
Enhancing health and well-being locally, nationally, and globally

Strawberry Season in Connecticut!

By Diane Wright Hirsch Senior Extension Educator, Food Safety   One of the best things about early summer in Connecticut is strawberry season. It just makes no sense to buy California berries at the supermarket in June or July. I once saw a post on a local farm’s Facebook page where a customer shared a […]

When did GMO become a dirty word?

Do you know someone with diabetes? While most people may associate GMOs with food products, their use actually began in the medical field with insulin. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved GMO insulin for use in October of 1982 after rigorous testing, clinical trials, and review. Prior to that, diabetics used insulin obtained from the pancreas […]

The American Chestnut Tree: A GMO Story

American Chestnut Trees once dominated our landscape. Then, a blight wiped most of them out. Researchers are using science to try and discover a way to revive these majestic trees. Watch the video to learn more. Funding for this animation is from the UConn Extension Bull Innovation Fund and Northeast AgEnhancement.

Trail Use: Leave No Trace

Connecticut has a wealth of trails for us to enjoy, from state parks and forests to local land trusts. As you’re out there enjoying the trails, it’s key to practice the principles of Leave No Trace. The seven principles of the Leave No Trace program are: 1. Plan Ahead and Prepare 2. Travel and Camp […]

The best time to submit a soil sample

Article by Joseph Croze As most of you are probably already familiar with, the University of Connecticut is home to the UConn Soil Nutrient Analysis Laboratory. This lab is staffed by Dawn Pettinelli, the manager, and myself, the technician. We also have a few part time and student employees throughout the year that help with […]

Food Safety Webinar for Farmers and Processors

Webinar: Food Safety During Planning & Construction of Food Facilities: A Road Map   Date and Time: May 16, 2019 at 9:00 AM EST   Description: This FREE webinar will feature a panel of industry specialists from the Vermont Manufacturing Extension Center (VMEC), VIS Construction Consultants (VIS) and Neagley & Chase Construction (NCC), who will […]

Trail Etiquette 101

Headed out on the trails? Trail safety and etiquette is vital on our trails for all users, including bicyclists, hikers, and equestrians. Be courteous to other trail users. Here are some simple steps to follow. What does “Yield” mean? Yielding means slow down, establish communication, be prepared to stop if necessary, and pass in a […]

Private Well Water Testing

Private wells provide water to 820,000 people in Connecticut, approximately 23% of the population’s water supply comes from private wells according to the Connecticut Department of Public Health. These wells are not regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency, although Local Health Departments do have the authority over the proper siting and construction of private wells. […]

Is Your Well Water Contaminated?

Is your well water contaminated with road salt? Dr. Mike Dietz of the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources talked to NBC Connecticut last week about how we can reduce contamination. “‘This is a worldwide problem. It’s a really big problem in the United States because the amount of salt that we’ve been applying has been […]

GMO 2.0: Science, Society and the Future

GMO 2.0: Science, Society and the Future Wednesday, April 24th 7 PM, UConn Student Union Theater, Storrs, CT Finding understandable science-based information on GMOs is challenging for the public. Our project goal is to bridge the information gap surrounding GMOs with farmers and the general public. Moderator: Dean Indrajeet Chaubey, UConn CAHNR Speakers: Paul Vincelli, […]

It’s Spring – Head Outside!

Finally the weather is getting warmer and we can wake up from our winter hibernation. With milder temperatures, heading outside is a great plan. We are fortunate to live in Connecticut and have access to many beautiful parks, beaches and trails.  Here are some moderate to vigorous activities to get us started in the right […]

Join UConn for a Panel Presentation on GMOs

UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources is offering two events on the science of GMOs next week that we welcome you to attend. GMO 2.0: Science, Society and the Future is on Wednesday, April 24th in the UConn Student Union Theater on the Storrs Campus at 7 PM. The panel features four experts that have research […]

