It’s that time of year again… UConn Extension Solid Ground is putting on the Ag Mechanic training! If you want to learn more about 2 or 4 stroke service and repair or chainsaw safety and much more, check out these courses. For more information and to register go to Title of […]
ag mechanics
Ag Mechanics Trainings Available
Our Upcoming Winter trainings for Ag Mechanics are up and ready to go! With some old favorites (like our chainsaw classes and walk-behind tractor) and some new opportunities like the Hand Tool Maintenance and Upkeep class. As someone that has taken a couple of these classes myself, I find that I am constantly pulling the skills I’ve […]
Ag Mechanic Classes 2023
It’s that time of year again where our Solid Ground Trainings are starting to get their gears rolling! Kicking it off this season, we’re bringing back the ever popular Chainsaw Skills and Safety program directed toward women, our Beginning Welders Workshops, and an Intro to Carpentry! Each workshop cost $25 and includes lunch. See more info below! Note: These […]
Ag Mechanics Series
Our well-loved Ag-Mechanic Series is BAAAAACK! With limited spaces, these trainings are meant to give you the basics on some of the common “mechanics” dilemmas you might face at your farm. As a friendly reminder, these trainings are meant for those that are farming or intend to farm for a profit. If you are interested in gaining skills in […]
AG Mechanics Workshop Series hosted by Solid Ground
Solid Ground is excited to Announce our 2021-2022 Ag-Mechanics Workshop Series! (COST PER WORKSHOP $25 – Lunch included | SPACES ARE LIMITED! If the cost is prohibitive, you may request a stipend for lost wages and/or travel, by emailing Please contact us 2 weeks in advance with special needs (dietary, translation, accessibility, etc.) We’ll […]