Abandoned boats, broken lobster traps, discarded tires and all types of other trash aren’t just eyesores on Long Island Sound’s beaches, coves and channels. They’re also hazards to wildlife that can impede navigation and threaten human safety and health. To address this problem, Connecticut and New York Sea Grant programs will initiate a Marine Debris […]
May Wildflowers
Why are wildflowers the most beautiful of flowers? Perhaps it is because they are untamed by mankind and often appear when one is not even looking for them. In spring, one of the pleasures of getting out on nature trails or trekking through the woods is coming across some of Connecticut’s spring blooming wildflowers. These […]
Seafood survey could help further increase in demand
With national data showing Americans have been eating more fish and shellfish during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report on a survey of Connecticut residents’ seafood consumption habits and preferences offers timely information seafood dealers can use to help make the increase permanent. The final report on the Connecticut Seafood Survey, a project to better understand […]
Early Garden Arrivals
Spring 2020 generally arrived on time in Connecticut, but with some hesitation. A few bright, warm days have been sprinkled between cool or rainy, windy days and some localized snow showers. Those warm days brought out the rakes, pruners, shovel, and a pop-up yard bag to clear the debris that accumulated since the fall clean […]
‘Gardening for Good’ show features Sea Grant’s Preston
Listen and learn about sustainable gardening in “Gardening for Good,” the new monthly radio show hosted by Judy Preston, the Long Island Sound outreach coordinator for Connecticut Sea Grant. It airs at 10 a.m. on Fridays on iWCRV Internet radio: http://icrvradio.com/programs/program/298 The common theme is sustainable gardening, with emphasis on water quality and connecting the watershed […]
Communities Feed Kids
There are amazing stories from across Connecticut about the efforts being made to feed our communities. Responding to COVID-19 requires generosity and ingenuity. We recognize, more than ever, it is clear the roles schools play and the necessity of school meal programs to connect and serve healthy and local food with our communities. Put local […]
UConn Extension by the Numbers
Extension is a part of UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources (CAHNR). We have over 100 years of experience strengthening communities in Connecticut and beyond. Our educational specialists are ready to work with you and your community. Extension programs cover the full spectrum of topics aligned to the CAHNR strategic initiatives: • […]
Agricultural Stress Management
We understand many of our Connecticut farms and families have been dealing with stress long before this pandemic took place. Through a collaborative of UConn Extension faculty and staff along with some of our critical partners (Farm Credit East, ACA, Connecticut Department of Agriculture, Connecticut Farm Bureau, CT NOFA, Eggleston Equine, and Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services) […]
CARES Resources for Small Businesses
Senator Murphy suggests if business or nonprofit owners/CEOs have questions about what they qualify for or help with the applications, they can reach out to any of these offices for assistance: SBA CT Office Website: https://www.sba.gov/offices/district/ct/hartford 860-240-4700 Interim SBA CARES rule Small Business Owner Guide to the CARES Act, providing info on SBA major programs and initiatives […]
4-H Photo Contest Results Are In!
Our 4-H photo contest results are in! Congratulations to our winners. View all entries at bit.ly/4-H_Photos – we have some exceptional photographers in our UConn 4-H program.