Join Us for #UConnGives

UConn Gives is BACK for year two. And we need your help to grow our programs, and continue serving Connecticut communities. Put your paws in by supporting UConn 4-H, the UConn Extension Master Gardener Program, the 4-H Sports and Nutrition program, or the Natural Resources Conservation Academy on March 27-28, 2019.  All four of these […]

Take the Climate Change Challenge with UConn Extension

Connecticut Environmental Action Day (CEAD) is a one-day conference that seeks to inspire students to take the #ClimateChangeChallenge and then post their actions using #ExtendtheChange to encourage friends and families to do the same. CEAD is sponsored by UConn Extension with our partners from UConn’s Department of Marketing, Department of Anthropology, and UConn PIRG. The goals […]

National Nutrition Month; a time to celebrate school food!

When you think “local food” do you also think “school food”? You should. About 25% of food served by Hartford Public Schools is local. This helps the local economy, and bolsters hometown pride. Lonnie Burt, Senior Director of Child Nutrition for Hartford Public Schools explains that, “Purchasing local products is important on so many levels; […]

National Nutrition Month – Smooth Chai Latte

Do you practice yoga? Do you have a favorite herbal tea? As part of #NNM, self-care is a big part of “being well” and making sure you’re taking care of the [mental] part of you. Helping yourself to wind down may lower stress levels- even if it’s that morning cup of tea that you absolutely […]

National Nutrition Month – Recipe of the Week

Did you know that buying frozen fruits and vegetables versus fresh have extra benefits? Frozen fruits and vegetables may be less expensive and can stretch your food dollars when fresh produce is not “in season” in your area. Frozen fruits and vegetables are frozen at the peak of their ripeness so their nutrients are available […]

GMO Working Group Hosting April Events

The CAHNR GMO Working Group is hosting GMO 2.0: Science, Society and the Future, a panel presentation on Wednesday, April 24th at 7 PM in the Student Union Theater. Please save the date and make plans to join us. The event is free and anyone is welcome to attend. The panel is moderated by Dean Indrajeet Chaubey. Speakers include: […]

Mental Health & Farm Stress

Farming is both a risky and dangerous business. From the hazardous nature of the seemingly regular day-to-day tasks to the volatile and unforgiving markets on which many farms rely for income, farmers have no shortage of stress. Add in unpredictable weather and crop yields and you have the makings of what the USDA, OSHA, and […]

February is Heart Health Month – Hit the Trails for Your Heart

February is heart health month – to raise awareness about heart disease and how people can prevent it. Walking is one easy way to increase physical fitness. Every step counts. Most adults should try for at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) a week of moderate intensity activity. 30 minutes of brisk walking on at least […]

Applications Open for FoodCorps CT

Are you ready to #serveupchange in your community? Apply now for a year of service with FoodCorps Connecticut! The deadline is March 15, but aim to submit early: we’re reviewing applications on a rolling basis. Go to to apply yourself (or share this post with a leader who shares our passion for healthy food in schools!)

CT Trail Census Receives Grant

Our Connecticut Trail Census program recently received $206,049.50 in grant funding from the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) Trails & Greenways Program and the Connecticut Greenways Council. UConn Extension’s Connecticut Trail Census is a statewide volunteer-based data collection and education program implemented as a pilot from 2016-2018 on 16 multi-use (bicycle, pedestrian, equestrian) trail sites across the state.

School of Business Partnership Strengthens Extension

Extension brings the research of the land-grant university to communities statewide. Other departments at UConn are helping Extension grow and impact new audiences with the research and resources they produce. We have built a partnership with the Department of Marketing in the School of Business that has transformed the marketing initiatives of UConn Extension, and […]

Workshop Series: Sustainable Livestock Production

Nutrition’s Role in Sustainable Livestock Production Practices 2019 A new workshop series on pasture management and infrastructure and the nutritional needs of livestock raised on pasture All workshops held in the training room at Farm Credit East, 240 S Rd. Enfield CT Monday, February 11, 2019 8:30 am to 1 pm (Snow Date: February 13, […]

Tackling the climate change challenge, one place at a time

Climate change is perhaps the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced, and just thinking about it can make someone feel exhausted and overwhelmed. How can the next generation of environmental professionals be prepared to deal a problem that big? One answer could be found this fall in the Climate Corps class taught at the University […]

