UConn Extension is excited to announce that the Fundamentals of Home Gardening online course, designed to help gardening enthusiasts of all levels cultivate thriving home gardens, is available for home gardeners who want to expand their knowledge and skills. The course is divided into four modules covering essential gardening topics: CORE – Water, Soils, and […]
master gardener
Meet Joanna Woodward
Joanna Woodward recently joined UConn Extension as the Master Gardener Coordinator for Tolland County. Prior to joining Extension, she spent 30 years in corporate IT working in training and help desk services, project management, library and information services, and then technology adoption and education. Joanna emigrated from the United Kingdom almost 20 years ago and […]
Become a Master Gardener – Apply for the 2024 Program
Do you enjoy horticulture and want to expand your knowledge and also help others? Apply for the 2024 UConn Extension Master Gardener program. Applications are due October 13, 2023 and classes begin on January 8, 2024. Class locations for 2024 are Stamford, Norwich, Torrington, New Haven, and online. Students enrolled in this program receive training […]
Today: Matching Gifts for our Master Gardeners
It’s the final day of UConn Gives! Yesterday was a great day as we reached the halfway mark towards our $20,000 goal. So many of you stepped up and donated to the Master Gardener program – Thank you to all who have donated thus far! But now it’s the home stretch and we’re hoping to […]
Applications for the 2023 Master Gardener Program are Open
APPLY TO BECOME A UCONN EXTENSION MASTER GARDENER – 2023 classes will include hybrid and virtual options The hot, hazy summer days are a great time to plan for next year’s gardening activities! Apply now for the 2023 UConn Extension Master Gardener Program. Classes will be held in Farmington, Brooklyn, Haddam, and Stamford along with […]
Extension Recognizes Program Volunteers
Volunteers are the heart of UConn Extension Master Gardener Program, UConn CLIR program, and our UConn 4-H program. We were honored to recognize a few of them for their contributions at an event on June 16, 2022. In total, our volunteers donated 156,597 hours (the equivalent of 6,524 days) to our programs in 2021. Thank […]
Using Coffee Grounds in Your Garden
We are frequently asked if coffee grounds can be used in a garden. The short answer is yes, coffee grounds can be used in garden soil! Coffee grounds contain some major nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) as well as some micronutrients, so put them to work in your garden. Allow them to dry and then […]
September Checklist for Connecticut Gardeners
Written by Colleen Amster and Arianna Ege, UConn Extension Master Gardener Volunteers September is a good time for Connecticut gardeners to begin the fall cleanup and assessment process. It is also a good time to shop for trees, shrubs, and bulbs, and prepare for next year’s growing season. Here is a helpful list to get […]
Apply to Become a UConn Extension Master Gardener
2022 classes will include hybrid and virtual options Fall is a great time to plan for next year’s gardening activities! Apply now for the 2022 UConn Extension Master Gardener Program. Classes will be held in New Haven, Norwich, Tolland, Torrington, and Stamford. The deadline for applications is Friday, October 18, 2021. “The program provides the […]
Master Gardener Plant Sale
Date: Saturday, May 8, 2021 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Place: Windham County Extension Center 139 Wolf Den Road Brooklyn, CT 06237 Perennials Annuals Tomatoes Vegetables Herbs Houseplants Soil Testing Kits for sale *Free Parking […]
Learn Gardening Fundamentals in New Online Course
Interested in how plants grow? Do you want a healthy, productive, and sustainable landscape for your home? UConn Extension now offers the Fundamentals of Home Gardening, an asynchronous online series of classes covering a wide variety of gardening topics. These classes explore the foundation of good gardening practices, and help explain the “why” of successful […]
2020 Herb of the Year
RUBUS (Brambles) 2020 Herb of the Year Red Raspberry, Black Raspberry, Blackberry & Wineberry Article by Dana Weinberg, UConn Extension Advanced Master Gardener Since 1991, the International Herb Society has chosen an Herb of the Year. This year’s choice is the genus Rubus. The name comes from the Latin word ‘ruber’ meaning red. Indigenous to […]
Apply to Become a UConn Extension Master Gardener – 2021 Class Will Be Online
Garden harvests are underway, and it’s a great time to plan ahead for next year. Apply now for the 2021 UConn Extension Master Gardener Program. Classes will be held in Bethel, Brooklyn, Farmington, Haddam and Stamford. The deadline for applications is Friday, October 16, 2020. UConn Extension Master Gardeners have an interest in plants, gardening, […]
There is Still Time to Garden
August is just around the corner, and somehow you never got your vegetable garden started. Perhaps you had a wonderful early-season harvest but didn’t plant any later-season crops. The garden bed is just sitting there, empty except for weeds. Don’t think the garden season is over! There are plenty of short-season crops and cold-tolerant veggies […]
How do I use a soaker hose in my garden?
