Dr. Jeantyl Norze joined Extension as our Evaluation Specialist in January of 2022. “I am very excited to join the UConn CAHNR Extension and hopeful about my contributions to help advance the land grant mission of the university. CAHNR Extension has an amazing dynamic team who is knowledgeable and open to new ideas that help […]
Urban Agriculture Webinar – January 19th
Join us on January 19th at 7 PM for a webinar on Urban Agriculture Opportunities in Connecticut. Dean Indrajeet Chaubey from the UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, and Extension educators Jacqueline Kowalski and Jiff Martin are presenting along with the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, USDA, and the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Full details and […]
Job Openings with Extension and CAHNR
We are hiring! Extension and the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources currently have several open positions. The list of positions is below, as well as the link to the job description and details on how to apply. Associate Dean for Extension and Diversity 4-H Youth Development Food and Agricultural Literacy- Assistant/Associate Cooperative Extension […]
January CLIR Lifelong Learning Classes Cancelled
Attention Lifelong Learners: Our CLIR program classes for January are cancelled. For now, the February schedule remains as is, however we will provide an update at the end of the month. You can watch recordings of previous classes at clir.uconn.edu. Stay safe!
Cooking with Marissa Cardona and Umekia Taylor
This is the time of year when we celebrate traditions with family and friends, and create new traditions. Marissa Perez Cardona and Umekia Taylor from our UConn Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program- EFNEP celebrated Hispanic Heritage and discussed Latin culinary traditions and how we can incorporate these vibrant flavors into our meals throughout […]
New Sea Grant Staff to Work on Climate Initiatives
If experience really is the best teacher, Deborah Abibou and Alicia Tyson have been to some of the prime places to learn about community resilience work. Those include locations facing some of the biggest challenges from sea level rise, intensifying storms and other climate change effects: Puerto Rico, Louisiana, Peru and Costa Rica. Now, they’re […]
Job Opening: Educational Program Assistant in Brooklyn
Educational Program Assistant 1, Windham County Extension APPLY NOW – Search #: 495903 Apply here: https://jobs.hr.uconn.edu/cw/en-us/job/495903/educational-program-assistant-1-windham-county-extension Work type: Part-timeLocation: Windham County Extension CenterCategories: Academic Programs and Services JOB SUMMARY The UConn Extension Center located in Brooklyn CT is seeking applications for one Educational Program Assistant 1, part-time position (50%). The position is responsible for supporting and helping implement high-quality, comprehensive, […]
Welcome Emely to the UConn CT Trails Team
UConn Extension is excited to welcome Emely Ricci to the UConn Connecticut Trails team as an intern focused on supporting the Connecticut Trail Finder. Emely is a first-year graduate student in UConn’s MPA program. She hopes to go on and work in environmental policy in the future. She takes a keen interest in climate justice, […]
Job: Associate Dean for Extension and Diversity
The College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR) at the University of Connecticut (UConn) invites applications for the position of Associate Dean for Extension and Diversity with appointment as Full Professor with tenure in a CAHNR Department related to the candidate’s academic discipline. We are seeking an inspirational, dynamic, and visionary individual to provide […]
Support for Extension
Thank you! Your support helped us co-create solutions to the critical issues facing Connecticut in 2021. We are committed to providing transformational learning experiences to all our audiences. Extension continues to adapt and collaborate to find solutions for the human, environmental, and agricultural issues that our state faces. You can support Extension at: s.uconn.edu/givetoextension
Celebrate Native American History with Recipes
November is Native American History month and our UConn Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) recommends adding some Native American recipes to your menu. We have the Blueberry Slump and Three Sisters recipes in English and Spanish. In Native American folklore, blueberries are called “star berries’ because the blossom at the end of […]
Winter Riding Program with Department of Animal Science
The Department of Animal Science is offering the Winter Riding Program to the UConn community and public beginning December 13th and registration is now open! Space is limited so reserve your spot today and share with anyone who may be interested! Please visit https://animalscience.cahnr.uconn.edu/winter-riding/ for more information including registration forms.
