State 4-H Program Coordinator Job Opening

Job Opening: We are hiring a State 4-H Program Coordinator. The State 4-H Program Coordinator will provide oversight and coordination of state, regional, and national administrative aspects of the UConn 4-H program, including event management, fund development and foundation account management, promotion and marketing, and compliance with UConn Minor Protection and federal civil rights requirements. […]

HACCP for Meat and Poultry Processors

HACCP for Meat and Poultry Processors (Course approved by International HACCP Alliance) December 4, 5, & 6, 2024 Middlesex County Extension Center 1066 Saybrook Rd. Haddam, CT 06438 UConn Extension in cooperation with University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension is pleased to offer a three-day International HACCP Alliance approved Meat and Poultry course. This course […]

Managing Water Use at Home During Drought in Connecticut

Despite the fact that we get about 48 inches of precipitation annually, we still can experience periods that are classified as drought here. Although it can be said that drought is part of our natural cycle here in Connecticut, higher global temperatures have impacted our precipitation patterns. Over the last century, our annual precipitation totals […]

Apple Picking with the Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program

As the air begins to get colder and fall crops become ready to harvest, apple picking is a great way to learn about food systems, support local agriculture, and engage in healthy eating behaviors. On October 15th, 2024, twenty youth and child development professionals from the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (MPTN) traveled to Holmberg Orchards […]

2024 Ag Expo

Come to the 2024 Connecticut Agricultural Expo! There will be a farm equipment and implements showcase, crop production supplies and services. This is a great opportunity to get Pesticide CEU credits, network and great food. This event is taking place Wednesday, November 20th from 8:30 AM- 2:00 PM, at the Aquaturf in Southington. For more […]

Did you know how good Squash is for you?

Did you know Squash Is rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber? As the temperature cools, it is the perfect time to explore the vibrant world of late season squashes. These nutrient packed vegetables offer a multitude of flavors with countless cooking possibilities. Here, we will share some facts, storage tips, delicious recipes […]

Fall Ornamental & Turf Short Course

Registration is now open for the UConn Extension Ornamental & Turf Short Course! This course will run from October 9th – December 18th. An instructor will meet virtually with students weekly on Wednesdays at 5:30-7:30 p.m. to review each module topic and answer questions. Registration Cost: $400.00, which includes the Pesticide Applicator Core Manual, Ornamental & Turf Category Manual, and […]

Sustainable Regenerative Gardening for Everyone

Please join us for a lively conversation about sustainable regenerative gardening practices with five local farmers, who, between them, have many years of vegetable growing experience they are keen to share with you. Come prepared with your questions to this knowledgeable panel of experts. This Advanced Master Gardener Class is on Sunday, November 3rd, 10:00am – 12:00pm at […]

CIPWG 12th Biennial Symposium

Want to learn more about Invasive Plants? Come join the Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group’s 12th Biennial Symposium! The event will take place on Tuesday, October 29th, 2024, from 9 AM to 4:45 PM, at the UConn Student Union in Storrs Connecticut.  You can see where you fit in with this year’s theme: Real Talk: Making […]

Meet Charles Krasnow

Charles Krasnow joined UConn Extension as an associate extension educator for controlled environment agriculture in September. He is originally from Newton, Massachusetts and earned his bachelor of science from UMASS Amherst and Ph.D. from Michigan State University. What is your area of interest and how did you get started with it? I love plant pathology, […]

Elote and Esquites

Over 9,000 years ago, native Mexicans began breeding a wild grass called teosinte [tā-ō-‘sin-tē]. This practice has lead to the corn we know and love today. Mexican street corn, a popular food sold by street vendors, can be served “on the cob” or as corn niblets in a bowl. In this recipe, Elote [e’lo.te] refers […]

The Diebold Family: Lifelong Supporters of 4-H and Agriculture

The Diebold Family are lifelong supporters of 4-H and youth interested in pursuing agriculture. The generosity of gifts provided by Dudley and Nonie Diebold and the Diebold Foundation to the UConn 4-H program have provided Connecticut 4-H youth with unique and exciting leadership opportunities at both the state and national level. These include conferences such […]

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) Fact Sheet

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) is a severe viral disease caused by the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus (EEEV). The virus mainly circulates among birds, through mosquito bites, and can infect other animals, as well as humans. EEE is found primarily in the Eastern U.S., Great Lakes region, and along the Gulf Coast. EEE is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito that acquire the virus from birds. Mosquitos can then transmit the virus to humans and animals.