Gina, one of our UConn Extension Master Gardeners explains how to use a soaker hose in whichever type of garden you have, whether it’s a traditional garden or a raised bed. For more information and gardening resources visit https://mastergardener.uconn.edu/ .
Getting Started with Vegetable Gardening
It’s exciting for those of us who are already passionate about gardening to see the recent interest in vegetable gardens. Seed companies have been doing a great business. Every winter I love to browse seed catalogs and gardening websites and dream about the perfect garden. There is a special joy in eating something you grew […]
Common Garden Mistakes
Mistakes are a great learning tool, but they also can dampen any enthusiasm for a new project. When early mistakes compound problems further down the road, they can turn someone away from a pastime that offers great satisfaction, healthy activities and a renewed appreciation of the natural world around us. So, if you are just […]
Job Opening: Tolland County Master Gardener Coordinator
The UConn Extension Master Gardener Program is seeking applications for the position of Master Gardener Tolland County Program Coordinator. This is a 16‐hour‐per‐week position and is a temporary, six‐month appointment. Renewal is optional pending coordinator review and availability of program funding. https://bit.ly/TollandMG
Still Time to Apply to Become a UConn Extension Master Gardener
STILL TIME TO APPLY TO BECOME A UCONN EXTENSION MASTER GARDENER – APPLICATION DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18. The deadline to apply for the 2020 Master Gardener program is this Friday, October 18. There are still some seats available. Go to https://mastergardener.uconn.edu/2019-uconn-extension-mast…/ to either apply online or download a paper version. This session we’ll be […]
Master Gardeners Help Community with Peoples Harvest Garden
The Peoples Harvest Garden in Pomfret is just one of the tremendous projects that UConn Extension Master Gardeners and UConn Extension support and participate in. The garden was started by the Windham County Master Gardeners in 2005, is still going strong, and all produce grown is donated to local kitchens that serve those in need. […]
Apply to Become a UConn Extension Master Gardener
APPLY TO BECOME A UCONN EXTENSION MASTER GARDENER – APPLICATION DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 18. Garden harvests are underway, and it’s a great time to plan ahead for next year. Apply now for the 2020 UConn Extension Master Gardener Program. Classes will be held in Vernon, New Haven, Norwich, Torrington and Stamford. The deadline for applications […]
Natural Pesticide Issues
As the gardening season gets underway, lots of homemade weed-killer “recipes” are cropping up on social media, usually containing some combination of vinegar, Epsom salts, and Dawn dishwashing soap. These are often accompanied by a comment such as “no need for pesticides or herbicides!” It may feel good to use familiar household items to control […]
Join us for a Garden Party
Please join the UConn Extension Master Gardener Program for an exclusive Garden Party, hosted by Master Gardener Susan Saint James. Saturday, June 15, 2019 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Susan Saint James Home* Litchfield, CT Speaking program includes: Susan Saint James Dean Indrajeet Chaubey of UConn CAHNR Amy Chesmer, CAHNR ‘94 Tickets: Individual – $100 ($60 tax-deductible) […]
Plant Sales on May 18th
Gardeners: Join us for a plant sale on Saturday, May 18th. We have one on each side of the state: Bethel and Brooklyn. We’ll be at the Windham County Extension Center in Brooklyn on Saturday, May 18th from 9 AM until 2 PM. The plant sale at the Fairfield County Extension Center in Bethel is […]
Join Us for #UConnGives
UConn Gives is BACK for year two. And we need your help to grow our programs, and continue serving Connecticut communities. Put your paws in by supporting UConn 4-H, the UConn Extension Master Gardener Program, the 4-H Sports and Nutrition program, or the Natural Resources Conservation Academy on March 27-28, 2019. All four of these […]
Job: New Haven County Master Gardener Coordinator
Position Description Master Gardener County Coordinator New Haven County The UConn Extension Master Gardener Program is seeking applications for the position of Master Gardener New Haven County Program Coordinator. This is a 16‐hour‐per‐week position and is a temporary, six‐month appointment. Renewal is optional pending coordinator review and availability of program funding. Responsibilities include but are […]
Celebrate 40 Years of the UConn Extension Master Gardener Program
UConn Extension’s Master Gardener Program is celebrating 40 years of transforming academic research into practical gardening skills and techniques that everyone can use. The program sprouted in 1978 from the roots of the founding program at Washington State University. The program instructs participants in science-based horticulture practices and garden management, after which students apply their knowledge by […]
Open House with Fairfield County Master Gardeners in Bethel
