
Winter Storm Preparedness

During the winter, see what conditions are forecast in your area for the upcoming week. If a winter storm is predicted, you want to be SAFE and WARM. Take actions to prepare in advance.

Reducing Storm Damage to Your Barn

Buildings need to provide a safe environment for workers and animals. Historically, agricultural buildings were considered of low importance, so structural load reductions of roughly 20% may have been applied in the design. If there were no engineered building prints or structural inspections, the owner assumed responsibility for building design.

How to Prepare for Equine Disasters

We have all watched the evening news and seen horses stranded in floods or have heard about the latest barn fire in our communities. First, some shocking statistics. Every year, floods in the United States cause $2 billion in damage and animals risk death from hypothermia or drowning. Annually more than 300,000 people are driven from their homes by floods.

Fire Safety – Prevent, Prepare and Take Action!

Fire safety may not be a thought on every horse owner’s mind, but it should be in order to prevent tragedy from occurring. It seems like every horse owner knows stories of horrific barn fires and you certainly don’t want to be the next one!

Food Safety During a Power Outage

First, it is important to keep the doors closed on your refrigerators/freezers as much as possible, keeping the cold air inside. A refrigerator will keep foods cold for about four hours if UNOPENED. A full freezer can stay at freezing temperatures for about 2 days.

Power Outages: Be Prepared for when Power Goes out

Power outages can occur at any time. Some are short-term and may last for a few hours. However, it’s important to be prepared for those that last several days to a week or more. This
publication outlines what residents need to consider and how to prepare.