
Extension Express

Spring 2024

Extension Fact Sheets

Answers you can trust.

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table full of healthy food

Community Nutrition

Tips for storing oils at home

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pulling sugar kelp out of the water

Agricultural Training

Upcoming Opportunities

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Volunteer Feedback Request

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Reaching All Communities with UConn Extension

UConn Extension is everywhere: in libraries, public gardens, farms, schools, greenhouses, community centers, and nine Extension Centers located throughout the state. It’s never hard to connect with your local UConn Extension professionals. We help Connecticut’s communities improve their health and wellness, natural resource conservation, affordable and safe food systems, agricultural sustainability, recovery from natural disasters, and positive youth development. Our commitment is to engage every day with you in the places you live, work, and play. We extend our gratitude to so many of you who support us as volunteers, advocates, and as donors. Together, we anticipate another year of continued success.
This issue of our Express newsletter shares a few updates on our programs and commitment to Connecticut communities. Help us continue reaching all Connecticut communities with UConn Extension by supporting our UConn Gives campaign at or one of the other campaigns in the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources, including several that support Extension programs and services.

New Fact Sheet Page Launched

A new UConn Extension publications site launched in March and provides fact sheets on topics affecting Connecticut residents, municipalities, and businesses. The resources provided by UConn Extension offer trustworthy guidance with the backing of university experts, from plant disease and pest management to food safety tips, managing finances, and more.

UConn faculty and staff within the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources author the fact sheets. A subject-matter expert reviews each fact sheet before publication to ensure the information is accurate and up to date. All fact sheets are reviewed every five years to include the latest research and current best practices. Additional fact sheets will become available each month.

All publications are free of charge and can be downloaded or printed. There are fact sheet categories and a search feature to help users find the publications they need, and a website form allows readers to request new topics.

The Digital Experience Group at UConn built the site, including features to enhance user experience. The fact sheets are some of the many resources that UConn Extension has available on-demand, including over 600 educational YouTube videos, in-person workshops, webinars, and online certificate programs.

View the Fact Sheets.

Community Nutrition

Find Tips, Recipes, and More with the Nutrition Corner Blog

Our Healthy Family CT program, based in the Department of Allied Health Sciences, offers a variety of resources and community nutrition information for residents. One of the most popular articles is the tips for storing oils and preventing spoilage, written by Karah Lewis, a dietetics alum from the department. She also provides a chimichurri recipe that can be used as a sauce or for marinating beef. 

Read the article.

Production Agriculture Trainings Offered

The Solid Ground program for new and beginning farmers is offering a suite of trainings and programs this spring and summer. The Agro-Ecology and Ag Mechanics trainings are back by popular demand, and a variety of skill share sessions are also being offered this year. Extension professionals also offer consultations in areas including vegetable production, soil conservation and land use, fruit production, and other topics.

Read more.

Help Improve UConn 4-H

Volunteers Feedback Requested

UConn 4-H is seeking Millennial and Gen Y 4-H volunteer participation in a two-hour focus group to assist us in learning more about your volunteer experience and to help us identify the resource volunteers need.

Sessions will be held Wednesday, April 24 in Farmington, Thursday, April 25 in Haddam, and Monday, April 29 on Webex. Pre-register for one of three sessions at

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