Mistakes are a great learning tool, but they also can dampen any enthusiasm for a new project. When early mistakes compound problems further down the road, they can turn someone away from a pastime that offers great satisfaction, healthy activities and a renewed appreciation of the natural world around us. So, if you are just […]
Lower Fairfield County Master Gardener Program
The Lower Fairfield County Master Gardener Program wants to partner with you! Whether you are already a passionate gardener who would like to take your learning to the next level, a beginning gardener in search of a knowledgeable resource, or a community/group with a gardening need, the Master Gardener program is here for you. […]
¿Debería de comer eso?
Cuando lo que produce tu jardín es menos que perfecto: ¿deberías de comerlo? Por Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH, RD Educadora de Extension de UConn, Seguridad Alimentaria Es una práctica común que el comprador en un supermercado y el cliente en un mercado de agricultores recojan cada pimiento o lechuga para una inspección. Cuando compramos […]
No Es Muy Tarde Para Sembrar Las Semillas De Tomate!
Mira esta publicación reciente del Centro de Educación para el Hogar y el Jardín de UConn: Por mucho que trato de hacer las cosas de manera adecuada, la vida parece interponerse y las cosas ocasionalmente se hacen más tarde que temprano. Y este año no es la excepción sembrando las semillas de tomate. Ya es […]
Semillas Brotando Dentro De Un Tomate
Por Carol Quish para Extension de UConn ¿Alguna vez has cortado un tomate y has encontrado cosas blancas y onduladas adentro? Estos no son gusanos o extraterrestres que se fueron al centro, sino semillas de la fruta que han comenzado a germinar. Se llaman Vivíparo, latín para nacimiento vivo. Es el término para las plantas […]
Extension in Our Communities
Programs delivered by Extension reach individuals, communities, and businesses in each of Connecticut’s 169 municipalities. UConn Extension has collaborated with our partners, communities and stakeholders for over 100 years. Find your community on our map of Extension programs (based on 2019 data) and see how active we are in your city or town. Learn more […]
Job Opening: Educational Program Assistant – Litchfield County
The UConn Extension Center located in Litchfield County is seeking applications for a full-time Educational Program Assistant 1. This position is responsible for supporting and helping implement high quality, comprehensive, Extension programming at different program sites throughout the region, with specific support to Livestock, Greenhouse, Master Gardener and 4-H programs. The Educational Program Assistant 1 […]
Pruning Guide
Check out this handy pruning guide and refresher from our Sustainable Landscaping and Nursery IPM Educators. This was written for professionals, and is also applicable to home gardeners just getting started with the basics of pruning. It includes links to other resources for continued learning as well! bit.ly/Pruning_UConn PRUNING TIPS AND RULES OF THUMB – […]
Job Opening: Tolland County Master Gardener Coordinator
The UConn Extension Master Gardener Program is seeking applications for the position of Master Gardener Tolland County Program Coordinator. This is a 16‐hour‐per‐week position and is a temporary, six‐month appointment. Renewal is optional pending coordinator review and availability of program funding. https://bit.ly/TollandMG
Ask UConn Extension Your Questions
UConn Extension has collaborated with our partners, communities and stakeholders for over 100 years. We are proud to serve all 169 cities and towns in Connecticut. The worldwide pandemic involving COVID-19 (coronavirus) has produced unprecedented challenges in the UConn community and around the world. Our services continue during this challenging time. We are still delivering the […]
Soil Testing Lab is Open
In light of agriculture (including community gardening) being designated as essential, the UConn Soil Nutrient Analysis Laboratory will remain open utilizing best practices; social distancing and disinfecting are a high priority. No one will be allowed in the lab but essential personnel. Any soil tests need to be mailed or left in the drop box […]
Managing Stress – You and Your Families
In this challenging time, we need to take care of each other and especially ourselves. Self-care is important to our physical and mental health. We all deserve self-care, especially now. Please consider these resources. The first is a video on managing stress during a pandemic. It was worth the 17 minutes to hear tips on […]
Master Gardeners – COVID-19 Update
In the 40 years of the UConn Extension Master Gardener program, we have never faced anything quite this … unknown. This isn’t a flood, or hurricane, with a clear finish. This pandemic is an onslaught: health, finances, social interactions, and daily routines are all impacted. What doesn’t change is the incredible value of gardening; of […]
