Volunteers are the backbone of the UConn 4-H program and are who keep the program vibrant. “Volunteer helps grow true leaders” Dr. Larry Penington of the First Town Veterinary Science 4-H Club of Hartford County 4-H has volunteered 23 years of service to this program. An interview was conducted with him and below are his […]
Volunteer Spotlight: Nate McMullin of Hartford County 4-H Camp
Hartford County 4-H Camp, located on 100 acres in Marlborough, Connecticut has been offering camp experience for over 56 years to youth ranging from age 7 to 15. 4-H camp offers various options and sessions throughout the summer months and hosts small team building events in the off season for teenagers. Bring-your-own horse camp is […]
Volunteer Spotlight: Steve Kenton
UConn Extension’s Center for Learning in Retirement (CLIR) provides meaningful and serious intellectual activities for retirees and other adults from all walks of life, conducted in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. Volunteers work to put together interesting speakers for various sessions through the year. One of these volunteers is CLIR President, Dr. Steve Kenton. With […]
¡Sí Se Puede! Empowering Families with Monica Jimenez
As a child, Monica Jimenez would have fun pretending to be a teacher. In high school, her interests shifted from teaching to law. Soon after beginning law school she realized that path was not for her. She then found her true passion, Special Education. Monica graduated from La Universidad de Azuay in Ecuador with a […]
¡Sí Se Puede! Empoderando Familias con Monica Jimenez
De niña Monica Jimenez jugaba a ser maestra. En la escuela secundaria, sus intereses pasaron de educación a la abogacía. Poco después de comenzar la escuela de leyes, se dio cuenta de que ese camino no era para ella. Luego encontró su verdadera pasión, la Educación Especial. En 1996, Monica se graduó de La Universidad […]
Elevating Voices with UConn PEP
UConn PEP Goes Online Our communities are stronger when all voices are elevated and included. UConn Extension’s People Empowering People (UConn PEP) program elevates voices by empowering individuals through community-based parent leadership training. People Empowering People builds on the unique strengths and life experiences of the participants. The program emphasizes the connection between individuals and […]
Local Food and Agriculture
Connecting Farmers and Consumers in the Northeast Corner Local food and agriculture took a spotlight in 2020 as residents avoided grocery stores and sought out contactless and close to home food options during the unfolding of COVID-19. Coincidentally, just months earlier, UConn Extension launched a new federally funded project to increase direct-to-consumer sales for farm […]
N-Sink Online Tool
A New Way of Looking at Nitrogen Pollution Extension educators from the Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) and their partners have developed an online tool that helps land owners and land use decision makers better understand the direct connection between their land and nitrogen (N) pollution in coastal waters. The tool, called […]
Frontlines of Extension
Meet Some of our Staff Extension serves over 124,265 individuals statewide every year. Our staff are essential to the success of our Extension programs— ensuring that participants, volunteers, and educators have what they need. We’re pleased to introduce you to a few of the faces on our frontlines. Maria Camara Haddam Office “I support all […]
ACE C & A Awards – UConn 2021
We would like to congratulate all of the UConn Extension team members who received awards from the Association for Communication Excellence (ACE)! Thank you for your hard work and continued efforts. All award recipients will be recognized at the ACE virtual conference in June. Rising Star Award Recipient: Stacey Stearns C & A Awards […]
CT Trail Census
A Yearly Review The Connecticut Trail Census (CTTC) is a volunteer-based program that brings transparent trail use data to the community and state through a network of infrared trail counters statewide and through implementation of trail-based user surveys. CTTC was created four years ago, and the data generated each year is instrumental in helping with […]
UConn Environment Corps
Connecting Students to Communities Riverfront climate resilience. Low impact development practices to reduce stormwater runoff. Brownfields redevelopment grant proposals. Forest resilience planning. The impact of sea level rise on marinas. What do all these things have in common? They are all the focus of projects conducted for Connecticut communities by undergraduates enrolled in the Environment […]
Connecticut Institute of Water Resources 2021 Newsletter
In a state like Connecticut where water seems plentiful, it is easy to take water for granted. As long as clean water comes out of the tap, water issues may not rise to the top of our list of concerns. Although we do have plentiful water for the most part, there are still many reasons […]
Resilience Through Partnerships
Enhancing Food Security in Fairfield County Food insecurity is not a new phenomenon, but the COVID-19 pandemic intensified the situation for many residents, including those in Fairfield County. Food banks and pantries across the state expanded their services to help the increasing numbers of food insecure families. The pandemic introduced Heather Peracchio, an Assistant Extension […]