Tailored Messages Improve Health and Nutrition in Windsor Students

Technology is ubiquitous, and a team of researchers at UConn are harnessing our everyday technology to address obesity issues in children and young adults (Poulin & Peng, 2018). Social media and text messages are a common communication tool among multiple populations, and can positively influence behavior change in health and nutrition (Hsu, M.S.H., Rouf, A., […]

Preventing Early Childhood Obesity

Preventing obesity in early childhood is a critical issue being addressed by a multi-disciplinary team from UConn. It’s one of three complementary projects led by faculty in Allied Health Sciences, and is funded by a grant from the Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut. The project focuses on preventing obesity in early childhood by […]

National Hand Washing Week

As part of Marc Cournoyer’s involvement with the Healthy Homes Partnership, he created a poster contest to recognize national hand washing awareness week which runs from Dec. 2-8.  Some of the kids from the Windham Heights 4-H club created posters to educate the public on the importance of hand washing. Marc is a UConn Extension […]

Food Safety – Approved Grower Courses Available

FSMA Produce Safety Rule/Produce Safety Alliance Approved Grower Training Course    December 5 and 6, 2018; December 7, Snow Date  8:30 am through 3:30 pm  Middlesex County Extension Center  1066 Saybrook Road  Haddam, Connecticut 06438  Registration Deadline Monday, November 26  Space is limited to 30 participants.  REGISTRATION: Course fees are $50 for Connecticut Farmers; $150 […]

Communicating Towards Improved Health and Nutrition

Obesity is increasingly affecting residents of Connecticut. Recent statistics report that 20% of children and 36% of young adults are afflicted by obesity (Poulin & Peng, 2018). A team of Extension educators, faculty, and graduate students in Allied Health Sciences are working with community partners to take a multi-faceted approach to addressing health and nutrition […]

Pesticide Safety Educator Receives Award

Indianapolis, IN. A NPSEC team comprised of staff and PSEP coordinators that are members of the Respirator Collaboration Team participated in eXtension’s Impact Collaborative Summit in Indianapolis from October 16th – 18th. The purpose of the Summit was for institutional and national Extension teams to bring projects and programs from various topic areas to find […]

CT Trail Census Update

Greetings, trail folks! As seasons change and everyone debates which one is the best, we here at the CT Trail Census (CTTC) realized that thanks to last year’s CTTC volunteer participants, we actually do have data with which to rank the seasons with! Trail use data, of course! So here it goes: According to last year’s data, […]

Well Water: Protecting Your Well

There are a number of steps that a homeowner can take to help protect their private well. Water should be diverted away from the wellhead to prevent the pooling and potential introduction of contaminated water  into the well. Keep the well in good repair.  A faulty well can allow surface water to reach groundwater without […]

Halloween Health Tips

Trick or Treat: Halloween is filled with sweet temptations and scary over-eating. Here are a few tips to help both adults and children avoid over indulging. Be a role model! Make sure your little goblins eat a healthy meal before trick or treating. Create a Healthy Family Halloween Tradition like Butternut Squash soup. Pair it […]

Equine Owners Should Vaccinate for EEE, Warns CVMDL at UConn

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) is a disease caused by a virus that mosquitos transmit. The name of the disease is misleading in that this virus can infect and cause disease in humans and a wide variety of animal species, including birds as well as horses and other equids. Horses that have not been vaccinated for […]

October Apple Challenge with the Tray Project

October meant apple challenges for school districts participating in the Put Local On Your Tray Project. You can find recipes for apples on the website. They also share the following about apples: In the Past: Apple trees belong to the rose family, and originated in Central Asia in the mountains of southern Kazakhastan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, […]

Home Water Systems: Wells

In Connecticut, approximately 15% of residents receive their drinking water from private wells. In rural areas of the state, that percentage increases to greater than 90%. An owner of a private well is also a manager of the well.  As manager of the well, the homeowner is responsible for making sure that the water is safe […]