about the origin of food and fiber. Programming during summer 2022 included a series of STEM activity […]

10 Ways to Volunteer with UConn 4-H

No matter how much time you have, volunteering with UConn 4-H makes a difference by helping youth explore and discover the skills they need to lead for a lifetime. There are lots of ways to get involved! Please note, your volunteer experience and/or opportunities may be happening virtually or in-person. Contact UConn 4-H for more […]

Help Wanted: Become a UConn 4-H Volunteer

UConn 4-H is Accepting Volunteer Applications UConn 4-H provides youth with life-changing experiences from flying rockets into space with NASA to organizing national conferences for other youth, and everything in between. These experiences are possible because of thousands of adult mentors and volunteers who work throughout the state and guide youth to reach their potential. […]

Youth Invited to Apply for Biotechnology Career Readiness Program

Youth are invited to apply for a new biotechnology career readiness program with UConn Extension’s 4-H program. Cohorts of teen 4-H members will build knowledge and career awareness through the program, while also visiting laboratories, meeting with biotechnology professionals, and developing a biotechnology video game. Applications are available now for this new program at s.uconn.edu/biotech […]

Learning by Doing with Heather Wirth, Extension Intern

My name is Heather Wirth, and I am excited to be an intern this summer through UConn Extension. I am working with UConn 4-H – Tolland County to plan this year’s edition of 4-H Food Revolution. My job is to create a curriculum for a four day youth summer program as well as recruiting participants. […]

Extension Recognizes Program Volunteers

Volunteers are the heart of UConn Extension Master Gardener Program, UConn CLIR program, and our UConn 4-H program. We were honored to recognize a few of them for their contributions at an event on June 16, 2022. In total, our volunteers donated 156,597 hours (the equivalent of 6,524 days) to our programs in 2021. Thank […]

Community Promise Week – Thank You Volunteers!

To celebrate our amazing volunteers, we are recognizing the work they’ve done. This April 24-30 is our #CommunityPromiseWeek, where we’ll be highlighting a few key leaders that make our programs possible. Thank you to Carol, Sandy, Ellen, Kim, Peg and Rich for all that you do! Stay tuned throughout the week as we highlight more […]

Waterbury 4-H Youth Mentoring Program is Thriving

Waterbury’s 4-H program is going strong! As we all know the past two years have been far from ordinary. While Waterbury Youth Services, Inc. (WYS) has been facilitating 4-H programing for 30 years, we have had to face new challenges and with them, new joys. While in person programming was not an option, our team […]

4-H Bugs Summer Activity

Article by Sara Tomis ’22 (CAHNR) This summer, UConn 4-H New London County completed their first in-person program since early spring, 2020. The program focused on entomology and STEM and was facilitated through Preston Parks and Recreation summer camp. Students ranging from 4 to 12 years in age participated in a variety of activities designed […]

Faces of Extension: Bill Davenport

Meet Bill Davenport, our UConn 4-H Litchfield County Educator. “After growing up as an active UConn 4-H member, my ultimate career goal was to become a UConn 4-H Educator so I could help provide 4-H youth with the life-changing experiences, skills and friendships I received from my own 4-H experience. I am thrilled to finally […]

What is a 4-H Escape, and how can I sign up? – #AskUConnExtension

This week, we put the #AskUConnExtension Showcase spotlight on “4-H Escape,” a UConn 4-H program connecting and teaching students and campers across CT. To learn more and start your escape room journey, check out 4-h-escape.extension.uconn.edu Text: This summer, stay connected with 4-H and try your luck at one of their online escape rooms! UConn 4-H […]

Ready, Set, Go! For a Healthier You!

Welcome any youth between the ages of 7 and 18 interested in challenging themselves to improve how they feel and how they feel about themselves.  Join us for the next 6 weeks in learning about ways to practice good habits, and getting rewarded for doing it.  We will be holding a weekly workshop on a […]

Dr. Larry Pennington: 23 Years of Volunteering to the UConn 4-H Program

Volunteers are the backbone of the UConn 4-H program and are who keep the program vibrant. “Volunteer helps grow true leaders” Dr. Larry Penington of the First Town Veterinary Science 4-H Club of Hartford County 4-H has volunteered 23 years of service to this program. An interview was conducted with him and below are his […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Nate McMullin of Hartford County 4-H Camp

Hartford County 4-H Camp, located on 100 acres in Marlborough, Connecticut has been offering camp experience for over 56 years to youth ranging from age 7 to 15. 4-H camp offers various options and sessions throughout the summer months and hosts small team building events in the off season for teenagers. Bring-your-own horse camp is […]

We All Scream for Ice Cream

Alums Integral to Success of Operation Community Impact Ice cream is one of life’s simple joys and something every age group enjoys. It’s also a rare treat for those relying on food pantries for their meals—and one they enjoyed in May through the efforts of our 4-H alumni and UConn Extension’s Operation Community Impact. Meg […]

2021 UConn 4-H Virtual Public Speaking Contest Results

The 2021 UConn 4-H Virtual Public Speaking Contest results are in! UConn 4-H would like to thank all the presenters and judges for their time and commitment. All presenters did an amazing job displaying their public speaking skills while delivering outstanding presentations. A champion and reserve champion were selected in each division.  All other youth […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Dr. Larry Pennington  

UConn Extension is celebrating National Volunteer Week! Volunteers dedicate time to their communities, and we appreciate their contributions to make Extension programs successful. Dr. Larry Pennington is one of these people who embodies what a volunteer should be. He has volunteered his time for 23 years to UConn 4-H and his club, the First Town […]

June Zoppa Wins the Northeast 4-H Lifetime Volunteer Award

UConn 4-H has selected June Zoppa, a 46-year volunteer of the UConn 4-H Program as the Connecticut nominee for the National 4-H Lifetime Volunteer Award. She won the Northeast 4-H Lifetime Volunteer Award and now moves on to compete nationally. June Zoppa is an integral part of the 4-H community in Hartford County Connecticut. She […]

Rachael Manzer Wins the Northeast Region 4-H Volunteer of the Year Award

Rachael Manzer, a five-year volunteer with UConn’s Granby 4-H Club of Granby, a UConn 4-H Alum, and former NASA astronaut teacher, won the Northeast Region 4-H Volunteer of the Year after being selected by UConn. Hartford County 4-H Extension Educator, Jen Cushman notes, “Rachael’s dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of 4-H […]

Mars Base Camp 4-H STEM Club Teaches Youth Skills for Future Careers

Life transformative education begins at a young age for UConn 4-H members. The 4-H project experiences provide a foundation of knowledge and instill enthusiasm for lifelong learning. A group of youth participating in the UConn 4-H Mars Base Camp STEM Club are learning about science, technology, engineering and math while launching rockets and building rovers. […]