Supporting Families and Communities
Joyce Ann Hyde Foundation Sustains Food Donations 4-H is a family tradition for the Hyde’s of New London County. Brothers Harlan and Brandon Hyde were both active as youth, and now their children are members. They represent the slogan that 4-H grows true leaders—Brandon ’01 (CAHNR) has served on the alumni board for CAHNR and […]
We All Scream for Ice Cream
Alums Integral to Success of Operation Community Impact Ice cream is one of life’s simple joys and something every age group enjoys. It’s also a rare treat for those relying on food pantries for their meals—and one they enjoyed in May through the efforts of our 4-H alumni and UConn Extension’s Operation Community Impact. Meg […]
Making the Best Better
4-H Members Civic Engagement Initiative Has Statewide Impact Food insecurity spiked across Connecticut because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The UConn 4-H team led and coordinated Operation Community Impact, a grassroots effort to help local families with food insecurity issues intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. The effort also addresses surplus milk issues that negatively impact dairy […]
Urban Agriculture Community Advisory Board
Attention New Haven Residents: Do you want to create an environment that supports all residents so that they can benefit from urban agriculture and its positive impacts on health, social, economic and environmental? Apply to the Urban Agriculture Community Advisory Council and help create a community-led vision and a plan for urban agriculture in New […]
Extension Services
Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online (CT ECO) CT ECO is a mapping website that contains environmental and natural resource geographic information for Connecticut. The site encourages, supports, and promotes informed land use and development decisions in Connecticut by providing local, state and federal agencies, and the general public with convenient access to the most up-to-date and complete natural resource […]
Highlights of Extension Report
Committed to a Sustainable Future Connecticut has faced challenges related to sustainable landscapes, food and agriculture, health, and the climate for generations. As problems are solved, new issues arise. Our educators faced the unprecedented challenges of 2020 and pivoted programs to offer life transformative education despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Programming moved to virtual environments through […]
Danbury Head Start and EFNEP Zoom Graduation
“Me encanto aprendí mucho.” “Fue de mucha ayuda y ahora lo pongo en práctica. Me ayudo mucho a comer más saludable y a gastar menos dinero comprando comida en ofertas.” “Tratare de integrar a mis comidas todos los consejos que aprendi en esta clase ya que son muy productivos. Gracias por compartir con nosotras todos […]
Volunteer Spotlight: Dr. Larry Pennington
UConn Extension is celebrating National Volunteer Week! Volunteers dedicate time to their communities, and we appreciate their contributions to make Extension programs successful. Dr. Larry Pennington is one of these people who embodies what a volunteer should be. He has volunteered his time for 23 years to UConn 4-H and his club, the First Town […]
‘Completely Connecticut Agriculture’ Explores the Creativity and Resilience of Connecticut Farmers
It’s easy to take our food supply for granted while strolling through the abundant aisles of a grocery store. We do not often consider how our food gets to the store or where it comes from. A group of students in UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR) is bridging the communication gap […]
Rachael Manzer Wins the Northeast Region 4-H Volunteer of the Year Award
Rachael Manzer, a five-year volunteer with UConn’s Granby 4-H Club of Granby, a UConn 4-H Alum, and former NASA astronaut teacher, won the Northeast Region 4-H Volunteer of the Year after being selected by UConn. Hartford County 4-H Extension Educator, Jen Cushman notes, “Rachael’s dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of 4-H […]
CLEAR Webinars In April
WEDNESDAY, April 21, 2021 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM The N-Sink Tool: Tracking Nitrogen Through Coastal Watersheds Chet Arnold, UConn Dept. of Extension & CLEAR Qian Lei-Parent, UConn Dept of Extension & CLEAR Land use planners, property owners, and watershed managers need all the help that they can get to reduce the impacts of nitrogen […]
Job Opening: Evaluation Specialist/Academic Assistant II
Position Location: Storrs, CT Position Description: Reporting to the CAHNR Associate Dean for Extension, the Evaluation Specialist works with an interdisciplinary team of faculty and staff in UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR). The Evaluation Specialist provides leadership to build Cooperative Extension’s capacity to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of Extension’s instructional […]
All Paws In – Join Us for UConn Gives
In a time of extraordinary circumstances, UConn has adapted by seeking new opportunities and new ways to keep UConn Nation connected in a socially distant world. Through all the change and uncertainty, there has been one constant—our commitment to providing an exceptional education to our program participants. During this year’s UConn Gives, a 36-hour giving initiative, […]
4-H Members Share Project at National Agriscience Summit
