Ebony Horsewomen, Incorporated is a non-profit equestrian facility in the North End of Hartford that has been empowering Hartford, Bloomfield, and Windsor residents through equine programs for over 36 years. Patricia “Pat” Kelly is the program founder and CEO. The programs offered by Ebony Horsewomen include youth development, mental health, and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. An […]
UConn Extension: Committed to a Sustainable Future
Connecticut has faced challenges related to sustainable landscapes, food and agriculture, health, and the climate for generations. As problems are solved, new issues arise. UConn Extension educators work in all 169 cities and towns of Connecticut to help solve the problems that our residents, communities, and state face. Connecting people with agriculture, the natural environment, […]
CEDAS Receives Excellence in Economic Development Award from the International Economic Development Council
Connecticut Economic Development Association (CEDAS) won a Bronze Rank for its Best Practices in Land Use and Economic Development Certification Program, a project in the category of Innovation Programs and Initiatives of the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). The honor was presented at an awards ceremony during the IEDC Annual Conference. CEDAS is Connecticut’s economic […]
Connecting and Transforming Communities with Rich Mutts
Rich Mutts ’06 (CLAS) graduated from UConn with a bachelor of arts in human development and family sciences. The New Haven school system quickly hired him. As his career progressed, he knew that he wanted to do more to make positive changes in the community. In 2016, Rich had the opportunity to join the Meriden […]
Meet Kim Bradley, our CT Trail Census Coordinator
Kim Bradley recently joined UConn Extension as the project coordinator for the Connecticut Trail Census. Welcome, Kim! Kimberly Bradley is dedicated and passionate about engaging individuals and communities in outdoor activities and connecting them to our public lands and educating others to maintain resilient ecological systems. Her involvement in the conservation and trails communities includes […]
Part-Time Agriculture Program Coordinator In-Training Position Open
We are seeking a part-time (20 hours/week) Agriculture Program Coordinator-in-Training to work on our Mashantucket Pequot Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP). The incumbent will work collaboratively with a team of Extension professionals, tribal members, and leaders to empower members of Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (MPTN) and communities through nutrition education and youth engagement. This […]
Fairfield County 4-H Grows True Leaders: Youth Garden Club Serves the Community
Throughout the summer, 20 youth in the 4-H Community Garden Club have managed a one-acre garden in New Milford. They were led by leaders Anna Loor and her daughter Amira. Each youth worked eight hours every week at the garden and during 4-H time, learned the principles of seeding, planting, weeding, harvesting and garden pests. Critical thinking […]
UConn Extension Releases Evidence-Based Information Sheets on the Impacts of Trails
UConn Extension and the National Park Service are pleased to announce the publication of the Impacts of Trails info-sheet series. As communities throughout the U.S. and the world cope with the devastating toll of COVID-19, the pandemic has brought a renewed focus on the importance of local trails. These one-page color, downloadable resources provide evidence–based information […]
Food and Nutrition Security in Fairfield County
Seniors Eating Well Program: A community partnership between UConn Extension SNAP-Ed Food Security project, Elmwood Hall Senior Center, Danbury Farmers’ Market and Clatter Valley Farm provides a free produce box ($10 value) for seniors in need. SNAP-Ed provides nutrition education materials following the Penn State Seniors Eating Well curriculum and includes a postcard with QR […]
Summer Library Program Brings 4-H STEM to New London County Youth
The 4-H Summer Library program in New London County started seven years ago with a program at the Waterford Library. The program added a few libraries every year. This year 12 libraries in the county are participating. Pamela Gray, the UConn Extension 4-H Educational Outreach Coordinator for New London County leads the program. Therese Foss, […]
Meet Bianca Castelan: Financial Literacy for Youth and Young Adults Intern
Hi, my name is Bianca Castelan and I am the Financial Literacy for Youth and Young Adults Intern for summer 2020 with the UConn Extension Financial Education Program. At UConn, I am studying Psychological Sciences with a minor in Spanish. During my two years working in the Community Outreach Program Jumpstart I had the opportunity […]
Healthy Family CT Website
Want to learn more about how to make healthy meals on a budget or how to keep your kids healthy? Our Healthy Family Connecticut website has various resources that can help. Visit: https://healthyfamilyct.cahnr.uconn.edu/
Dealing with Wind and Storm Damaged Trees
Article by Tom Worthley, UConn Extension This week on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, a striking example of one of those “severe weather events” we hear about from time to time occurred in CT. Tropical Storm Isaias, is being compared in the media to Super Storm Sandy and other severe storms in 2011 and 2012 in […]
In a Paradise Threatened, Teaching Girls to Be the Change They Want to See
Tessa L. Getchis, aquaculture extension educator and aquaculture extension specialist for Connecticut Sea Grant and UConn Extension for the last 20 years, spent last August through December in the Dominican Republic with her husband Ryan and their two school-aged daughters. While past trips to this island nation had been vacation-length recreational time, this was an […]
Connecticut Residents Asked to Report Receipt of any Unsolicited Packages of Seeds
(HARTFORD, CT)- The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg) and The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES) have been notified that several Connecticut residents have received unsolicited packages containing seeds that appear to have originated from China. The types of seeds in the packages are unknown at this time and may be invasive plant species. The […]
COVID-19 & Social Capital Resources
Updated COVID-19 Resources from CDC: CDC has a new Toolkit for Young Adults: 15 to 21 that includes easy to read FAQ’s, fact sheets, infographics, PSA’s, social media messages, and videos. The webpage contains a Coronavirus Self-Checker with questions to help individuals determine if they need to seek medical care. Compiled mental health resources are also published on […]
New UConn Healthy Family CT Website Launched!
