As the weather warms up, many poultry enthusiasts are preparing for chick season. Raising a healthy flock starts with strong management practices, whether you’re a first-time chicken owner or an experienced poultry keeper. UConn Extension has two new fact sheets to guide you through the process: 10 Tips for New Poultry Owners – Covers the […]
Farm Biosecurity Workshop
UConn Extension Hosts Farm Biosecurity Workshop to Help Protect Livestock, Poultry, and Families Biosecurity is the first line of defense in protecting farms, animals, and communities from the spread of disease. With concerns over avian influenza and other livestock health risks on the rise, UConn Extension is hosting a Farm Biosecurity Workshop to provide practical […]
HACCP for Meat and Poultry Processors
HACCP for Meat and Poultry Processors (Course approved by International HACCP Alliance) December 4, 5, & 6, 2024 Middlesex County Extension Center 1066 Saybrook Rd. Haddam, CT 06438 UConn Extension in cooperation with University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension is pleased to offer a three-day International HACCP Alliance approved Meat and Poultry course. This course […]
Free Poultry Workshop 8/23!
Join UConn Extension at the Tolland County Extension Center at TAC (Tolland Agricultural Center) in Vernon on Friday, August 23 for a free workshop on poultry production! Visit for more information. |Flyer| |Agenda| |Registration Link|
Bird Health Webinar on Bolstering Biosecurity
USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service invites you to join a webinar on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. ET for information about resources that may be helpful to producers seeking to enhance their biosecurity. The 30-minute webinar will feature a presentation from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) on loan programs that they […]
Meat and Poultry HACCP Course
HACCP for Meat and Poultry Processors (Course approved by International HACCP Alliance) This three-day International HACCP Alliance approved Meat and Poultry HACCP course will provide participants with the information they need to prepare a HACCP food safety program and plan for a plant under USDA/FSIS Grant of Inspection. *See additional information below flyer; click flyer […]
Free Poultry Seminar with UConn Extension
Improving Poultry Production Using Natural Interventions Wednesday, April 26, 2023 10:00-2:00 Tolland County Extension Center 24 Hyde Avenue, Vernon, CT 06066 Join UConn Extension and a team of experts for an informative presentation and discussion on poultry health and disease, the use of various additives in poultry production, and related topics. Click here to register! […]
Avian Influenza Frequently Asked Questions
This information is courtesy of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture. What Is Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)? Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is an extremely infectious viral disease that occurs naturally in wild birds and can spread to domestic birds. The virus has led to the disposal of about 48 million poultry in 21 Western […]
Job Opening: Temporary University Specialist – Poultry Extension
Temporary University SpecialistDepartment of ExtensionTolland County Office UConn Extension at the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources is looking to hire a Temporary University Specialist. The position would report to Dr. Indu Upadhyaya whom manages the coordination of a USDA-SAS grant. The candidate will assist with carrying out Poultry Extension Programs with respect to […]
Educator Spotlight: Indu Upadhyaya
Supporting Farmers, Businesses, Students and Communities With positive vision and great ambition, Indu Upadhyaya joined UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources in June 2019 as an Assistant Extension Food Safety Educator. Indu obtained her Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (equivalent to DVM) and a Master’s degree in Veterinary Biochemistry from Rajiv […]
Joe Emenheiser Joins UConn Extension as Diversified Livestock Educator
UConn Extension is pleased to welcome Dr. Joe Emenheiser as our new statewide Livestock Extension Educator. Joe was raised in PA on a small family farm and got his start in the livestock industry with market lambs in 4-H. He built his own flock by shearing sheep and went on to attend Oklahoma State University […]
Home With Chickens: Enhance Your Poultry Skills With Us
Chickens are increasing in popularity with many residents, and for good reason. Owning poultry provides a source of fresh eggs, and is fun. At some point, you may have questions while you are home with chickens UConn Extension, part of the UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources has a suite of resources for […]
Survey for Poultry Producers
The University of Connecticut is collaborating with 14 multi-state institutions to put together a USDA grant on Agriculture and Food Research Initiatives titled: Systems-based integrated program for enhancing the sustainability of antibiotic-restricted poultry production. Our focus is on sustainable poultry production and we are dedicated to help small, medium and large poultry farmers, processors and industry […]
Meet Indu Upadhyaya: Food Safety Specialist
This article was originally published on Where did you get your degrees? I received a bachelor of veterinary science and animal husbandry (equivalent to DVM) and a master’s degree in veterinary biochemistry from Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research in Pondicherry. I completed my PhD from UConn in animal science with a focus […]
Chicken Questions?
Do you own chickens? Our poultry care video series with retired Extension Educator Dr. Mike Darre can answer your questions. There are 10 videos, topic include: how to hold your birds, how to inspect your birds, determining if your chicken is a good layer, watering systems, nest boxes, feeding, housing and heating, bird litter, housing, […]
Basic Management of Small Poultry Flocks
By Michael J. Darre, Ph.D., P.A.S. There are several basic needs that need to be provided for poultry. These are feed, water, fresh air, light, darkness, proper thermal environment, protection (from the elements, predators, injury and theft) and proper space. Proper housing and equipment will take care of many of these items. Poultry and other […]
Jessica LaRosa: 4-H Alumni Spotlight
The UConn 4-H program fostered a passion for animals in Jessica LaRosa of East Windsor. While in 4-H, Jessica discovered she loved teaching the public and others about agriculture. “My passion for both animals and teaching other about agriculture is what led me to find my major at UConn,” Jessica says. Jessica joined the Merry […]
Meat and Poultry Hotline for Food Safety Info
USDA Expands Meat and Poultry Hotline Hours to Further Provide Food Safety Information to Consumers The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced that it is increasing the delivery of safe food handling and preparation information by expanding the hours of its Meat and Poultry Hotline and Ask Karen chat services. […]
Be a Smart Consumer: Buying Local Eggs
Buying Eggs From Your Local Farmer or Backyard Producer By: Diane Wright Hirsch, Senior Extension Educator, UConn Extension Having back yard chickens has become quite the trend. In Connecticut, many towns have instituted ordinances where none existed or where backyard farm animals were not previously allowed. In Hamden, for example, an ordinance was passed […]
Avian Influenza
Hello small flock owners. Avian Influenza (AI) is still a major threat to our poultry. With more cases being diagnosed in the Midwest, it seems it is only a matter of time before it strikes our area. The USDA has set up a new website with all the information on AI. Please go to the […]