UConn 4-H Litchfield County was one of seven 4-H groups in the country to be selected to create and submit a five to seven minute video to be made available to participants at the 2021 National 4-H Agriscience Summit held earlier this month. The video highlights the county’s Community Action Plan entitled Operation Community Impact, […]
Job Opening: Urban Agriculture Assistant/Associate Extension Educator
Job Opening: Urban Agriculture Assistant/Associate Extension Educator The Department of Extension is seeking applicants for a full-time (11 month), non-tenure track Assistant/Associate Extension Educator, primarily based at the Fairfield County Extension Office in Bethel, CT. Extension Educators are community-based faculty who make a difference in communities by connecting community needs with University resources. Position […]
Undergraduate Summer Internships with UConn Extension
Applications are being accepted for UConn Extension’s undergraduate summer internship program. Students: Get paid and gain valuable in-the-field experience in your chosen discipline at an in-state Extension office location. • Food • Health • Nutrition • Sustainability • Research • Agribusiness • Youth Education • Community Development • Marketing Learn where Extension offices are located across the […]
Extension Impacts – 2020
Extension is a part of UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources (CAHNR). We have over 100 years of experience strengthening communities in Connecticut and beyond. Extension programs cover the full spectrum of topics aligned with CAHNR’s strategic initiatives: Ensuring a vibrant and sustainable agricultural industry and food supply Enhancing health and well-being locally, […]
FoodCorps Service Member Positions
As a FoodCorps service member you will teach students in the classroom and garden, but you will also learn skills that will help you grow professionally and personally. Apply to serve at www.foodcorps.org/apply What is FoodCorps? What will you do as a service member? Click here to learn more. Click here to view position descriptions.
Healing and Empowerment Through a Connection with a Horse
A group of young Black men confidently guide their horses through the streets of Hartford’s North End. They smile and wave to friends and residents as they ride through the neighborhood. But this isn’t a chance encounter. They are members of the Junior Mounted Patrol Unit at Ebony Horsewomen, Incorporated, a non-profit equestrian and therapeutic […]
Connecting Connecticut: A New Podcast from UConn Extension
Land-grant universities have provided communities, organizations, farmers and individuals with practical knowledge rooted in research through the Cooperative Extension System since the passage of the Smith-Lever Act in 1914. Over the last 107 years a lot has changed with our Extension systems. The program has expanded beyond its agricultural production origin to encompass a […]
2021 NACDEP Member Services Webinar
NACDEP WEBINAR WEDNESDAY SESSION TO LOOK AT BEST PRACTICES IN LAND USE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The presentation for January is “Best Practices in Land Use and Economic Development – A Program for Municipal Accreditation.” It will be presented by Laura Brown, an Associate Professor, Community & Economic Development Educator with the University of Connecticut Department of Extension […]
What is Extension – New Video Released
UConn Extension connects thousands of people across Connecticut and beyond each year, with the research and resources of the University of Connecticut’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. We are comprised of more than 100 educators and a vast network of volunteers. UConn Extension works collaboratively to build more resilient communities through educational initiatives […]
Farm Flavor Magazine Features Extension Programs
In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, farmers urgently needed access to the newest information on government compliance, health protocols, federal aid and more. UConn Extension put together its own website for COVID-19-related information for both farmers and consumers on production, distribution and processing. UConn Extension also responded by organizing an initiative that enlisted […]
Local 4-H Families Deliver More Milk to Families in Need
Our UConn 4-H Litchfield County and UConn 4-H New London County programs continued their grassroots efforts to help local families in need this week. This effort builds upon several dairy donations that have gone to food pantries statewide over the past few months since the pandemic started back in March. Over 144,000 pounds of dairy […]
Holiday Greetings
Happy holidays from your friends at UConn Extension. We are committed to a sustainable future. Thank you for your partnership in creating transformational programming for Extension participants and stakeholders in all 169 municipalities of Connecticut.
Wethersfield PEP: Growing Community and Expanding Opportunities in 2021
Article by Jeanine Berasi Wethersfield PEP is our community name for the UConn Extension People Empowering People Certification Program facilitated here in our beautiful town. Overall, PEP is a 10-week information and action driven course with a community service component as designated by UConn Extension. Upon graduation participants receive official certification through UConn Extension. PEP […]