Connecticut gardens

Looking for Volunteer Gardens in Connecticut

Lily Leaf Beetle Biological Control 2016 – Looking for Volunteer Gardens in Connecticut  Researchers at UConn are conducting a lily leaf beetle biological control project during the summer of 2016. If you grow lilies in Connecticut, have a minimum of 12 plants in the lily family (e.g., Oriental lilies, Asiatic lilies, Turk’s Cap lilies, or […]

Connecticut Seeds for Connecticut Gardens

Photo and Article By Dawn Pettinelli About now, many of us gardeners have a stack of seed catalogs several inches high and have started combing through them acquiring all kinds of ideas and a long wish list. Before finalizing you orders, spend a bit of time going through any leftover seeds from the previous year. […]

10 Tips for the December Gardener

1.      Replace the plants in hanging baskets, containers, and window boxes with evergreen boughs, berries and pinecones. 2.      Disinfect, oil, and sharpen lawn and garden tools. Keep them in a dry storage area. 3.      Don’t use fertilizer to melt ice. This creates nitrogen runoff issues that could damage local bodies of water. 4.         Recycle your […]