We have launched our new Healthy Family Connecticut website! Visit: https://healthyfamilyct.cahnr.uconn.edu/adults/
Public meeting about CT estuarine reserve set for Aug. 4
The CT-NERR (National Estuarine Research Reserve) is currently in a designation process that involves developing an environmental impact statement (EIS) and a management plan (MP). When completed (estimated to be spring 2021), these documents will be submitted to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for review and approval. As part of the EIS requirements, […]
Meet Autumn Blasi: UConn EFNEP Intern
Hi! My name is Autumn Blasi, and I’m one of the summer interns with UConn CAHNR Extension. I’m currently working in clinical and community nutrition with organizations like the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), and the Human Resource Agencies (HRA) of Bristol and New Britain. At UConn, I major in Nutritional Sciences, with […]
4-H in Sprague
One of UConn 4-H’s partners is the Sprague Public Library. “I cannot say enough about the programs 4-H offers libraries,” says Elizabeth Bezanson, the Sprague Public Library Director. “The 4-H educators are always extremely personable and well prepared for any number of participants or age group. Activities are engaging for our participants and, particularly in […]
Improving Health and Nutrition in Hartford
Participants at the Village Family Resource Center at Burns Latino Studies Academy in Hartford wanted more information on health and nutrition. Our Expanded Food and Nutrition Education program (EFNEP) partnered with the Family Resource Center to provide five educational outreach sessions in 2019. Community members wanted to learn about food security, healthy choices, feeding children, […]
Meet Megan Davenport: Hartford County 4-H Intern
Hi everyone! My name is Megan Davenport and I am Hartford County’s 4-H Intern this summer! I am currently a junior at UConn in Storrs, CT and am double majoring in Animal Science (ANSC) and Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) and minoring in Agriculture Outreach and Learning. At UConn, I am heavily involved in the […]
People Empowering People
A UConn Program Partnering with Correctional Institutions UConn Extension has partnered with the Department of Corrections to offer the UConn People Empowering People Program at Correctional Institutions (UConn PEPCI) for over twenty years. UConn PEPCI is a personal and family leadership program modeled after the community UConn People Empowering People (UConn PEP) program and focuses […]
Riverfront Recapture’s partnership with UConn Extension’s CT Trail Census
Riverfront Recapture‘s partnership with UConn Extension’s CT Trail Census has advanced our mission to improve the quality of life and urban vitality for those who live, work and play in central Connecticut. Specifically, Trail Census data has supported successful funding requests, including our 2019 Bank of America Neighborhood Builders Award, and was integral to our recent request to […]
Meet Nikki Santillo: New Haven County Farmer’s Market Intern
Hello, my name is Nikki Santillo. I am interning with the New Haven County farmer’s market. I am a rising junior majoring in Nutritional Sciences with a minor in Food Science. In the fall semester, I was able to connect with an after school program the nutrition club supported. I helped inform the children about […]
Tour des Farms Annual Bike Ride Uplifts Local Farmers All Summer Long
Your Scenic Summer Ride Can Support Connecticut Farmers and Help Tackle Food Insecurity Statewide – Connecticut Resource Conservation and Development (CT RC&D) is a statewide nonprofit agriculture and environmental organization focused on sustainable Connecticut communities and rural prosperity. On July 1st, they’re launching the 3rd Annual Tour des Farms Fundraiser, a bicycle (2020 to include […]
Meet Carl Johnson: Plant Diagnostic & Horticulture Intern
Hello! My name is Carl Johnson I am the Plant diagnostic & Horticulture intern at the UConn Plant Diagnostic Lab. I am a graduate of the Ratcliffe Hicks plant science program(RHSA) and am going into my senior year as a Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems (SPSS) major. Before enrolling in UConn I worked as a […]
Congrats UConn 4-H Video Contest Winners!
