
Water Webinar March 30, 2023

Are you drowning with questions about agricultural water? Join us for our water webinar on March 30! Topics include compliance dates, new assessment tools, and harvest/post-harvest water. Speakers: Indu Upadhyaya, Food Safety Extension Specialist Diane Wright Hirsch, Emeritus Faculty Food Safety Click/tap here or on the flyer above to register!

Faces of Extension: Dr. Mike Dietz

Meet Dr. Mike Dietz! He is one of our Extension educators with the UConn Center for Land Use and Research and has a joint appointment with Natural Resources & the Environment. “I love being able to teach people about the importance of water; it is something we all take for granted until the tap shuts […]

Water Testing for Homeowners

When was the last time you had your well water tested? The Connecticut Department of Public Health has certified testing locations throughout the state. Visit ctiwr.uconn.edu/residents for locations and other resources. If you have “city water”, your supplier is required to test your water on a regular basis (check your water company website or call […]

N-Sink Online Tool

A New Way of Looking at Nitrogen Pollution Extension educators from the Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) and their partners have developed an online tool that helps land owners and land use decision makers better understand the direct connection between their land and nitrogen (N) pollution in coastal waters. The tool, called […]

Connecticut Institute of Water Resources 2021 Newsletter

In a state like Connecticut where water seems plentiful, it is easy to take water for granted. As long as clean water comes out of the tap, water issues may not rise to the top of our list of concerns. Although we do have plentiful water for the most part, there are still many reasons […]

Fall is Here – Stay Hydrated

Written by UConn Dietetics Masters Student Shawn Lada We may be having cooler days now, but it is always important to stay hydrated. Keeping your body hydrated helps your heart, brain, muscles, and joints to stay healthy, along with keeping you regular and preventing urinary tract infections! During hotter days and summer months your body […]

What to Eat (and Drink) Before, During, and After Exercise

Article by Mackenzie Lane, UConn Dietetics Student Do you ever stop to think about taking a bite of a granola bar before your morning jog? Or force yourself to skip a mid-hike snack so you can feast at the next meal? Or think post-workout meals will make you gain weight? No need to look any […]

Updates from the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources

In a state like Connecticut where water seems plentiful, it is easy to take water for granted. As long as clean water comes out of the tap, water issues may not rise to the top of our list of concerns. Although we do have plentiful water for the most part, there are still many reasons […]

Workshop: Production Agriculture – Back to Basics

Production Agriculture – BACK TO BASICS  Farmers of all experience are encouraged to join the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, University of Connecticut, and the American Farmland Trust on Thursday, January 9, 2020 from 9 AM to 1 PM at the Tolland Agricultural Center in Vernon, Connecticut to hear the latest in IPM/biocontrol, soil management, and […]

Water Testing in Connecticut

Water is part of everything that we do. We are frequently asked about water testing, septic system maintenance, and fertilizing lawns. The Connecticut Institute of Water Resources, a project with Natural Resources & the Environment, has resources for homeowners: https://ctiwr.uconn.edu/resident-resources/. #AskUConnExtension

Break Your Bad Water Habits

When it comes to household water use, the average American uses about 82 gallons of water per day. To cut back on your water use around the house, an easy first step starts with fixing any leaks. (They can drip away gallons a day—in extreme cases, up to 90 gallons/day!) Also, try to reduce your water […]

Staying Hydrated

With summer in full swing, how can you beat the heat, stay cool, and keep healthy when temperatures soar? Besides staying indoors in the air-conditioning and seeking shade when you’re outside, you need to stay hydrated. Why? Because dehydration can lead to heat stroke, a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. Signs of heat stroke include hot, […]

Conservation Planning

Excess fertilizer use and inefficient nutrient management strategies often are causes of water quality impairment in the United States. When excess nitrogen enters large water bodies it enhances algae growth and when that algae decomposes, hypoxic conditions—often called a “dead zone” occur. Nutrients carried to the Long Island Sound have been linked to the seasonal […]

STEM Education for Teens, Adults, and Teachers

The Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA) is a group of three linked projects that focus on connecting STEM education for high school students with natural resource conservation at the local level. With over 130 land trusts in the state and each of its 169 municipalities having a Conservation Commission, Connecticut has a long history of […]

Teacher Professional Learning: Professional Development Workshop

UConn Extension is leading a project that provides high school science teachers from across the state with a head start on a new way of teaching. Over the past two summers, 48 teachers from 38 school districts attended the 3-day Teacher Professional Learning (TPL) workshop, Land and Water. The training, funded by a USDA/NIFA grant, […]

Connecticut Institute of Water Resources

What do taking a trip to the beach, testing a well, and planting a new garden have in common? You guessed it—water. UConn is home to a state-wide organization focused on providing Connecticut’s citizens with information and research about all the water resources we encounter in our daily lives. As the state’s land grant university, […]

Reducing Winter Road Salt Use

Extension educator Mike Dietz focuses on protecting surface waters with green infrastructure techniques in his research and Extension work. Mike has been involved in the development of the Green Snow Pro program, and he is the Director of the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources. The scientific studies continue to pile up, and confirm the same […]

Got Geese?

Got Geese? If you’re trying to keep Canada Geese away from your pond, Pamm Cooper from our UConn Home & Garden Education Center has some strategies for you:   “The best way to try and dissuade Canada geese from becoming residents of your property is to make sure water edges of ponds or shorelines are […]

Is Your Well Water Contaminated?