Plant and Seedling Sales
Spring Plant Sale! Pre-orders are open for the 19th Annual New Haven County Extension Resource Council, Inc. Spring Plant Sale! The sale includes a variety of annual flowers and vegetables, hanging baskets, and herbs. All proceeds Benefit UConn Extension Programs in New Haven County and orders must be placed by April 15 at noon prepaid by […]
‘Birds and Bees’ landscaping symposium offered in March
Connecticut Sea Grant and the Rockfall Foundation are co-sponsoring the 2020 Symposium titled “The Birds and The Bees: What Your Mother Didn’t Tell You,” from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 26. The workshop, at the deKoven House at 27 Washington St., Middletown, will focus on landscaping practices for a sustainable future. Landscape choices, whether […]
Flora in Winter
Posted by uconnladybug under Gardening Even though this hasn’t been a particularly brutal winter so far, the sights and scents of flowers are a welcome diversion from the muted, bare winter landscape. For me, this usually means a trip to Logee’s Greenhouse in Danielson as well as an excursion to view the spectacular floral displays […]
Have Your Soil Tested for Macro and Micro Nutrients
Send your soil sample in for testing now. Our standard nutrient analysis includes pH, macro- and micro nutrients, a lead scan and as long as we know what you are growing, the results will contain limestone and fertilizer recommendations. The cost is $12/sample. You are welcome to come to the lab with your ‘one cup […]
Do I cut the bare hydrangea sticks or not?
Posted by uconnladybug under Gardening During the winter, my hydrangea looks dead. It has lost all of its leaves, as it should, but I am now left with a bunch of bare sticks. Normally when you see this, the urge is to cut them back to the ground. DON’T prune them now. Those dead looking […]
Rooting for Root Vegetables
We’re rooting for winter with root recipes from our Put Local On Your Tray program. Visit https://putlocalonyourtray.uconn.edu/root-recipes/ to find some warm, filling and nutritious ideas for how to cook carrots, parsnips, beets, radish, or another root vegetable.
Coastal Certificate Program
Registration is now being accepted for this year’s Coastal Certificate Program, titled “Pathways from Source to Sea — How Gardens Can Make the Connection.” It will take place in March at Connecticut College in New London. A series of four evening classes with a field trip, students will learn about coastal environmental issues, rethinking their […]
Bedding Plant Program for Greenhouse Growers
Get the latest information on bedding plant crop diseases, case studies on greenhouse production issues and more from University experts and network with professionals and fellow growers. This educational program will feature the following topics of interest to those who produce spring crops in the greenhouse: · Case Studies on Greenhouse Production Issues Rosa Raudales, Greenhouse Extension […]
Volunteer with Us
As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, many use this as a day of service. Extension values the service our volunteers contribute. In 2019, they volunteered 207,887 hours across all programs, valued at $5.3 million to our communities. Volunteers contribute knowledge and experience to Extension, and expand our capacity to deliver programs in every […]
Deer Damage and Control
Deer damage or feed on a wide variety of fruits and vegetables such as cole crops, lettuce, grapes, corn, pumpkins, berries, tomatoes, fruit trees and other plants. Because white-tailed deer lack upper incisor teeth, the damaged leaves and twigs or stems have jagged edges, compared with a clean-cut surface left by rodents and rabbit feeding. […]
Holiday Plant Care
Did you receive a plant during this holiday season? Poinsettia, holiday cactus and rosemary trees are filling the shelves in greenhouses, grocery stores and even big box stores appealing to the giver to gift a plant lover on their list. While they are beautiful plants, they will need the correct care to keep them that […]
Workshop: Production Agriculture – Back to Basics
Production Agriculture – BACK TO BASICS Farmers of all experience are encouraged to join the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, University of Connecticut, and the American Farmland Trust on Thursday, January 9, 2020 from 9 AM to 1 PM at the Tolland Agricultural Center in Vernon, Connecticut to hear the latest in IPM/biocontrol, soil management, and […]
Happy Holidays from UConn Extension
Happy holidays from all of us at UConn Extension! We are proud to serve all 169 Connecticut towns and cities. We look forward to working together in the new year.
