Solid Ground

Climate Smart Adaptation Strategies for Beginning Farmers Course

2025 Online Climate Smart Adaptation Strategies for Beginning Farmers Course UConn Extension is coordinating two offerings of a Climate Smart Adaptation Strategies Course, beginning on February 3rd, 2025, and March 5th, 2025. This is an online course (with an optional in-person graduation) designed for new and beginning farmers in Connecticut who have 1-10 years of […]

Ag Mechanics Trainings Available

Our Upcoming Winter trainings for Ag Mechanics are up and ready to go!  With some old favorites (like our chainsaw classes and walk-behind tractor) and some new opportunities like the Hand Tool Maintenance and Upkeep class. As someone that has taken a couple of these classes myself, I find that I am constantly pulling the skills I’ve […]

New Solid Ground Classes

Hey Farmers!   Learning season is starting up! And over at Solid Ground we want to help you with BUSINESS! Yup, each and every one of us is a small business, whether we like it or not, so we want to help you navigate the ins-and-outs of topics that are usually the most frustrating for […]

Ag Mechanics Classes Help New and Beginning Farmers

Connecticut’s new and beginning farmers face numerous tasks and expenses when starting their farm businesses. To support these farmers, UConn Extension’s Solid Ground program offers a comprehensive suite of workshops and programming. One of the standout offerings each winter for new farmers is the Ag-Mechanics series.  Ag-Mechanics workshops focus on equipping farmers with practical skills […]

Eighteen Farms Chosen for Climate Smart Farming Microgrants

UConn Extension is delighted to announce that eighteen new and beginning farmers are receiving climate smart microgrants fueled by Connecticut Department of Agriculture’s Climate Smart Farming: Agriculture and Forestry Grant. UConn Extension was one of 12 recipients and received a total of $500,000 with nearly half of that to be distributed through microgrants which will […]

Business of Farming Course

UConn Extension’s Solid Ground Program is now accepting applications for our new training “The Business of Farming.” What is it? This course will accommodate 15-18 participants for a 7-week learning opportunity that includes both virtual and in-person meetings (details below). It is designed to develop and strengthen the business and technical skills for beginning farmers with 0 – 3 years of experience. […]

UConn Extension’s Solid Ground Ag-Mechanics part 2

We’ve just about finished up our first round of Ag-Mechanics and we’re getting ready to start round 2!  Again, these are small classes, so you’ll want to sign up fast because they fill up fast!  The topics happening in the beginning of 2024 are Welding Using Metal Inert Gas Methods, Small Engine Maintenance & Repairs: 2-Stroke AND […]

Farmer 2 Farmer Conference

We’re so excited because we are partnering up with New CT Farmers Alliance to put on a conference that is FOR farmers and BY farmers, January 27!  It’s the Farmer 2 Farmer Conference!  ~Register here~ Farming is a profession full of trial and error. Every year, we take stock of what worked and what didn’t, assess our […]

Ag Mechanic Classes 2023

It’s that time of year again where our Solid Ground Trainings are starting to get their gears rolling!  Kicking it off this season, we’re bringing back the ever popular Chainsaw Skills and Safety program directed toward women, our Beginning Welders Workshops, and an Intro to Carpentry! Each workshop cost $25 and includes lunch. See more info below! Note: These […]

Solid Ground DIY series- Farming in Small Spaces

Hey Farmers! If you’re thinking about growing in a small footprint, or want to look at different ways folks are growing in their small space in CT, this is the video series for you! We visited with farmers throughout the state that were growing on a quarter acre or less and took a look at […]

Join Our Team! – Solid Ground is seeking new project coordinator

UConn Extension’s Solid Ground Program team is looking for a new project coordinator this winter to help lead training programs for new and beginning farmers. Responsibilities: As a team project, the right candidate will be able to support existing staff in implementing an aggressive schedule of events. After shadowing our existing staff, the Coordinator will […]

Climate Smart Adaptation Strategies for Beginner Famers

Hey Farmers! Looking for a new suite of tools and resources for you to use on your farms to help you make good decisions about the climate needs you are undoubtedly facing. We want to tell you about them! So JOIN US for an introduction to UConn Extension’s newest project to support beginning farmers as they shift […]

Solid Ground Ag Mechanics Series

It’s that time of year again where the Solid Ground Trainings are starting to get their gears rolling!  Kicking off this season, is the popular Chainsaw Skills and Safety program directed toward women, our Beginning Welders Workshops, and an Intro to Carpentry! Each workshop cost $25 and includes lunch. See more info below! Title of class: Chainsaw Class Directed toward Women […]

Getting to the Root Videos & Farmer Panels

From UConn Solid Ground: In 2022 we kicked off a new video series with the goal of raising the visibility of some of the many entrepreneurs among the new farmer community. Last year we learned about Cut Flower Farming at Eddy Farm and Niche Livestock Farming at BOTL farm. These videos as well as the […]

Solid Ground AG Mechanics Training Series

Attention all farmers! Are you interested in learning more about welding and chainsaw skills and safety? The Solid Ground Farmer training program is having two in-person trainings this month. Welding 101: Chainsaw Skills & Safety:

Extension Program Receives USDA-NIFA Grant to Help Beginning Farmers Prosper

Beginning farmers in Connecticut are changing the face of agriculture. With their values driven, sustainable-minded farming practices, they are filling the direct-to-consumer marketplace with high quality food grown intensively on small parcels. Since 2012, UConn Extension, part of the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, and its partners have responded to the growing number […]