Toxoplasmosis Fact Sheet

Zoonotic diseases (that spread from animals to humans) are a common issue of concern worldwide. One Health, a program that prioritizes the health of humans, animals, and the environment, studies how zoonotic diseases are transmitted between animals and humans via various methods. This fact sheet provides information on Toxoplasmosis, a common protozoan zoonotic disease in the United States. The etiological (origin) agent of toxoplasmosis is a protozoan parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. It is most commonly contracted by eating infected undercooked meat, or through infected cat feces.

Sandy Eggers: 4-H Volunteer Spotlight

Sandy Eggers has been a 4-H volunteer leader in Windham County for more than 45 years. She has and continues to serve as a club leader for the CT Whiplash Teamsters 4-H club. The Whiplash Teamsters are the only working steer 4-H club in the state of Connecticut. For more than 45 years, this club […]

UConn 4-H Giving Week

 Join UConn 4-H in Building a Ready Generation in a World of Change   UConn 4-H equips youth with skills for the future while meeting them where they are today. We craft programs to enable youth to thrive and build confidence and resiliency based on lessons learned through years of research on positive youth development. UConn […]

Extension Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

UConn Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month!  “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together” is the 2024 celebration theme, which highlights the spirit of innovation, resilience, and unity of the Hispanic experience”. The winning theme was submitted by Yvette Delgado, Senior Diversity and Inclusion Specialist, Office of Minority and Women Federal Housing Finance Agency. Ms. Delgado […]

Does Bird Flu Affect My Food?

Bird flu (avian influenza) has become an increased concern in the health community throughout the United States. Thoughts of the potential risk of contracting the disease from foods that store bought foods prepared and consumed at home are concerning to many consumers. This fact sheet provides information on how to prevent risk from bird flu exposure and how to prepare food properly to ensure food safety.

Cleaning and Removing Mold in Your Home

Mold grows in wet, damp conditions, and in homes can form after flooding or water leaks. Mold in the home can cause health issues, and it is important to remove it quickly and carefully. Mold can grow on many surfaces, including walls, clothing, carpets, and in the spaces under carpets, between walls, attics, and basements, damaging building materials and furnishings. Look for discolored patches, including red, black, blue and green; it can also appear slimy or fuzzy.  Negative health impacts from mold are common and are another reason it is crucial to avoid mold in homes, offices, and other locations.

Non-Infectious Plant Disorders – Oedema and Intumescences

Oedema (edema) or intumescences are lesions that can occur on begonia, ivy geraniums, cactus, cleome, ivy, ornamental sweet potato vine, and annual thunbergia. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and tomato can also suffer from this disorder. Houseplants with fleshy leaves, such as jade, peperomia and schefflera, may be prone to edema when the environmental conditions are favorable. The target audience of this factsheet is commercial greenhouse growers.

Job Opening: Program Assistant in Farmington

Job Opening in Farmington: UConn Extension seeks applicants for a full-time Educational Program Assistant 1 to work at the Department of Extension – Hartford County Extension Center in Farmington. The program assistant will support Extension programing in Hartford County (75%) and will provide translation support (primarily Spanish) for the Department of Extension statewide (25%). The successful […]

Protect Your Horse from EEE

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) has been detected in Connecticut again this year and a horse has been infected. The Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL) at UConn and the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station are both monitoring the disease through mosquito testing. Clinical signs in horses include continuous walking, depression, and somnolence, to aggression and excitability. […]

Second Annual Climate Resiliency Day with UConn Extension

On June 29th, 2024, the Fairfield County UConn Extension Office hosted its second annual Climate Resiliency Day at Danbury Farmer’s Market. This day is dedicated to educating the public on how they can stay safe during extreme weather events and support a healthy environment from home. Several notable programs participated, including the UConn Extension Master […]