Congratulations to the winners of the UConn 4-H video contest! Thank you to all the participants for doing a wonderful job sharing their 4-H skills and knowledge. We can virtually come together and learn from each other. To view the videos visit: https://bit.ly/4-HVideoContest. Our members demonstrate how to stitch, care for animals, plant seeds and […]
Meet Zachary Duda: Litchfield County 4-H Intern
Hello my name is Zachary Duda and I am excited to be an intern this summer with Litchfield County 4-H! I am currently a senior pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Connecticut. At UConn I serve as the President of the UConn Agricultural Advocacy Club and am […]
Meet Jade Hardrick: CEDAS & Best Practices in Economic Development Program Intern
Jade Hardrick is a rising junior at the University of Connecticut and is from South Windsor, CT. She is currently double majoring in economics and urban & community studies. Her interests include urban planning, business, and law. She plans to obtain an advanced degree in at least one of those listed fields. On campus, she […]
Meet Sydney Collins: NRCA Intern
Hello all! My name is Sydney Collins, and I am excited to announce my partnership with UConn Extension as a NRCA Intern for the Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA) in Summer 2020. More about me, I am a rising sophomore at the University of Connecticut studying Environmental Science with a keen interest in Urban and Community Development. […]
Conservation Training Partnerships
Connecting Generations for Conservation The Cheshire Land Trust’s largest conservation property, Ives Farm, is a working 164-acre farm along the Quinnipiac River that includes picturesque public hiking trails through 80 acres of woodlands with mature stands of oak, mixed hardwoods, and old field cedars. In recent years, the trails became overgrown, impassable in spots and […]
Celebrate National Pollinator Week!
This week highlights the crucial role of pollinators in our food supply, crop success and persistence of the plants we admire. Pollinator activity is needed for the reproduction of over 85% of the world’s flowering plants including over 1,200 crop plants. We can take time to learn more about pollinators and reflect on the need […]
Meet Neva Taylor: Extension Intern and Podcast Host
Hi! My name is Neva Taylor and I am one of the summer interns with the CT Trail Census and UConn CAHNR Extension. At UConn, I am a double major in Urban and Community Studies (UCS) and Sociology, and in the Master’s in Public Policy (MPP) fast track program. At UConn I am on the […]
COVID-19 Trail Impact Report: April-May 2020
CONNECTICUT TRAIL CENSUS RELEASES COVID-19 TRAIL IMPACT REPORT FOR APRIL-MAY 2020 We are pleased to release the latest data on how several of the state’s most popular multi-use trails are being impacted by COVID-19. The new report documents trail use during April-May 2020 at 12 sites on multi-use trails in Connecticut, and compares use with […]
Partner Testimonials
Partnerships are at the foundation of Extension’s work statewide in all 169 towns and cities of Connecticut. We integrate with agencies and non-profits in communities in a variety of ways. “Our partnerships strengthen Extension, and in turn increase our statewide impact. Our innovative collaborations allow Extension and our partners to reach respective goals together.” ~ […]
On the Trail Podcast
Did you know that the CT Trail Census is starting a podcast? Well they are! It is called “On the Trail” and each week they focus on a different path having to do with trails and nature in Connecticut. This week’s episode features an interview with Cary Chadwick, a geospatial educator, about how to find […]
What is It?
What is it? The Spotted Pine Sawyer Beetle. It is right on time with adults appearing in June. It’s look alike is the Asian Longhorn Beetle, but the adult stage for the ALB occurs during August, says Carol Quish from our UConn Home & Garden Education Center. Ask us your question at: http://bit.ly/AskUConnExtension_form Our colleagues at University of […]
UConn PEP: Empowering Communities
The UConn People Empowering People Program is an innovative personal and family development program with a strong community focus. Created by Cheryl Czuba, UConn Extension Educator, and coordinated by Cathleen T. Love, Ph.D, UConn Professor of Extension, The UConn PEP program has graduated over one thousand people in over fifteen years. The UConn PEP program […]
A Message to the CAHNR Community
Dear Friends and Colleagues – The events of the past few weeks have brought sadness and outrage to communities across our nation. The senseless killing of black men and women demonstrates that as a nation, we need to make further and strong progress toward our aspirations of a diverse and inclusive society. The College of […]