Is your well water contaminated with road salt? Dr. Mike Dietz of the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources talked to NBC Connecticut last week about how we can reduce contamination. “‘This is a worldwide problem. It’s a really big problem in the United States because the amount of salt that we’ve been applying has been […]

Bedding Plant Program for Greenhouse Growers Offered

UConn Extension offers Bedding Plant Program for Greenhouse Growers Get the latest information on insect and disease management, proper watering techniques and mixing pesticide formulations and network with fellow growers.  This educational program will feature the following topics of interest to those who produce spring ornamental crops in the greenhouse: Watering: Air and Water Balance […]

Well Water: Protecting Your Well

There are a number of steps that a homeowner can take to help protect their private well. Water should be diverted away from the wellhead to prevent the pooling and potential introduction of contaminated water  into the well. Keep the well in good repair.  A faulty well can allow surface water to reach groundwater without […]

Home Water Systems: Wells

In Connecticut, approximately 15% of residents receive their drinking water from private wells. In rural areas of the state, that percentage increases to greater than 90%. An owner of a private well is also a manager of the well.  As manager of the well, the homeowner is responsible for making sure that the water is safe […]

40 Gallon Challenge

Connecticut residents are invited to join the 40 Gallon Challenge and take on new practices to increase water conservation. The 40 Gallon Challenge is a national call for residents and businesses to reduce water use on average by 40 gallons per person, per day. As a participant in the challenge, one commits to taking on […]

Quantifying Water Use

“New York City is surrounded by water,” Angie Harris says, “I realized it was a great source of beauty, transportation, and recreation. But it was also contaminated and deeply problematic.” Angie grew up in Queens, New York. She realized water was a crucial resource of concern while an undergraduate at New York University studying environmental […]

CT MS4 Guide

The CT MS4 Guide website (http://nemo.uconn.edu/ms4) was established to provide a repository for NEMO trainings, materials, tools, and templates that towns can use and modify to meet local needs. Every year, NEMO will also be providing webinars and workshops to help towns and institutions address the more complex portions of the permit. In the first […]

Supporting Communities Responding to New Stormwater Regulations

UConn Extension’s Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) program is a national leader in developing innovative approaches to help communities address water quality issues. NEMO has been working directly with Connecticut municipalities for 26 years, won multiple national awards, and inspired a national network of sister programs in 33 states. Over the past year, the […]

MS4 General Permit Webinar

Our UConn Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) is presenting on webinar on Tuesday, June 26th at 2 PM on the Year 2 Task List for MS4 General Permits. Connecticut’s updated MS4 permit begins its second year on July 1st. Now that a year has passed, MS4 towns and institutions may be getting […]

Is there any hope to fix our salt problem? Perhaps…

Another winter has finally ended, and messy roads and salty cars are quickly becoming a distant memory. Where did all that salt go? The millions of tons of deicing salts that get applied to our roads either wash off into local streams, or move into the local groundwater. Yet another research study has recently come […]

Reducing Costs and Improving Water

Michael Dietz from UConn Extension/CLEAR worked with the Tech Transfer Center at UConn to provide a winter operations training for UConn facilities staff. As a result of the training, salt applications were reduced by 3,600,000 pounds, improving water quality, and saving UConn roughly $200,000. Thanks to the UConn winter operations staff and the Tech Transfer […]

Can I Water Vegetables with my Rain Barrel Water?

By Joan Allen Originally published by the UConn Home & Garden Education Center Collection of rain water from roofs using rain barrels is growing in popularity because of its many environmental and practical benefits. It can help the environment by diverting water that might contain contaminants away from storm drains and the natural bodies of […]

What Do You Do After You Scoop?

By David Dickson Originally published by the UConn Center for Land Use Education and Research On my drive home last week I saw two of my neighbors walking their dogs. One of the dogs had just done his business and the owner dutifully scooped it up with a doggy doodie bag dangling from the dog’s […]

Stormwater Research from Extension

Our UConn Extension educators working in land use, and the environment have recently published two articles: Extension Educators Mike Dietz and Chet Arnold have an article, Can Green Infrastructure Provide Both Water Quality and Flood Reduction Benefits?, in the May issue of the Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. You can read the […]

New Rules for Corralling Runoff Require Local Actions

By JUDY BENSON Haddam – As the state gets wetter, Connecticut cities and towns have little choice but to take better control of the water that flows over streets, parking lots and fields from rainfall and snowmelt. “There are two drivers related to stormwater,” said David Dickson, faculty member of the UConn Center for Land […]

Install a Rain Garden This Spring

What is a Rain Garden? A rain garden is a depression (about 6 inches deep) that collects stormwater runoff from a roof, driveway or yard and allows it to infiltrate into the ground. Rain gardens are typically planted with shrubs and perennials (natives are ideal), and can be colorful, landscaped areas in your yard. Why […]

New Year Resolution: Take the 40-Gallon Challenge

What are you going to do differently in 2018? How about conserving water with UConn Extension. UConn Extension is inviting all Connecticut residents to join the 40 Gallon Challenge and take on new practices to increase water conservation. The 40 Gallon Challenge is a national call for residents and businesses to reduce water use on […]

UConn Extension Encourages Water Conservation with the 40 Gallon Challenge

By Angie Harris UConn Extension is inviting all Connecticut residents to join the 40 Gallon Challenge and take on new practices to increase water conservation. The 40 Gallon Challenge is a national call for residents and businesses to reduce water use on average by 40 gallons per person, per day. The challenge began in 2011 […]

Preparing Agricultural Leaders for Drought

Article by Kim Colavito Markesich Originally published by Naturally.UConn.edu   While Connecticut residents live in a state with ample water resources, we are beginning to notice some changes in precipitation trends. “Connecticut is very fortunate as we’re actually quite water rich,” says Angie Harris, research assistant in UConn Extension. “We are getting rainfall, but there’s […]