The Urban Farmer Training Program is designed to provide training to those who want to farm in the city. In 2025 it will be held online, Wednesday evenings from March 12-May 7, 2025 (6:30-8:30 pm). For more information about the program and how to sign up, see the attached flyer. Or sign up here! Topics […]
Health & Wellness
2025 FSMA Produce Safety Rule/Alliance Training Courses
UConn Extension is pleased to announce that two PSA Grower Training Courses are presently scheduled for late winter 2025. Registration is first come, first served, so please register early, no matter which course you plan to attend.Fsma Instructors: Indu Upadhyaya, Ph.D., Food Safety Specialist, UConn Cooperative Extension Diane Hirsch, MPH, Food Safety Specialist, UConn Jacqueline Kowalski, Urban […]
Construyendo Comunidades a Través de la Nutrición: Dianisi Torres y los Programas de UConn Extension en Windham
Los programas comunitarios de nutrición de UConn Extension se centran en mucho más que educación: enfatizan el fomento de conexiones y la creación de un sentido de pertenencia. Dianisi Torres ’17 (Neag), Asistente de Programas Educativos, lidera el Programa Ampliado de Educación en Alimentación y Nutrición (EFNEP) y las iniciativas SNAP-Ed en Windham. Para Torres, […]
The Health Benefits of Chickpeas
Americans have dramatically increased the use of chickpeas in their diets, over the past few years, particularly in the form of hummus. Chickpeas have so many nutritional and health benefits – adding them to the diet is a big nutritional boost. They are inexpensive and versatile to add to many dishes. This article looks at chickpeas and their health benefits.
Pasta Alternatives
Pasta is one food that many Americans use as a daily, weeknight and weekend, staple. It is easy to prepare and well-liked by everyone, including kids. A decade ago, the only options were regular and whole wheat. Now options abound and the choices can be confusing to consumers. Which pastas are the most nutritious? Pasta has often been maligned because of its carbohydrate content. Many fad and Keto diets recommend avoiding traditional white pasta, due to the refined grains and carbohydrate content. However, pasta remains a key component of many healthy eating patterns.
Low-Cost Emergency Supply Kit: Assemble Your Own Kit for Less
Emergency and weather-related events can lead to everything from power outages to evacuation, and preparing ahead of time can help reduce stress. Gathering supplies beforehand also ensures collecting the potentially wide range of needs of various household members. Although pre-assembled emergency supply kits are commercially available to purchase, a supply kit tailored to specific needs can be assembled inexpensively.
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) Fact Sheet
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) is a severe viral disease caused by the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus (EEEV). The virus mainly circulates among birds, through mosquito bites, and can infect other animals, as well as humans. EEE is found primarily in the Eastern U.S., Great Lakes region, and along the Gulf Coast. EEE is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito that acquire the virus from birds. Mosquitos can then transmit the virus to humans and animals.
Olivia Routhier: Intern Spotlight
Olivia Routhier, our community nutrition intern this summer, and a dietetics major in UConn CAHNR shares her experiences: This past summer, I have had the pleasure of working with Heather Peracchio, RDN at Fairfield County UConn Extension on a variety of programs ranging from summer school programs to senior center lessons to farmer’s market nutrition […]
Quick Guide to Flood Food Safety for Fruit and Vegetable Farmers
Flooding on fruit and vegetable farms introduces contaminants and new food safety challenges. This quick guide covers the types of flooding, sources of contamination, guidelines, preventative measures, and recommendations for farmers.
Handling Food with Mold
Many of soils throughout Connecticut tend to be more acidic, formed as rocks were ground and deposited by glaciation. The pH of soils cultivated for vegetable growing typically declines (becomes more acidic) gradually from the removal of calcium, magnesium and potassium ions–by leaching and crop uptake–and from the use of acid-forming fertilizers. Testing every year gives a more complete evaluation and is also appropriate when significant changes have been made in the fertilizer program. Reviewing fertilizer labelling is essential.
Cracking the Code: Your Essential Guide to Egg Safety
Eggs can be a delicious protein diet staple when used in salads and sandwiches, or when used for their binding function in baking and holding together ground meats. However, consumers in general do not associate this protein-rich food with biological, food safety hazards. Eggs CAN carry harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella, and when improperly handled or prepared can cause foodborne illness.
Managing Your Private Well: Testing and Treatment Guide [PDF]
If you’re wondering why no one’s told you to test your drinking water, it’s because private wells have very little governmental regulation, leaving most of the responsibility to the well owner. This fact sheet explains water testing and treatment if needed.
Winter Storm Preparedness
During the winter, see what conditions are forecast in your area for the upcoming week. If a winter storm is predicted, you want to be SAFE and WARM. Take actions to prepare in advance.
Financial Preparation for Severe Storms and Other Emergencies
There are several actions you can take to get your family and home ready for storms and other emergencies. What can you do to prepare financially?
8 Essential “Always” of Holiday Food Safety
Good food safety practices are always welcome at holiday gatherings. These eight essential always of holiday food safety help consumers practice safe food practices at home to ensure
the health and safety of friends and family.
Power Outages: Be Prepared for when Power Goes out
Power outages can occur at any time. Some are short-term and may last for a few hours. However, it’s important to be prepared for those that last several days to a week or more. This
publication outlines what residents need to consider and how to prepare.