UConn PEP Communities Welcomes New Facilitators
An update from our People Empowering People Communities program: Last week, seven people participated in facilitator training. They will bring the UConn PEP Program to their communities. They will provide this 15-session personal, family, and civic leadership development program for people in their communities encouraging them as they move forward on their leadership journeys. Congratulations […]
CT Sea Grant Upcoming Talk
Connecticut Sea Grant is offering an upcoming talk titled “The New Lawn: Landscaping for Long Island Sound” on Nov. 6 at 10:30 a.m. at the Bill Library in Ledyard. Admission is free. The talk will be given by Judy Preston, the Long Island Sound outreach coordinator for Connecticut Sea Grant. For more information reach out […]
Danbury Farmers’ Market YouTube Page
SNAP-Ed has been a long standing community partner of the Danbury Farmers’ Market Community Collaborative (DFMCC) providing on-site indirect or direct nutrition education for the past 12 years. In the past 5 years, SNAP participants have benefited from direct nutrition education via a 30-minute bilingual nutrition presentation and cooking demonstration. This year given COVID-19, only farm […]
Enrolling Now: People Empowering People Communities
Our communities need leaders, and empowered people create positive action. We are registering community members for our in person and online People Empowering People (PEP) Communities Facilitator Training now. Learn more at https://pep.extension.uconn.edu/.
Part-time Jobs: Master Gardener County Coordinator Positions
We have two part-time jobs open for Master Gardener County Coordinators, one in Tolland County (Vernon office) and one in New London County (Norwich office). Position descriptions and application information are below. Position Description: Master Gardener County Coordinator – Tolland County (We also have a position open in New London County – see below for […]
Job Openings in Farmington and Bethel
We’re hiring! Extension has two positions open: Assistant/Associate Cooperative Extension Educator (UConn 4-H educator based in our Bethel office) Educational Program Assistant 1, Hartford County Extension (75% part-time position located in Hartford). Apply online at https://hr.uconn.edu/jobs/. Educational Program Assistant (75% Position) JOB SUMMARY The UConn Extension Center located in Farmington, CT is seeking applications […]
Extension EFNEP Programming Positively Impacts Participants
Our Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) shifted during the pandemic, just as everyone did. Last summer I had the opportunity to work with Bristol and New Britain HRA programs teaching their summer youth employment program. Their Program Director asked me to create a five-week virtual class, with 16 hours’ worth of work per […]
Key questions about environmental contaminants to be addressed by CTSG, partners
Connecticut Sea Grant, in partnership with the New Hampshire and North Carolina Sea Grant programs, has been awarded an $850,000 federal grant to help unravel the complex problem of contaminants of emerging concern, or CECs, in coastal and freshwater environments. CECs are residues of products commonly used by people and businesses, including pharmaceuticals, personal care […]
Cooking Citrus Vegetables with UConn EFNEP
Citrus vegetables are a healthy meal choice. Make some with us using the easy-to-follow recipe: https://www.myplate.gov/recipes/supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program-snap/citrus-vegetables Heather Peracchio and Juliana Restrepo Marin walk us through the recipe for this delicious meal.
Making Waldorf Salad with Angie Surowiecki from UConn EFNEP
Angie Surowiecki from our UConn Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) walks us through making a Waldorf salad. The directions and ingredients can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbf_KFbBL9Y
Simple Stuffed Peppers with UConn EFNEP
Ready to make simple stuffed peppers with us? The recipe is available at: https://www.myplate.gov/recipes/supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program-snap/simple-stuffed-peppers. Heather Peracchio and Juliana Restrepo Marin walk us through the recipe for these peppers!
Apply to Become a UConn Extension Master Gardener
2022 classes will include hybrid and virtual options Fall is a great time to plan for next year’s gardening activities! Apply now for the 2022 UConn Extension Master Gardener Program. Classes will be held in New Haven, Norwich, Tolland, Torrington, and Stamford. The deadline for applications is Friday, October 18, 2021. “The program provides the […]
Zucchini Stir Fry with UConn EFNEP
Enjoy zucchini from your garden or farmer’s market bounty with this quick and easy vegetable side dish. Heather Peracchio and Juliana Restrepo Marin walk us through the recipe for this delicious and healthy dish.
Tackling Food & Justice, Youth Style!
On Wednesday, August 18th, The CT Farm to School Collaborative partnered with The CT Youth Food Program Alliance to host a virtual event, for youth, by youth! The virtual event included a career panel, and mini-workshops, that were hosted by the following Youth MCs, Sayaada Arouna of Grow Hartford Youth Program, Melyssa Cristino of Grow Windham, […]
UConn People Empowering People (PEP) Communities
Our communities need leaders and empowered individuals create positive action. UConn PEP Communities helps individuals build on their unique strengths and life experiences. Learn more at pep.extension.uconn.edu
Recover From Tropical Storm Henri
We understand that there will be a lot of cleanup required when Tropical Storm Henri recedes. Our friends at LSU AgCenter have curated the following resources in response to hurricanes and severe weather in their area. These can help you as you use a generator, recover, and clean up from the storm. Storm Recovery Guide Storm […]
Prepare for Hurricane Henri
Hurricane Henri is approaching, and our UConn Extension Disaster Education Network encourages you to prepare with an emergency supply kit and other measures. Visit https://eden.uconn.edu/ for more information.
