Plant Variety Selection for the Home Vegetable Gardener By Jacqueline Kowalski As snow and winter lose their charm, one thing that excites gardeners this time of year is the arrival and perusal of seed catalogs. The glossy pages filled with promises and beauty remind gardeners that spring is just around the corner, and soon, hands […]
2024 CT Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers’ Conference
UConn Extension Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers’ Conference January 9, 2024 UConn Student Union, Rooms 330 & 304 For full agenda and more information visit: Early Registration $40.00, ends Wednesday December 20, 2023 at noon $60.00 after December 20, 2023 Matriculated Students: $30.00 with valid school ID Online registration will be open until January 3, […]
Register Today For “Bringing the Farm to the School” Training
An organized partnership between Put Local on Your Tray, Connecticut Department of Agriculture, UConn Extension, and Connecticut Farm To School Collaborative is excited to offer “Bringing the Farm to the School” a producer training for CT Farmers to navigate the opportunities and challenges of selling into public K-12 schools! Learn more HERE! Did you know that Districts across the state are […]
Newest Crop Insurance Program
Small-scale, diversified farmers – have you heard the news? There’s a new insurance program available from USDA called Micro Farm insurance, available specifically for farmers making up to $350,000 annually. If you’ve thought federal crop insurance didn’t apply to you before, well, things are starting to change! Learn more here: CT will have an in-person […]
FSMA Produce Safety Course
FSMA Produce Safety Rule/Produce Safety Alliance Approved Grower Training Course (In person) November 30, December 1; December 2, Snow Date 8:30 am through 3:30 pm Middlesex County Extension Center 1066 Saybrook Rd Haddam, CT Registration Deadline Friday, 11/18 Space limited to 30 participants. REGISTRATION: Course fee is $50. The preferred method of registration/payment is through […]
Master Gardener Plant Sale
Date: Saturday, May 8, 2021 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Place: Windham County Extension Center 139 Wolf Den Road Brooklyn, CT 06237 Perennials Annuals Tomatoes Vegetables Herbs Houseplants Soil Testing Kits for sale *Free Parking […]
Apply to Become a UConn Extension Master Gardener – 2021 Class Will Be Online
Garden harvests are underway, and it’s a great time to plan ahead for next year. Apply now for the 2021 UConn Extension Master Gardener Program. Classes will be held in Bethel, Brooklyn, Farmington, Haddam and Stamford. The deadline for applications is Friday, October 16, 2020. UConn Extension Master Gardeners have an interest in plants, gardening, […]
Getting Started with Vegetable Gardening
It’s exciting for those of us who are already passionate about gardening to see the recent interest in vegetable gardens. Seed companies have been doing a great business. Every winter I love to browse seed catalogs and gardening websites and dream about the perfect garden. There is a special joy in eating something you grew […]
Join us for a Farmer Focus Group Tomorrow
Invite to Farmer Focus Group Do you struggle with getting all the work done on your farm? Do you have challenges attracting and retaining employees? Are you interested in working with other farmers to design solutions to labor challenges? If so, consider attending the farmer focus group, Exploring Novel Approaches to Farm Labor, at the CT NOFA Winter Conference in […]
Ask UConn Extension: Biodegradable Plastic Mulch
Farmers: Are you considering biodegradable plastic mulch (BDM) for your crops? Shuresh Ghimire, UConn Extension educator for vegetable crops, visits Bruce Gresczyk Jr. of Gresczyk Farms in New Hartford, Connecticut to discuss biodegradable plastic mulch (BDM), and the advantages and disadvantages of BDM for vegetable farmers: #AskUConnExtension
10 Tips for the October Gardener
Dig and store tender bulbs, corms, rhizomes, and tubers in a cool, dark, place. Remove plant debris from the flowerbeds. Bag any diseased plant parts and put it in the trash or take it to a landfill but do not compost. Take a scenic drive to observe the changing fall foliage. The CT DEEP has […]
Solid Ground Farmer Trainings in January
The following Solid Ground Farmer Trainings are scheduled for January. BF 106: Vegetable Production for Small Scale Farming – January 5th BF 240: Pesticide Safety for Conventional & Organic Producers – January 9th BF 270: Welding Basics for Agriculture – January 12th – FULL BF 110: Growing Crops in Low, High and Movable Tunnels – January […]
Pre-Register for Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers’ Conference
SOUTH WINDSOR, CT – UConn Extension’s 2019 Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers’ Conference will be taking place on Monday, January 7th, 2019. The conference will be held at Maneeley’s Conference Center on 65 Rye Street in South Windsor. The day will include 9 educational sessions, an extensive trade show with over 30 exhibitors, and plenty […]
Produce Safety Training
Some medium to larger Connecticut farms need to comply with the Produce Safety Rule (PSR). This includes taking an approved food safety course, implement- ing certain practices that can minimize risk, and keeping records related to those practices. The Connecticut Department of Agriculture conducts a variety of activi- ties related to implementation of the rule, […]
Food Safety on Farms
Fruits and vegetables add important nutrients, color, variety to our diet. Most of us enjoy them raw in salads, as a snack, or dessert. However, in the last few years there has been an increase in the number of foodborne illness outbreaks asso- ciated with fresh fruits and vegetables. Spinach, cantaloupe, tomatoes, cilantro, and green […]
Cold Storage: A Sustainable Way to Preserve the Harvest
By Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH Senior Extension Educator/Food Safety A young couple I know if looking to buy their first house. She prefers older homes with character, he wants space for a big garden. They came upon an older home with a dirt basement floor….I immediately thought that it might be a good candidate for a […]