Craft Fair and Open House Celebrates the 40th Anniversary of the UConn Extension Master Gardener Program Date: Saturday, October 6, 2018 (rain date Saturday, October 13) Time:9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Where: Fairfield County Extension Office and Grounds 67 Stony Hill Road (Route 6), Bethel, Connecticut The UConn Extension Master Gardener Program is […]
Horticultural Opportunities
The UConn Extension Master Gardener program is a program that offers many different opportunities through the horticulture world. There are many qualities that are vital to becoming a Master Gardener, such as being eager to educate your community, participating in training programs, and wanting to learn more about plant care and gardening. It is […]
Building Community Through a Garden
Dozens of bright yellow Goldfinches flew alongside as I made my way up the winding driveway past their meadows and into the heart of the 4-H Education Center at Auerfarm in Bloomfield. The high, wiry whistle of the birds sounded the alarm at my arrival. I parked behind the barn, and climbed the hill to […]
Apply to Become a UConn Extension Master Gardener
Do you love gardening? Are you interested in expanding your knowledge and sharing that knowledge with others? Applications are now available for the 2019 Master Gardener Program through UConn Extension. Participants receive horticultural training from UConn, and then share that knowledge with the public through community volunteering and educational outreach efforts. Enrollment in the UConn […]
Hartford County Extension Center Moving
Our Hartford County Extension Center is moving. As of Friday, August 3rd, please use the following address and new phone numbers: Exchange Building – Suite 262 270 Farmington Ave Farmington, CT, 06032 (860) 409-9050 Fax (860) 409-9080 hartford@uconn.edu Please be patient with our faculty and staff over the next week as it may take a […]
Master Your Garden With Our Spring Courses
Upcoming Classes: Ethnobotany – April 28th in Torrington Growing Trends at the Garden Barn – May 2nd in Vernon Boot Camp for Your Senses – May 3rd at Edgerton Park Carriage House Digital Garden Photography Basics – May 6th at Auerfarm in Bloomfield Pruning Trees and Shrubs – May 22nd in Bethel Forest Pests: Emerald […]
Garden Master Classes Available
Garden Master Classes are offered through the UConn Extension Master Gardener Program. For Certified Master Gardeners they provide continuing education as part of the Advanced Master Gardener certification process. These classes are also open to the general public. Anyone with an interest in gardening and horticulture is welcome! The UConn Extension Master Gardener Program is […]
Master Gardener Program Updates
The New Year ushered in a new crop of interns aspiring to become certified Master Gardeners. Classes began January 11th. The Bethel and New Haven classes alternate locations each year, and the 2018 class is being held in New Haven County at the Edgerton Park Carriage House. Both the New Haven County and Fairfield County […]
New London County Master Gardener Signature Projects 2017
Master Gardener Signature Projects 2017 Camp Harkness for the Handicapped, Waterford. People with disabilities spend time at the Camp during the summer months. Master Gardeners assist the clients with gardening activities and maintain the wheelchair accessible plants. In the winter, they work with seniors in the greenhouse. This project has been ongoing for a long […]
Fairfield County Master Gardener Projects
Sandi Wilson, Fairfield County Master Gardener Coordinator, spotlights three of the signature projects that volunteers have been working on: The Fairfield County Demonstration Vegetable Garden – Bethel, CT In November the Master Gardeners were putting the garden to bed for the season. Each year, they analyze what worked and what didn’t in the garden and […]
Windham Master Gardener Program
By John Lorusso We have had a great year educating our new crop of Master Gardeners in Brooklyn this year. The group began classes in the dead of winter in January and have been diligently working on their plant identification and diagnostic abilities all summer. In addition to those actions, they have been very busy […]
Deadline Extended for Master Gardener Program Applications
Do you love gardening? Are you interested in expanding your knowledge and sharing that knowledge with others? Applications for the 2018 Master Gardener Program through UConn Extension are now due by Friday, November 17. Master Gardener interns receive horticultural training from UConn, and then share knowledge with the public through community volunteering and educational outreach […]
Apply to Become a UConn Extension Master Gardener
Do you love gardening? Are you interested in expanding your knowledge and sharing that knowledge with others? Applications are now available for the 2018 Master Gardener Program through UConn Extension. Master Gardener interns receive horticultural training from UConn, and then share knowledge with the public through community volunteering and educational outreach efforts. Enrollment in the […]