4-H & Youth

Litchfield County 4-H Helps Distribute Dairy to Families in Need

Litchfield County 4-H to Help Distribute Yogurt and Sour Cream to Families in Need Background Facts: Because 30% of the fluid milk gets sold to restaurants, schools and institutions that are now closed, there is a huge surplus of fluid milk on the market now that cannot be further processed into more shelf stable products […]

Looking for Open Farm Stands? Use this Map

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, CT Northeast Organic Farming Association has partnered with the CT Dept of Agriculture to expand the list of farms, farmers’ markets, and farm stands beyond the current CT NOFA membership – free of charge and online. It is a joint effort to promote the availability of all Connecticut farmers who can provide food […]

Getting Started with Vegetable Gardening

It’s exciting for those of us who are already passionate about gardening to see the recent interest in vegetable gardens. Seed companies have been doing a great business. Every winter I love to browse seed catalogs and gardening websites and dream about the perfect garden. There is a special joy in eating something you grew […]

Grow Your Own Vegetables: We Have Tips and Resources

Have you been thinking about starting your own vegetable garden while staying home and staying healthy? Now is the perfect time to select some seeds or starter plants and get started. Growing your own vegetables is fun, cost-effective, and helps provide your family with a safe and nutritious food supply. UConn CAHNR Extension has many […]

Thank You, Volunteers!

Thank you, volunteers! It’s National Volunteer Week, and we want to thank all of our volunteers who help us provide programs in all 169 Connecticut municipalities. Last year, our volunteers donated 207,887 hours valued at $5.3 million to Extension programs, a 25% increase over 2018. Our volunteers shifted to virtual programming with us when COVID-19 […]

Litchfield County 4-H Helps Distribute Milk to Families in Need

Background Facts: Because 30% of the fluid milk gets sold to restaurants, schools and institutions that are now closed, there is a huge surplus of fluid milk on the market now that cannot be further processed into more shelf stable products like dried milk and butter fast enough. The price of milk for the farmers […]

Happy 50th Year of Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Earth day is dedicated to raising awareness and support for environmental protection. This year it is a little different as there are no outdoor events. Luckily, you can still celebrate from home! Maggi Anstett, one of our UConn CAHNR students, suggests many ways you can demonstrate your support.

Make Your Own Energy Trail Mix

Check out this awesome recipe shared by our UConn Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program- EFNEP Educator Erica! Energy Trail Mix Many prepackaged trail mixes are very expensive, plus they might have extra added sugar or salt that you don’t need. You may never buy a bagged trail mix again after you try our recipe! We’ve […]

Extension in Our Communities

Programs delivered by Extension reach individuals, communities, and businesses in each of Connecticut’s 169 municipalities. UConn Extension has collaborated with our partners, communities and stakeholders for over 100 years. Find your community on our map of Extension programs (based on 2019 data) and see how active we are in your city or town. Learn more […]

Job Opening: Educational Program Assistant – Litchfield County

The UConn Extension Center located in Litchfield County is seeking applications for a full-time Educational Program Assistant 1. This position is responsible for supporting and helping implement high quality, comprehensive, Extension programming at different program sites throughout the region, with specific support to Livestock, Greenhouse, Master Gardener and 4-H programs. The Educational Program Assistant 1 […]

Job Opening: Assistant/Associate Extension Educator – Livestock

Job Opening: We are seeking an Assistant/Associate Extension Educator, Extension Diversified Livestock. This position is based in Brooklyn, Connecticut, and is a joint appointment with the UConn Department of Animal Science in UConn CAHNR. Minimum qualifications include an earned masters’ degree in animal science. Full details and information on applying are posted at: https://bit.ly/ExtensionLivestock

Online Education Resources from Connecticut Sea Grant

Connecticut Sea Grant is encouraging teachers and parents to check out the many online educational resources available that can be used for virtual and at-home lessons about Long Island Sound and the larger marine environment. These can be found on the educational publications section of the CT Sea Grant website. In addition to online resources, a […]

