Photo and Article By Dawn Pettinelli About now, many of us gardeners have a stack of seed catalogs several inches high and have started combing through them acquiring all kinds of ideas and a long wish list. Before finalizing you orders, spend a bit of time going through any leftover seeds from the previous year. […]
10 Tips for the February Gardener
Visit our booth at the 2015 CT Flower and Garden Show, February 19th-22nd, at the Connecticut Convention Center. Bring ½ cup of soil for a free pH test and your gardening questions for free advice. Provide houseplants with increased humidity by misting often or placing plants over a tray of moist pebbles. Clean the leaves […]
See RED on Valentine’s Day
By Alice Henneman, MS, RDN Nebraska Extension Educator See “Red” on Valentine’s Day and throughout the year. Red fruits and vegetables contain many health-promoting phytochemicals including lycopene and anthocyanins. This color group may help promote: A lower risk of some cancers A healthy heart Memory health Urinary tract health Red fruits and vegetables include: […]
Privacy and Mobile Devices
By German Cutz, Ed.D. for UConn Extension Your Private Information: At Risk on Mobile Devices With easy access to mobile devices your personal and private information are at risk. Ninety five percent of Americans use one or more cellular phones, tablets, laptops, GPS (Global Positioning System), and other mobile devices. Most cell phone users […]
EAB Quarantine Extended to All of Connecticut
The quarantine for the invasive, non-native emerald ash borer (EAB) was extended to include all eight Connecticut counties effective December 5, 2014. This was in response to the detection of EAB in Middlesex and New London Counties. EAB is already established in numerous towns in New Haven, Fairfield, Hartford, and Litchfield Counties. The movement of […]
PEP Respect Campaign
Check out this great video that one of our People Empowering People (PEP) graduates created on respect.
Climate Adaption Academy Looking for Input
The Climate Adaptation Academy (CAA) is developing a list of challenges that municipalities and residents are facing as a result of climate change and we need your help. CAA is a partnership between Connecticut Sea Grant and UConn’s Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) and was developed after talking to a variety of […]
Reducing Storm Damage to Your Greenhouses
By John W. Bartok, Jr. Agricultural Engineer, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. 2013 39 pounds per square foot – That’s the weight of snow I had in my yard in Ashford after the January 2011 snow and rain storms. The Connecticut Building Code calls for a design load of 30 pounds per square foot (psf) […]
Soil Workshop
UConn Extension‘s Richard Meinert and Dawn Pettinelli attended a soil workshop on the west coast in November. Dawn writes: the 2014 International Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy (ASA), the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) and the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) was in Long Beach, California. The theme of this year’s […]
Greenhouse Vegetable Workshop
UConn Extension hosted a workshop on December 16th on Growing Container Grown Greenhouse Vegetables. Over 65 attendees listened to five University speakers and two farmers share their insights on greenhouse vegetables.
Food Safety During a Power Outage
Visit the UConn Extension Food Safety website for all of our food safety preparations and tips for storms and power outages.
The Science of Cheese-Making
UConn Extension‘s Dennis D’Amico recently traveled to England to focus on the science of making cheese. Listen to his interview with NPR.
International Year of Soils
The U.S. Department of Agriculture kicked off its celebration of the International Year of Soils to highlight the importance of healthy soils for food security, ecosystem functions and resilient farms and ranches. “Healthy soil is the foundation that ensures working farms and ranches become more productive, resilient to climate change and better prepared to meet the challenges of […]
Trees Rock
The town of Hamden was a recipient of a weather station available through a partnership with UConn Extension, as part of a pilot program that UConn is developing for school grounds managers. Middle school science teachers were excited to hear about the weather station and asked if they would be able to access the weather […]
The Hickories
UConn Extension’s Scaling Up Program created a video series on farmers in Connecticut. This film features Dina Brewster of the Hickories in Ridgefield.
Three Connecticut Projects Selected for RCPP Funding
“More than 600 pre-proposals were submitted nationwide. With so many strong proposals, the project selection process was extremely competitive,” said Lisa Coverdale, Connecticut State Conservationist for the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service. “We are so very proud that three from Connecticut have been selected for funding. This is such an amazing opportunity to work with some […]
Massaro Community Farm
UConn Extension’s Scaling Up Program created a video series on farmers in Connecticut. This film features Steve Munno of Massaro Community Farm in Woodbridge.
Provider Farm
UConn Extension’s Scaling Up Program created a video series on farmers in Connecticut. This film features Kerry and Max Taylor of Provider Farm in Salem.
Beltane Farm
UConn Extension’s Scaling Up Program created a video series on farmers in Connecticut. This film features Paul Trubey of the Beltane Farm in Lebanon.
10 Tips for the January Gardener
1. Check out the Garden Master classes that are available throughout the state at Most classes are open to both Master Gardeners and the general public. 2. If driveways or sidewalks have been treated with a de-icer that contains sodium chloride do not pile this snow on plants or in areas where the melting […]
Vegetable Workshops
UConn Extension will offer two workshops on pests and diseases of vegetable crops this February. These workshops will cover common and important pests and diseases of four vegetable families: Cucurbitaceae (cucumber, squash, melon and pumpkin), Brassicaceae (cabbage family), Solanaceae (tomato, potato, pepper and eggplant), and Fabaceae (legumes/beans and peas). The emphasis will be on identification […]
State’s Aquaculture Industry Nets Benefits from Changes in Federal Plan
By Sheila Foran for UConn Today Commercial shellfish farmers who use the ocean to grow their crops off the nation’s coastline now have the same kind of protection against crop losses as do people who farm on land, due to a recent change in federal policy. The new language providing coverage was added to the […]
PEP Training
On Monday, December 8th UConn Extension’s People Empowering People (PEP) program hosted a training on changes to the program for 30 of our facilitators. — in Hartford, CT.