Keeping Farm Fresh Veggies and Fruits Fresh
Keeping those farm fresh veggies and fruits fresh By Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH Senior Extension Educator/Food Safety Recently I had a call from a mom asking if she should wash her berries before storing in the fridge. Her 30-something daughter, who, of course, knows everything, insisted that she should wash first. The mom wasn’t […]
Going Back to Your Roots, or Tubers
Going back to your roots…or tubers…or bulbs…or corms Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH Senior Extension Educator Corms? What are corms? This time of year, those of us who make an attempt to eat seasonally, “root” vegetables are a mainstay. Though most are available year round, roots are something that you can continue to find at […]
Pick Your Own Apples – Avoid Those with Bird Droppings
By Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH Extension Educator/Food Safety Connecticut has an abundance of farms that open their gates to those who want to pick their own raspberries, apples, vegetables and other seasonal offerings. I have picked raspberries well into October in the past, though I am not sure how the hot summer and early fall have […]
Vegetable IPM Class of 2016
Each year, UConn Extension Educator Jude Boucher helps commercial vegetable growers find sustainable solutions to pest problems. The program emphasizes healthy soils, balanced plant nutrition, proper pest and beneficial identification, scouting and monitoring techniques, preventative management strategies, reduced-risk pesticide selection application, and resistance management. Farmers apply to become part of the program, as space is […]
Tips for Donating Extra Garden Produce
Many of you are growing your own food this summer at home or in a community garden. Do you have an abundance of vegetables – more than you and your family can consume? Here are some tips from Maine Extension on donating your extra produce: Home Gardeners Growing extra food in your own garden, or […]
Crop Availability in Connecticut
Have you ever wondered which fruits and vegetables are available in Connecticut, and when? The Department of Agriculture created this chart to help:
Cut Food Budgets – Grow a Kitchen Garden
By Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH, RD UConn Extension Educator/Food Safety Though some economic indicators are showing that things are getting better, there are many Connecticut citizens who still find tough going. The result has been that more and more people are growing food in their backyards or on patios, and some […]
Successful 2016 Connecticut Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers’ Conference
By MacKenzie White, UConn Extension Another great annual conference is in the books for UConn Extension and the Connecticut Agriculture Experiment Station. 266 growers, agricultural exhibitors, and educators came together Monday January 11th at Maneely’s in South Windsor for a session filled with valuable information in which growers will take back and apply to […]
New Greenhouse Teaches Science of Gardening
New Greenhouse helps 4-H Center at Auerfarm Teach Youth the Science of Gardening By Sarah Bailey, Master Gardener Coordinator, Hartford County Extension Center Winter may have been unusually cold and long this year, but there was a sunny and green oasis at the 4-H Center at Auerfarm. Spinach and herbs grew throughout the winter, […]
Vegetable IPM Program
Jude Boucher of our Vegetable Crops Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program has had a busy summer. He helps commercial vegetable growers find sustainable solutions to pest problems. The program emphasizes healthy soils, balanced plant nutrition, proper pest and beneficial identification, scouting and monitoring techniques, preventative management strategies, reduced-risk pesticide selection and application, and resistance management. This […]
Making Soup
At St. Luke’s food pantry in Bridgeport UConn Extension reaches SNAP recipients with healthy eating tips and recipes. Heather Peracchio made minestrone soup with attendees. Canned vegetables are best for our health when labeled “no salt added,” or if you have regular or reduced sodium rinsing and draining the veggies or beans can help to […]
Meal Preparation for Infants
UConnExtension’s Heather Pease worked with students at the New Britain CREC Medical Professions and Teacher Preparation Academy to make meals for children ages 6-months to 12-months. Some food groups are not represented because they did not have access to all food groups. The focus was on portion and texture of mainly vegetables, fruit and cereal. […]
10 Tips for the April Gardener
Purchase onion sets for planting and set 1 inch deep and 4 to 5 inches apart when soil can be worked. Early spring is a great time to spot spray or hand-dig dandelions. If spraying, choose a product that won’t kill grass. If digging, wait until after a rain, when soil is soft. Apply […]
Gardens, gardens, everywhere…
….be sure to grow with food safety in mind By Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH, RD UConn Extension Educator – Food Safety It is hard to believe that spring is just around the corner. Though we in Connecticut were all teased with 35-degree temperatures, we are quickly back in the deep freeze, surrounded by ugly, dirty […]
Massaro Community Farm
UConn Extension’s Scaling Up Program created a video series on farmers in Connecticut. This film features Steve Munno of Massaro Community Farm in Woodbridge.
Eat locally grown, even in winter….
By Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH, RD UConn Extension Educator, Food Safety Photo: Tomatoes at Bishop’s Orchards in Guilford. Credit: Jude Boucher, UConn Extension After a food-filled holiday season (including, I must confess, raspberries, grown somewhere in South America, in a fruit salad…), it is time that many of us resolve to eat healthier and, perhaps, to attempt […]