Gardening Tips for November
Gardening Tips for November Cut back perennials that were covered in powdery mildew during the summer. Cut stalks to the ground and dispose of them. Image by Dow Gardens, Bugwood.org. Once the ground has frozen (but before it snows), mulch fall planted perennials by placing 3 to 5 inches of pine needles, straw, chopped leaves around them. Contact your […]
Growing Food with the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation
The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and UConn Extension have been collaborating thanks to a U.S.D.A. Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program to enhance agricultural production, food security, and health of tribal community members. UConn Extension Growing Food With the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation #AskUConnExtension #UConnImpact
CAHNR Strategic Visioning Process
The UConn College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources is engaged in a strategic visioning process. You also may have received the invitation below from Dean Chaubey. As one who knows about the College, we would love to have your input into the strategic direction the College will take over the next 5-10 years. Listening […]
Interveinal Chlorosis
One of the most common plant-problems we see in the lab is interveinal chlorosis. This issue can affect house plants and garden vegetables, to landscape trees and shrubs. We often get inquires about the plant-tissue analysis we offer in the soil testing lab as a means to identify various problems. While this is an extremely […]
Fall is a Great Time to Plant Trees
Autumn is an ideal time to plant a tree is as the air temperatures have cooled but the soil is still warm. Warm soil temperatures encourage root growth while decreasing light and day length signal the plant to stop producing top growth. Roots will continue to grow until the soil freezes and the tree enters […]
Still Time to Apply to Become a UConn Extension Master Gardener
STILL TIME TO APPLY TO BECOME A UCONN EXTENSION MASTER GARDENER – APPLICATION DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18. The deadline to apply for the 2020 Master Gardener program is this Friday, October 18. There are still some seats available. Go to https://mastergardener.uconn.edu/2019-uconn-extension-mast…/ to either apply online or download a paper version. This session we’ll be […]
Have your Soil Tested for Macro & Micro Nutrients
Send your soil sample in for testing now. Our standard nutrient analysis includes pH, macro- and micro nutrients, a lead scan and as long as we know what you are growing, the results will contain limestone and fertilizer recommendations. The cost is $12/sample. You are welcome to come to the lab with your ‘one cup […]
Fall Updates from UConn Extension
UConn Extension is pleased to share the following updates with you: An update on the strategic planning process for the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, as well as internal re-organization of Extension program teams. Our UConn CLEAR program worked with the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection on a sea level rise model […]
10 Tips for the October Gardener
Dig and store tender bulbs, corms, rhizomes, and tubers in a cool, dark, place. Remove plant debris from the flowerbeds. Bag any diseased plant parts and put it in the trash or take it to a landfill but do not compost. Take a scenic drive to observe the changing fall foliage. The CT DEEP has […]
Master Gardeners Help Community with Peoples Harvest Garden
The Peoples Harvest Garden in Pomfret is just one of the tremendous projects that UConn Extension Master Gardeners and UConn Extension support and participate in. The garden was started by the Windham County Master Gardeners in 2005, is still going strong, and all produce grown is donated to local kitchens that serve those in need. […]
Growing Food and Health with the Mashantucket Tribe
“The mission statement of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (MPTN) states they will ‘…establish a social, cultural and economic foundation that can never be undermined or destroyed…,’” says Tribal Councilor Daniel Menihan, Jr. MPTN was facing challenges growing their fruits and vegetables at a scale to meet the tribe’s needs on their land in Ledyard, […]
UConn Offers Master Composter Program and Worm Day
Enroll Now in the UConn 2019 Master Composter Program Almost 25% of household waste can be recycled through composting. The purpose of the UConn Master Composter program is to educate and train residents about the basics of small-scale composting and in exchange for the training, volunteers will pass on their knowledge to others through outreach activitiessuch […]
Ask UConn Extension
Do you have food, health, or environmental sustainability questions? Ask UConn Extension. We have specialists located throughout the state to answer your questions and connect you with the power of UConn research. Fill out this form with your question: http://bit.ly/AskUConnExtension
UConn Native Plants and Pollinators Conference
STUDENT UNION BALLROOM (ROOM 330) 2100 Hillside Road, Storrs, CT 06269 October 3, 2019 Join us for the second biannual UConn Native Plants & Pollinators Conference! Come for an exciting day of presentations featuring current science-based research and information on supporting pollinators in managed landscapes. This program is designed for growers and other green industry […]