A Fair To Remember
Does the winter weather have you missing 4-H Fair season? Relive the 2014 Middlesex-New Haven County 4-H Fair with this video created by Connecticut 4-H volunteer Marianne Beckman and Cheshire Public Access.
Put CT Grown On Your Tray
UConn Extension is excited about the #PutCTGrownOnYourTray campaign. Mary Concklin, Extension Educator for Fruit IPM and farmer at Raspberry Knoll Farm poses with her life-size farm cutout at Extension’s Build Your Network, Grow Our Future conference earlier in December.
4-H FANs IM Family Night
The 4-H FANs IM program has created this great video on Family Night that showcases what the program is all about. Connecticut Fitness and Nutrition Clubs In Motion, is a 4-H Afterschool program designed to reduce obesity rates in children ages 9 to 14, through sustainable interventions surrounding food and fitness. The program is a […]
10 Food Safety Resolutions for 2015
By Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH, RD UConn Extension Educator – Food Safety Food safety is not something we usually think of when we are making our New Year’s resolutions. In fact it is likely that you will promise to lose weight, exercise more, read more, spend less, stop smoking, start spending more time with […]
Invasive Worm Survey
We Need Your Help – Take Our Invasive Worm Survey Some of you may be aware of the problems our forest ecosystems, and in some cases our gardens, are experiencing due to the arrival of the invasive earthworm species, Amynthas, also known at the crazy snake worm or Alabama jumper. Here is a link […]
Master Gardener Volunteer Wins Award
Congratulations to Advanced Master Gardener Ken Sherrick named “Outstanding CFPA Volunteer” for his work on the Connecticut Forest and Park Association grounds and gardens in Rockfall, CT.
Garden Programs in Fairfield County
Originally published by Naturally@UConn on December 16, 2014 Written by: Kim Markesich Fairfield County gardening programs teach nutrition, integrated pest management and life skills The Fairfield County Extension Center Demonstration Garden The Fairfield County Extension Center hosts a variety of gardening programs, and the season just past was a successful and bountiful one. With the support of […]
Controlled Environment Agriculture
CONNECTICUT FEDERALLY FUNDED STARTUP AIMS TO BRING OUT-OF-SEASON FARMING TO FINANCIALLY STRESSED NEW ENGLAND GROWERS; Connecticut Tech Business To Introduce Year-Round Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) To Area Strawberry Farmers; Recent CBS’ 60 MINUTES Segment Highlights California Drought Impact on Local Food Availability December 15, 2014 — As the outdoor farming season in New England is […]
Where to go for Food Safety Information?
By Diane Wright Hirsch UConn Extension Educator/Food Safety The late fall, early winter holidays can be a busy time for home cooks. Whether you are preparing a traditional holiday turkey, a favorite side dish of greens from your garden, or attempting something new like a goose or Connecticut oysters, the food safety implications of […]
PEP: Building Communities
People Empowering People (PEP) – Building Communities By Robin Drago and Cathleen Love for UConn Extension The People Empowering People (PEP) Program is a personal and family development program with a strong community focus. PEP builds upon individual life experiences and strengths to encourage growth in communication and problem solving skills, parent and family […]
Holiday Plants, Holiday Safety
By Dawn Pettinelli UConn Home & Garden Education Center As we decorate our homes for the holidays with cheery plants, evergreen boughs and berries, it is important to take into account which plants and materials might be toxic to young children and pets. Many plants can pose serious threats to the curious two year old […]
10 Tips for the December Gardener
1. Replace the plants in hanging baskets, containers, and window boxes with evergreen boughs, berries and pinecones. 2. Disinfect, oil, and sharpen lawn and garden tools. Keep them in a dry storage area. 3. Don’t use fertilizer to melt ice. This creates nitrogen runoff issues that could damage local bodies of water. 4. Recycle your […]
Welcome Laura Brown!
We want to take this opportunity to welcome Laura Brown to UConn Extension as our new Extension Educator for Community Development. Laura has wonderful experience here in Connecticut where she worked with the Hartford Food System as their Director of Education and Community Outreach and then as a statewide Community Development Specialist at University of […]
Master Gardener Project at Natchaug Hospital
Working With the Land Provides Solace, Sustenance Staff and volunteers throughout the Behavioral Health Network are always volunteering discretionary effort, and campus beautification has been one area of focus. At Natchaug Hospital, the Master Gardener Garden Improvement Team was started in April 2009 by Edward Sawicki, MD, a retired member of the Board of Directors. […]
Master Gardener Volunteer Recognition
As part of the national celebration of the 100th anniversary of Cooperative Extension in 2014, the UConn Extension Master Gardener Program is honoring the substantial contributions of its Master Gardener volunteers. This marks the commencement of an ongoing recognition program for the sizable volunteer time that Master Gardener volunteers invest in their communities. This recognition […]
NY Produce Show
UConn CAHNR students are at the The New York Produce Show & Conference in NYC with Agricultural Resource Economics Assistant Professor and UConn Extension Economist Ben Campbell. These are pictures of them talking with students from Newcastle University (UK) at the Global Trade Symposium, at the career networking event at the Show as well as pictures of them in Times Square NYC. […]
World Soil Day
Today is World Soil Day! Did you know? Soil is the basis for food, feed, fuel and fibre production and for services to ecosystems and human well-being. It is the reservoir for at least a quarter of global biodiversity, and therefore requires the same attention as above-ground biodiversity. Soils play a key role in the […]