Olivia Routhier: Intern Spotlight

Olivia Routhier, our community nutrition intern this summer, and a dietetics major in UConn CAHNR shares her experiences: This past summer, I have had the pleasure of working with Heather Peracchio, RDN at Fairfield County UConn Extension on a variety of programs ranging from summer school programs to senior center lessons to farmer’s market nutrition […]

Summer Updates from Extension

The unofficial end of summer is around the corner and students are headed back to school. UConn Extension has resources and information to help you wrap up summer and transition to the fall months, including preparing for extreme weather and access to our fact sheets. We also share updates from one of our summer interns […]

Logue Farms is Connecticut’s 2024 New England Green Pastures Winner

Logue Farms, Inc. is the winner of the 2024 New England Green Pastures Award from Connecticut. This dairy farm has been in continuous operation since 1905, with fourth generation as the current operators and 10 children in the fifth generation. David and Debbie Logue own the farm with their sons Michael and James; their daughters […]

Coastal Flooding Preparedness

Connecticut Sea Grant and UConn Extension have a new project to help older underserved residents of New London, Stamford and West Haven be better prepared for flooding and other weather emergencies. This past week’s flooding in western Connecticut demonstrated how critical preparedness and community resilience projects are. More information on the new project is at […]

Cleaning and Removing Mold in Your Home

Mold grows in wet, damp conditions and this can happen in homes after floods or water leaks. Humid areas are another prime location for mold. It is important to remove mold quickly and carefully from homes because it causes health issues and once it is present, will continue to grow faster. Kitchens and bathrooms are […]

Ag Mechanics Classes Help New and Beginning Farmers

Connecticut’s new and beginning farmers face numerous tasks and expenses when starting their farm businesses. To support these farmers, UConn Extension’s Solid Ground program offers a comprehensive suite of workshops and programming. One of the standout offerings each winter for new farmers is the Ag-Mechanics series.  Ag-Mechanics workshops focus on equipping farmers with practical skills […]

Meet Diane Dorfer

Diane Dorfer (’03 CLAS) joined UConn Extension as our Farm Viability Service Coordinator in June. She’s from Mansfield Center and owns and operates Cobblestone Farm. Diane earned her bachelor of science degree in ecology and evolutionary biology from UConn. What is your area of interest?  One of the goals of my new position is to […]

Meet Chelsea Erem

Chelsea Erem (’24 CAHNR) joined our Farmington office as an educational program assistant in June. She’s originally from Waterbury and earned her bachelor’s degree in Allied Health and Psychology at UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. What is your area of interest and how did you get interested in it? My academic interests […]

Meet Fanny Hernandez

Fanny Hernandez joined UConn Extension as our Evaluation Specialist in April. She is from the Dominican Republic, and before moving to Connecticut, she lived in Kalamazoo, Michigan, for almost nine years. She earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from the Santo Domingo Institute of Technology (INTEC) and a certificate in education in the Dominican […]

Seniors Eating Well in Danbury

Community partnerships are a crucial part of our land-grant mission to take the university’s research to the public. Twelve years ago we started working with Elmwood Hall at the Danbury Senior Center on the Seniors Eating Well and Farm Market on the Move program in partnership with the Danbury Connecticut Farmers’ Market, and Clatter Valley […]

Mosquito Borne Diseases: Eastern and Western Equine Encephalomyelitis and West Nile Virus – Prevention is Just a Vaccine Away

Mosquitoes cause three of the major diseases that affect horses today. Eastern and Western Equine Encephalomyelitis have been around for many years and can be caused by mosquitoes or arthropods, and by now you have probably heard of West Nile Virus that recently emerged and became a problem in the last few years. Knowing the cause, clinical signs, treatment and prevention of these diseases are important, since letting these diseases go untreated can lead to the demise of your favorite horse.

Invasive Plant Factsheet Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima)

Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima), native to China, grows quickly and can ultimately reach up to 80-100’ in height. Tree-of-heaven was first introduced into the U.S., in the Philadelphia area, in 1784. It is particularly invasive in urban landscapes and establishes quickly. The plant is resistant to pollution and can tolerate very poor soils. Tree-of-heaven is very common in the Midwest, lower northeast, as well as the west and southwest coast. Well-established tree-of-heaven stands are only eliminated through repeated monitoring and control efforts. Initial treatments often only reduce the root systems, making follow-up measures necessary.