Food Safety and COVID-19
March 26, 2020 Update The following information has been compiled for the general public and for those who come under essential businesses in Connecticut. FDA resources: FDA has recently stated that food supply is safe among COVID-19 and there are no current disruptions in the supply chain. Consumers should be confident in the safety of their food. […]
Executive Order 7H – Essential Businesses
CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EXECUTIVE ORDER 7H – ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES (HARTFORD, CT) – On March 20, 2020, The Governor issued Executive Order 7H, directing all businesses and nonprofit entities in the State of Connecticut to utilize, to the maximum extent possible, any telecommuting or work from home procedures that they can safely employ. That order […]
Free Environmental Webinar Series from UConn CLEAR
The UConn Center for Land Use Education and Research is offering free webinars. Here is the schedule for the next three weeks: WEDNESDAY MARCH 25, 2020 1:30 PM – 2:00 PM UConn Environment Corps: Harnessing Student Power to Help Towns Chet Arnold, CLEAR Director THURSDAY MARCH 26, 2020 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM Emergency […]
Important Resources for Aquaculture Farmers
March 19, 2020 COVID AND SEAFOOD SAFETY – By the National Fisheries Institute, includes responses to specific questions, as well as four simple talking points. REGULATORY INFO FOR DIRECT SALES Get the information you need to make direct sales in your community. NEED HELP GETTING WORD OUT VIA SOCIAL MEDIA? Are you trying to make sales […]
Information for Nursery & Landscape Professionals
For additional resources visit our COVID-19 page. The novel coronavirus is causing disruption not only to our industry, but globally. An industry entrenched in tradition is having to find new ways to close deals without a handshake. I am working on personally reaching out to you, our members, to stay current on how you are […]
Bears will be waking up when warm weather hits
Black bears will be coming out of hibernation as the weather warms. Their populations have been growing and more bears means increased sightings and potential conflicts with humans. Reduce reasons for them to come into your yard by removing bird feeders and bring in garbage cans promptly. Follow the link for for more information: https://www.ct.gov/deep/cwp/view.asp?a=2723&q=325968&deepNav_GID=1655&inf_contact_key=dd6ecf34fdb3772eccef218e16130b43
Register for UConn 4-H Goat Day
UConn 4-H Goat Day is on Saturday, April 4, 2020 from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM in the Ratcliffe Hicks Arena on the UConn-Storrs campus. This event is designed for youth ages 7-18, parents, leaders and adult goat enthusiasts from around New England. UConn 4-H Goat Day features various workshops held throughout the day such […]
CT Farmlink Website Improves Farmland Access for Farmers
Connecticut FarmLink, a clearing house for the transition between generations of landowners with the goal of keeping farmland in production, is pleased to announce the launch of a redesigned website, www.ctfarmlink.org. A partnership between the Connecticut Department of Agriculture and the Connecticut Farmland Trust (CFT) with funding through the Community Investment Act (CIA) is ensuring new […]
Survey could help efforts to get more seafood eaten in CT
If you’re an average Connecticut resident, you probably didn’t eat seafood more than once in the last week. But you might, if you knew more about how to prepare different types of fish, shellfish and seaweed, and where to buy local seafood. You’d also be inclined to have seafood more often if you knew more […]
Attend the CT Ag Wellness Summit
Stress has many causes and is a serious problem for those involved in agriculture. Unfortunately many folks try to deal with this quietly, showing a stiff upper lip, and by themselves – not the healthiest route to take. Join us in learning more about how to identify stressors, understanding ways to help yourself, and equally […]
Registration Open for CT Trail Symposium
We in Connecticut, over the last decade, have made great progress in building and connecting our trail systems. So much so that the Connecticut Greenways Council believes now is the time to celebrate and shout about our trail systems assuring that all members of our communities can gather, recreate, relax, run errands and even commute […]
Water Testing in Connecticut
Water is part of everything that we do. We are frequently asked about water testing, septic system maintenance, and fertilizing lawns. The Connecticut Institute of Water Resources, a project with Natural Resources & the Environment, has resources for homeowners: https://ctiwr.uconn.edu/resident-resources/. #AskUConnExtension
Hannan Holstein Farm is CT Dairy Farm of the Year
We are pleased to announce that Chris and Todd Hannan of Hannan Holsteins Farm are the winners of the Connecticut 2019 Dairy Farm of the Year for our New England Green Pastures Program. The two brothers milk 50 registered Holsteins, half of which are Red and White Holsteins, with a total of 140 head of […]
Ask UConn Extension
Do you have food, health, or environmental sustainability questions? Ask UConn Extension. We have specialists located throughout the state to answer your questions and connect you with the power of UConn research. Fill out this form with your question: http://bit.ly/AskUConnExtension
CEDAS Launches “Best Practices” Accreditation
CONNECTICUT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION WELCOMES CONNECTICUT MUNICIPALITIES TO SHOWCASE ‘BEST PRACTICES’ – LAUNCHES ‘BEST PRACTICES IN LAND USE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT’ ACCREDITATION The Connecticut Economic Development Association (CEDAS) is announcing the launch of the ‘Best Practices in Land Use and Economic Development’ certification to recognize Connecticut municipalities for outstanding land use practices. In creating this […]
Real Farmers, Real Risks: Interview with Preston Ridge Vineyards
Article by Evan Lentz Preston Ridge Vineyard is a beautiful vineyard and winery located in Preston, Connecticut. The owners and team members at Preston Ridge work hard to produce a wide variety of grapes and have an impressive line of local Connecticut wines. Their tasting room and outdoor wedding venue immerse guests in the prestige […]
Applications Open for FoodCorps CT
Are you ready to #serveupchange in your community? Apply now for a year of service with FoodCorps Connecticut! The deadline is March 15, but aim to submit early: we’re reviewing applications on a rolling basis. Go to http://foodcorps.org/apply to apply yourself (or share this post with a leader who shares our passion for healthy food in schools!)