4-H Youth Program Offers Virtual Activities and Programs

Calling all youth! UConn 4-H is excited to announce a suite of virtual activities and programs for youth. Our 4-H youth educators have shifted their programming online to help youth adapt to the current situation, and continue their involvement with 4-H. The UConn 4-H Challenges are two separate contests – a food art challenge and […]

Ask UConn Extension Your Questions

UConn Extension has collaborated with our partners, communities and stakeholders for over 100 years. We are proud to serve all 169 cities and towns in Connecticut. The worldwide pandemic involving COVID-19 (coronavirus) has produced unprecedented challenges in the UConn community and around the world. Our services continue during this challenging time. We are still delivering the […]

Tips for Parents and Caregivers of Children: Children and COVID-19

Tips to keep children healthy while school’s out Children are not at higher risk Based on available evidence, children do not appear to be at higher risk for COVID-19 than adults. While some children and infants have been sick with COVID-19, adults make up most of the known cases to date. You can learn more […]

Children Home From School: Advice for Parents

Children and their friends Limit Social Interactions: The key to slowing the spread of COVID-19 is to limit social interactions as much as possible. Parents should minimize play dates, and if held, parents should keep the groups small. Advise older children to hang out in a small group and to meet up outside rather than inside. […]

5 Ways to Keep Kids Engaged and Learning at Home

Article by Kittrina Thompson for National 4-H As communities across America experience the impact of school closures it can be stressful for parents and families to find resources available to maintain a sense of normalcy and make sure kids don’t get off track in their daily development. And while some schools are implementing a virtual […]

Managing Stress – You and Your Families

In this challenging time, we need to take care of each other and especially ourselves. Self-care is important to our physical and mental health. We all deserve self-care, especially now. Please consider these resources. The first is a video on managing stress during a pandemic. It was worth the 17 minutes to hear tips on […]

Things to Do While School is Closed

It is time to get creative to find some constructive ways to fill our time. It won’t take long before the board games have been played, the favorite TV shows have been watched and everyone in the house is starting to get cabin fever. In an effort to help you stay focused on something other […]

Infection Prevention Action Steps

Our UConn 4-H team developed the following fact sheet for 4-H youth during public health emergencies. The action steps can be used by any family, group, or organization. During any public health emergency, it is important that we all take a little extra time to increase sanitary practices at 4–H gatherings. Not only will this […]

Live Stream of Chicks Hatching with 4-H

New London County 4-H is excited to be incubating chicken eggs at the Extension Center. Their goal was to set up the 4-H Egg Cam so our Mahan School 4-H STEAM Club could watch the chicks hatching. BUT… YouTube changed their live stream policy and a channel cannot live stream unless it has at least 1000 […]

Litchfield County 4-H to Hold Food Insecurity Awareness Forum

Litchfield County 4-H is pleased to announce plans to hold their Food Insecurity Awareness Forum on Wednesday, March 25, at 7 pm, at the Litchfield Community Center in Litchfield. The forum will feature an educational panel discussion including several local and state experts on the subject of food insecurity in Litchfield County and a call […]

Register for UConn 4-H Goat Day

UConn 4-H Goat Day is on Saturday, April 4, 2020 from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM in the Ratcliffe Hicks Arena on the UConn-Storrs campus. This event is designed for youth ages 7-18, parents, leaders and adult goat enthusiasts from around New England. UConn 4-H Goat Day features various workshops held throughout the day such […]

Litchfield County 4-H Names Public Speaking Winners

The Litchfield County 4-H held their first annual County Public Speaking Contest recently with 12 talented 4-H members from throughout the county competing for the chance to represent the county at the State 4-H Public Speaking Contest at UConn in March. Ages of the participants ranged from 7 to 17 years old, and they chose […]

February is Heart Health Month

February is National Heart Health Month! Did you know that walking is one of the simplest ways to get active and stay active? With each step, you improve your mental and physical health. Research has shown that simply being outdoors can help brighten your mood, and relieve stress. And walking can have a significant impact […]

Rooting for Root Vegetables

We’re rooting for winter with root recipes from our Put Local On Your Tray program. Visit https://putlocalonyourtray.uconn.edu/root-recipes/ to find some warm, filling and nutritious ideas for how to cook carrots, parsnips, beets, radish, or another root vegetable.

