
Educator Spotlight: Faye Griffiths-Smith

Financial Education Program Helps Participants Improve Their Lives Managing family and personal finances well is a common challenge. Findings from recent studies show cause for concern regarding Americans’ financial practices. According to the 2018 FINRA Financial Capability Study, nationally: 46% of individuals lack a rainy-day fund, 34% of individuals can answer four or five questions […]

4-H Program Teaches Finances to Military Youth

A group of military affiliated youth recently wrapped up a six-week session of lessons about saving, spending, earning, and the value of a dollar, and their time. Following the Reading Makes Cents 4-H Afterschool Curriculum Guide, participants were able to inspect the hidden secrets of a dollar, learn about saving and spending, needs and wants, […]

Saving for the Unexpected

In Celebration of America Saves Week and Connecticut Saves Week February 25th through March 2nd, 2019 Have you ever been taken by surprise by an expense such as a car or home repair, a refrigerator that needs to be replaced immediately, or school expenses? Often we need to act quickly so that we can get […]

Join Us for America Saves Week

UConn Extension has partnered with America Saves Week again this year, and we are celebrating from February 27th through March 4th. Connecticut Saves Campaign is a statewide initiative to encourage Connecticut residents to take positive financial actions and save regularly to turn their dreams into reality. Here you will find workshops and events around the state, […]

Connecticut Saves Campaign Promoting Family Saving is Launched

Only 39% of Connecticut residents reported spending less than they earned in 2012. Fifty percent did not have emergency funds and 57% haven’t set aside money for their children’s college education according to the 2012 National Financial Capability Study by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation. UConn Extension is launching the Connecticut Saves Campaign as a […]