What is UConn Extension’s People People Empowering People (PEP) Program? #AskUConnExtension
UConn Extension People Empowering People (PEP) opens doors, brings people together, provides training, builds skills, and more for participants to follow their passion and make a difference. On this week’s #AskUConnExtension Showcase meet Sheri Amechi, and learn about her transformative experience and development as a community leader in Meriden, CT. UConn Extension’s People Empowering People (UConn […]
Catch Up on the Latest Trail News with the CT Trails Program
Last month the Connecticut Trails Extension team launched The Connecticut Trails Blog on the Connecticut Trails Website! This blog will serve as a place where Connecticut Trails faculty, staff, and partners will discuss the things that are important to them, work-related and in the broader, global community. They are very excited to share with you […]
Urban Farmer Trainings in Hartford
Urban Farmers and Hartford area Friends! Get ready for Urban Farmer Trainings in Hartford! August 21st and August 28th At Keney Park Sustainability Project and KNOX Inc 9:00am to 4:00pm Join the I Got Next Farmers (Lauren Little Edutainment, Samad Garden Initiative, Micro2Life and Derrick Bedward) as they cover topics such as Community Farming Soil […]
Updated App, New Rules & Soggy Summer: Time For a Rain Garden
Story and photos by Judy Benson July’s wet weather may have dampened plans for beach days and barbeques, but it’s also a reminder of an environmental problem homeowners can help solve in their own yards. The excess of rainfall—about twice the amount normally seen so far this month—means more stormwater tainted with lawn chemicals, oil […]
New Normal with Extension Programs
Extension educators rose to the challenge and virtually shared our programs and educational outreach over the past year and a half. While we will continue incorporating virtual educational opportunities, we are eager to resume in-person programs as well. A few of our educators share what the new normal with Extension will be for their programs. […]
Save Your Boxwoods: Check Them for the Box Tree Moth!
A Message from USDA to Gardeners in Connecticut A New Invasive Pest May Be in Connecticut The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responding to a significant plant health threat and needs your help. Please check your boxwood plants for the invasive and destructive box tree moth. During the spring, a number of U.S. nurseries […]
UConn Extension is Strengthening Immunization Excitement Through USDA-NIFA, CDC Grant Funding
UConn Extension received funding to strengthen immunization excitement in Connecticut through a grant funded project by USDA-NIFA, the Extension Foundation, and the CDC. The UConn project focuses on residents in Windham, Middletown, East Hartford, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, and Groton. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided $9.95 million in funding to the […]
Job Opening: Assistant/Associate Cooperative Extension Educator Urban 4-H
Job Opening: Assistant/Associate Cooperative Extension Educator Urban 4-H UConn Extension is seeking applicants for a full-time (11-month), non-tenure track Assistant/Associate Extension Educator, primarily based at the Fairfield County Extension Office in Bethel, CT. Extension Educators are community-based faculty who make a difference in communities by connecting community needs with university resources. Position level/rank will be commensurate […]
Connecticut Residents Urged to Pick Up the Phone! for Largest-Ever Town-Level Survey on Quality of Life and Recovery from COVID-19
Connecticut Residents Urged to “Pick Up the Phone!” for Largest-Ever Town-Level Survey on Quality of Life and Recovery from COVID-19: Over 75 Leading Foundations, Hospitals, and Local Agencies Join DataHaven Initiative Over 10,000 randomly-selected Connecticut residents will participate in the 2021 Community Wellbeing Survey’s live, in-depth interviews, the fifth such survey that DataHaven has fielded […]
Volunteer Spotlight: Dr. Lynn Keller
UConn CAHNR Extension typically holds Bug Week in July; however, this year Extension has designated July as Bug Month. The UConn Extension Master Gardeners and Master Gardener interns participate. Bug Month is an educational outreach activity that promotes insects in the environment (bugs.uconn.edu/). Volunteers like Dr. Lynn Keller make this educational event fun and successful. […]
Job Openings: Educational Program Assistants
Search #: 495338 Please Apply Here: https://jobs.hr.uconn.edu/cw/en-us/job/495338/educational-program-assistant-1-tolland-county-extension Educational Program Assistant 1, Tolland County Extension Search #: 495338 Work type: Full-time Location: Tolland County Extension Ctr Categories: Academic Programs and Services JOB SUMMARY The UConn Extension Center located in Vernon, CT is seeking applications for two (2) Educational Program Assistant 1 positions – one full-time position and one part-time position (75%). These […]