Guide showcases geology, ecology, wildlife of CT shoreline

Front Cover of the guide, with a CT Sandy Shores photoConnecticut Sea Grant and the Connecticut College Arboretum are pleased to announce the publication of Connecticut’s Sandy Shores: An Introduction to the Geology, Plants and Animals, a 130-page guidebook with dozens of color photos and illustrations along with explanatory text about the ecology, geology, common species and why Connecticut’s sandy beaches differ from many others along the Atlantic seaboard.

Printed on water resistant paper, the book is intended as an educational companion for visits to the shoreline by anyone interested in learning about the coastal environment, including formal and informal educators, birders, artists, students and the general public.

“Our hope in developing this guide is that people can take this guide to the beach in any season and appreciate and understand this highly dynamic system, especially in light of the changing climate and its impacts on Connecticut’s shoreline,” said Juliana Barrett, CT Sea Grant coastal habitat specialist, UConn extension educator and lead author.

For more information about the guide, and how to order, visit the website.