Coastal Storm Preparedness Story Map for Connecticut
As part of the Coastal Storm Awareness Program (CSAP) 10 social science research and related new technology projects were funded to improve public response to coastal storm hazard information. In one of these studies, Jennifer Marlon, of Yale University, and other collaborators in 2015 found that 70 percent of coastal Connecticut residents are either unsure […]
No Place Like Home: Black Bears are Back
Connecticut is bear country. It may sound strange, but western Connecticut is home to a growing population of American black bears. While bears may at times look out of place in the fourth most densely populated state, black bears living around humans is becoming more and more common not only in Connecticut, but across North America. This new reality has instigated new research […]
Economic Impacts of Connecticut Agriculture
You are cordially invited to the release the Zwick Center’s new ag econ impact report on Friday, September 29th at 9.30 AM at the Legislative Office Building (room 1-B) in Hartford. Speakers include U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney, the Commissioner of Ag Steven Reviczky, and Dean Cameron Faustman.
Got Gardening Questions?
Did you know that the UConn Extension Master Gardener program has 9 locations statewide, and our trained volunteers are ready and able to help you answer garden questions. Find a location near you at http://mastergardener.uconn.edu.
Job Opportunity
* JOB OPPORTUNITY * 2017- 2018 Part-Time Coordinator Position with the Connecticut Trail Census The Connecticut Trail Census CTTC) is seeking a dynamic multi-use trail (bike-pedestrian) enthusiast to serve as the point person and part-time coordinator for project (~17 hours/week). The CTTC is a new study and volunteer based data collection program on 15 multi-use […]
Where Bears Are
UConn CAHNR faculty member Tracy Rittenhouse was recently featured in the UConn Today article about bears in Connecticut. Tracy tells us: “We recently estimated the population size of black bears in the state at 427+/- 30 bears. We (with UConn Center for Land Use Education and Research) created this online story map that people can use to learn about […]
Drought in Connecticut? Who Knew?
By Mike Dietz Connecticut is not the first place that would likely come to mind if I asked you to come up with a part of the country that experiences drought; the desert southwest and California might typically be first on the list. However, southern New England has received less than normal amounts of precipitation […]
Obscure Mealybug Confirmed in CT Nursery
By: Joan Allen UConn Plant Diagnostic Lab The obscure mealybug (Pseudococcus viburni) has been confirmed for the first time in Connecticut. High populations were present on numerous host plants in a Connecticut nursery in the fall of 2015. Samples were submitted to the UConn Plant Diagnostic Lab for identification by Donna Ellis, UConn Nursery […]
10 Tips for the October Gardener
All houseplants need to be brought inside before the first frost. Connecticut had a frost over the weekend; if your houseplants aren’t inside, make a note on your calendar for next year. Pot up tulips, hyacinths and other pre-chilled bulbs and store in a cool, dark place until ready to force. Rosemary is not […]
CT Envirothon
Several UConn Extension educators worked at the Envirothon Event on May 21st. It’s a great event and well worth all the effort that goes into it. UConn Extension’s Donna Ellis made a presentation at the teacher’s workshop (as the technical expert) during the event on invasive species which is next year’s current issue challenge. This year’s current […]
The Untimely Death of a Worm
By Catherine Hallisey Connecticut FoodCorps As I was kneeling by a raised garden bed, planting snap peas with a couple of students, I heard a third grader scream “NOOOOOO!” from the other side of the garden. An array of thoughts immediately sped through my mind in the split second it took me to get over to […]
Managing Landscape Pests
Click here to watch UConn Extension‘s Donna Ellis present at New England Grows on Managing Landscape Pests.
Gardens, gardens, everywhere…
….be sure to grow with food safety in mind By Diane Wright Hirsch, MPH, RD UConn Extension Educator – Food Safety It is hard to believe that spring is just around the corner. Though we in Connecticut were all teased with 35-degree temperatures, we are quickly back in the deep freeze, surrounded by ugly, dirty […]