Upcoming Equine Extension Programs

The UConn Equine Extension program has two upcoming programs for horse owners, enthusiasts, and anyone else that wants to attend. Latest Innovations and Research in Winter Horse Care – Join us on February 4th at 7 PM at the Eversource building in Newington for this presentation by Dr. Jenifer Nadeau. The event is free, and […]

Job Opening: Farm to School Project Coordinator

The CT Farm to School Collaborative (CTFTSC) is actively seeking to fill a newly created part-time position of Project Coordinator. Applications due by February 5th.  75% of the Project Coordinator’s responsibility will be working with the state’s leading Farm-to-School partners and allies to implement the recently developed CT Farm to School Action Plan. This work includes […]

Volunteer with Us

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, many use this as a day of service. Extension values the service our volunteers contribute. In 2019, they volunteered 207,887 hours across all programs, valued at $5.3 million to our communities. Volunteers contribute knowledge and experience to Extension, and expand our capacity to deliver programs in every […]

Vote for our Granby 4-H VEX Robotics Team

Please vote by 1 PM Sunday, January 19th! We need everyone’s help for our UConn 4-H Hartford County Granby 4-H VEX Robotics Team. They are tied for first – let’s help them win.   They entered a VEX Robotics Online Community Challenge. We are showcasing what 4-H and STEM looks like in CT to a […]

Winter Riding Lessons at UConn Start January 8th

The Department of Animal Science is offering the Winter Riding Program beginning January 8th and registration is now open!  This would make a great gift for the equestrian on your list or yourself!  Space is limited so reserve your spot today!  Please visit https://animalscience.cahnr.uconn.edu/winter-riding/ for more information including registration forms.

UConn 4-H Military Partnership Hosts Barnyard Boogie

The UConn 4-H Military Partnership Project joined forces with the Subase Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), Subase New London School Liaison Officer, University of Rhode Island 4-H, CT and RI National Guard CYP Coordinators, and New London County 4-H clubs for a “Barnyard Boogie” family sensory afternoon. Hosted by Horses Healing Humans, a partnering agency […]

Students Receive Change Grant for CT Environmental Action Day

Submitted by Maggi Anstett, Madeline Williams, and Margaret Sanders   Stacey Stearns, Marc Cournoyer, and Jennifer Cushman wanted to create a sub-committee to develop digital kits for middle school students for Connecticut Environmental Action Day, so they introduced the Change Grant opportunity to Maggi Anstett, Madeline Williams, and Margaret Sanders. The Change Grant is part […]

Spend Family Time Outdoors Exploring Nature

As the holiday season quickly approaches, time with family and friends is important to many of us. In honor of this past National Take a Hike Day (it was November 17th), try getting in your quality time with some fresh air this weekend! Take advantage of a local trail or path to get the blood […]

4-H Program Teaches Finances to Military Youth

A group of military affiliated youth recently wrapped up a six-week session of lessons about saving, spending, earning, and the value of a dollar, and their time. Following the Reading Makes Cents 4-H Afterschool Curriculum Guide, participants were able to inspect the hidden secrets of a dollar, learn about saving and spending, needs and wants, […]

CAHNR Strategic Visioning Process

The UConn College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources is engaged in a strategic visioning process.  You also may have received the invitation below from Dean Chaubey.  As one who knows about the College, we would love to have your input into the strategic direction the College will take over the next 5-10 years. Listening […]