Author: Syme, Rebecca

Wrack Lines explores the many facets of marine education

The new issue of Wrack Lines is now posted on the sea grant website! Learn about the inspiring journey of a mini sailboat, lessons from beaches and school aquariums and the unique geology of the Connecticut shoreline in their newest issue. More good reading can be found in articles about how the ocean literacy campaign and ocean […]

Registration now open for winter UConn Ornamental and Turf Course

  Registration now open! Winter 2024 Ornamental and Turf Short Course Wednesdays 5:30-7 pm, from January 10 – March 13, 2024  Register Here More information at  Ornamental and Turf Online Short Course Description  UConn Extension offers an online Ornamental & Turf Short Course in the fall and winter, which helps students prepare for the pesticide applicator supervisory […]

‘Seaweed Food Safety’ report examines federal, state regulations

The National Sea Grant Law Center has announced the release of a new seaweed food safety publication produced in partnership with New York Sea Grant and Connecticut Sea Grant as part of the National Seaweed Hub. “Seaweed Food Safety: Comparing Compliance with Preventive Controls for Human Food with Seafood HACCP” was developed to help the emerging […]

Farmer 2 Farmer Conference

We’re so excited because we are partnering up with New CT Farmers Alliance to put on a conference that is FOR farmers and BY farmers, January 27!  It’s the Farmer 2 Farmer Conference!  ~Register here~ Farming is a profession full of trial and error. Every year, we take stock of what worked and what didn’t, assess our […]

Annual Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers Conference

We are pleased to announce that our annual Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers’ Conference will be held at the UConn Storrs Campus on January 9, 2024. For details, please see the registration information and agenda below. Register online at: To pay by check visit: or email Trade Show Exhibitor Registration: For any further questions email or […]

2024 CNLA Winter Symposium

UConn Extension is looking forward to seeing everyone at the Connecticut Nursery and Landscape Association winter Symposium. This event is full of learning, and takes place on January 24th and 25th at the Aqua Turf Club in Plantsville, CT. This is a great opportunity for networking, meeting exhibitors, attending educational programs, and seeing new products! […]

Master Gardner 2024 Calendar Sale

The UConn Master Gardeners have assembled a calendar for Connecticut gardeners! There are tips through every month on how to plan and maintain your garden for fresh blooms and abundant vegetables. This year there is additional information on supporting beneficial insects in the landscape, with tips on using integrated pest management, creating habitat for beneficials, […]

Trail Finder Website: More Trails, New Features

The Trail Finder website is the go-to website for finding trails across the state. Use the search options to find trails by location, activity (hike, bike, horse, etc.), distance and difficulty, accessibility, and features like waterfalls and nature trails. Trail Finder posts (both the information and map) are ALL approved by trail managers. Recently, the […]

Guide showcases geology, ecology, wildlife of CT shoreline

Connecticut Sea Grant and the Connecticut College Arboretum are pleased to announce the publication of Connecticut’s Sandy Shores: An Introduction to the Geology, Plants and Animals, a 130-page guidebook with dozens of color photos and illustrations along with explanatory text about the ecology, geology, common species and why Connecticut’s sandy beaches differ from many others along the […]

Ag Mechanic Classes 2023

It’s that time of year again where our Solid Ground Trainings are starting to get their gears rolling!  Kicking it off this season, we’re bringing back the ever popular Chainsaw Skills and Safety program directed toward women, our Beginning Welders Workshops, and an Intro to Carpentry! Each workshop cost $25 and includes lunch. See more info below! Note: These […]

New Trail Census Data Portal

The CT Trails Program is excited to announce the launch of the new CT Trail Census Dashboard which includes yearly dashboards since 2017 and a new yearly comparison dashboard. Use the information to support trail reports, projects, fundraising, and more! The portal offers a map, list, and short description for all CT Trail Census infrared counters statewide selection tools to […]

Book Launch with Juliana Barrett and Ralph Lewis

Come and see Juliana Barrett and Ralph Lewis, the authors of Connecticut’s Sandy Shores: An Introduction to the Geology, Ecology, Plants and Animals, this Wednesday November 29th. The even starts at 4:00PM at the Lowell P. Weicker Jr. Building, room 103 at the UConn Avery Point Campus.

Interview with Anoushka Concepcion: Barriers to Seaweed Expansion

Anoushka Concepcion was interviewed by Chaya Gaberria on April 26, 2023. Interview edited by Carla Schubiger. “I would encourage everyone, specifically women and POC, to establish support systems early in their careers.” – Anoushka   Please introduce yourself (briefly; name, position, what are you working on)? My name is Anoushka Concepcion, and I am an […]

Solid Ground DIY series- Farming in Small Spaces

Hey Farmers! If you’re thinking about growing in a small footprint, or want to look at different ways folks are growing in their small space in CT, this is the video series for you! We visited with farmers throughout the state that were growing on a quarter acre or less and took a look at […]

Join Our Team! – Solid Ground is seeking new project coordinator

UConn Extension’s Solid Ground Program team is looking for a new project coordinator this winter to help lead training programs for new and beginning farmers. Responsibilities: As a team project, the right candidate will be able to support existing staff in implementing an aggressive schedule of events. After shadowing our existing staff, the Coordinator will […]

UConn Winter Horseback Riding Lessons are Here!

UConn’s Department of Animal Science is offering a winter horseback riding program to the public with something for everyone! Dressage, Hunt Seat, Polo and Western lessons are open to adults and children who meet the minimum age and skill level requirements. Interested riders visit for more information about the program and how to register.

Registration open for 2024 shellfish farming course

The 2024  “Foundations of Shellfish Farming” course will be offered at the UConn Avery Point campus over 12 weeks starting Jan. 16. The classes will meet on Tuesdays from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. through April 2 in Room 312 of the Lowell P. Weicker Jr. Building. Registration is now open and financial aid is available. […]

Local Work Group Meetings in CT

The Connecticut Conservation Districts are gathering information about natural resource concerns from agricultural producers, private forest landowners, environmental organizations, and government agencies to help structure future Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Farm Bill programs.We invite you to participate in one of the five Local Work Group meetings. To register, please click on the link for […]

Climate Smart Adaptation Strategies for Beginner Famers

Hey Farmers! Looking for a new suite of tools and resources for you to use on your farms to help you make good decisions about the climate needs you are undoubtedly facing. We want to tell you about them! So JOIN US for an introduction to UConn Extension’s newest project to support beginning farmers as they shift […]

Solid Ground Ag Mechanics Series

It’s that time of year again where the Solid Ground Trainings are starting to get their gears rolling!  Kicking off this season, is the popular Chainsaw Skills and Safety program directed toward women, our Beginning Welders Workshops, and an Intro to Carpentry! Each workshop cost $25 and includes lunch. See more info below! Title of class: Chainsaw Class Directed toward Women […]

Seaweed growers urged to pursue markets in plant-based foods

Story and photos by Judy Benson Carl Jorgensen, consultant to the Plant Based Foods Association and the Plant Based Foods Institute, talks about the potential of kelp in the plant-based food industry during the 8th Annual Connecticut Seaweed Stakeholders Meeting. Plant-based alternatives to meat, milk and other foods derived from animal products are the fastest […]

Long Island Sound School network applications sought

Interested in joining like-minded educators in protecting the Long Island Sound watershed and inspiring the next generation of stewards? Funded by EPA Long Island Sound Study and facilitated by Connecticut Sea Grant and Mercy University, the Long Island Sound (LIS) School network compels schools to make a commitment to the protection and conservation of local watersheds, Long Island Sound, and […]