Commercial Turfgrass & Landscaping
Invasive Plant Triage for Habitat Managers in Connecticut
Invasive plants are non-native species that reduce native biodiversity, alter habitats, impact the economy, and pose significant threats to ecosystems. The task of managing invasive plants can quickly become overwhelming due to their aggressive establishment and the time, money, and persistence required to achieve positive outcomes. One practical approach is to use triage, an assessment practice that prioritizes invasive species management strategies by the degree of ecological damage to the site and the economic resources required for management. This paper explores the fundamentals of a triage approach to invasive plant management, including its components, challenges, and implementation strategies for effective invasive species management.
Crop Production
Rainfall and Root Rots in Commercial Fruit Operations
The success and profitability of farming is largely dependent on the weather each growing season. In some cropping systems, the weather outside of the traditional growing season is also of concern. With perennial crops, special attention needs to be given to the overall trends in weather over many years, as these crops are expected to grow and yield fruit for decades. These climatic considerations can help in understanding the needs of various crops as they perform differently each year. Perhaps the most influential climatic factor in agriculture is precipitation.
Insulin Resistance in Horses – Does It Matter?
Insulin resistance is defined as a reduced sensitivity of the body’s cells to insulin’s facilitation of glucose uptake. This article discusses equine insulin resistance including its causes, effects, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Yogurt, Kefir and Other Choices at the Supermarket
Yogurt is one of the most popular dairy products among Americans. The yogurt section in the supermarket continues to expand, and the many choices can be confusing. Nutritionally, yogurt is a good source of protein, calcium, and potassium. Most yogurts contain added sweeteners; however, it is usually sucrose, artificial flavors, and colors. Kefir is another fermented dairy product made by adding bacterial and yeast cultures to milk. Let’s look at some yogurt and kefir options in the dairy aisle.
Strategic Deworming and Preventing Reinfestation
As spring and warm weather approaches, horse owners typically consider deworming. Recent discussion has centered around how horse owners should switch from rotational deworming–or time-based deworming with the same drug–to strategic deworming also known as targeted or selective deworming. Following that will be consideration of ways to prevent reinfestation of horses that were dewormed.
Commercial Turfgrass & Landscaping
Invasive Plant Factsheet Common mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is an invasive perennial frequently found in high elevation areas, disturbed habitats, meadows, valleys, and roadsides. Laboratory studies have found the presence of chemicals that could potentially suppress the growth of nearby plants.
Crop Production
FSMA Final Agricultural Rule on Pre-harvest and Post-harvest
This factsheet outlines the update on Subpart E pre-harvest agricultural water releases in 2024 and requirements for post-harvest activities, according to the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, published in 2015. Pre-harvest agricultural water refers to water used during growing activities, such as for irrigation, and crop protection sprays.
Crop Production
Some Regulations and Codes Related to Commercial Greenhouse Construction in Connecticut
Under Section 1-1(q) of Connecticut General Statutes, greenhouses and other structures, used primarily for the production of horticultural commodities, are considered agriculture and farming. This fact sheet explores some Regulations and Codes related to commerical greenhouses in Connecticut.
Pasta Alternatives
Pasta is one food that many Americans use as a daily, weeknight and weekend, staple. It is easy to prepare and well-liked by everyone, including kids. A decade ago, the only options were regular and whole wheat. Now options abound and the choices can be confusing to consumers. Which pastas are the most nutritious? Pasta has often been maligned because of its carbohydrate content. Many fad and Keto diets recommend avoiding traditional white pasta, due to the refined grains and carbohydrate content. However, pasta remains a key component of many healthy eating patterns.
The Health Benefits of Chickpeas
Americans have dramatically increased the use of chickpeas in their diets, over the past few years, particularly in the form of hummus. Chickpeas have so many nutritional and health benefits – adding them to the diet is a big nutritional boost. They are inexpensive and versatile to add to many dishes. This article looks at chickpeas and their health benefits.
4-H & Youth
Cultivating Civil Discourse: A Guide for Adults and Youth
Civil discourse is crucial for fostering understanding and collaboration in a diverse society. Challenges with civil discourse can arise in homes, workplaces, and communities. Extension professionals use science-based information, create spaces where diverse perspectives can be used, and encourage active listening among program participants.
Crop Production
Rainfall and Root Rots in Commercial Fruit Operations
In orchards, excessive rainfall can lead to oversaturated soils, flooding, and standing water. As a result, observations of plant disease caused by soilborne pathogens often coincide. The excessive free moisture in water-logged soils is problematic for many reasons, the first being stress brought on by the plant roots not having access to oxygen.
Crop Production
Wind Loads on Greenhouses
In most sections of the United States, the ‘wind load’ is the greatest force that a greenhouse will be subject to. Wind load can occur from hurricanes, tornados, or a sudden squall from a passing weather front. The wind forces that act on the greenhouse are influenced by numerous factors, including the basic wind speed, building orientation and exposure, height and shape of the greenhouse, and doors or vents that may be open at the time of the wind occurrence.
Crop Production
Getting Zoning Commission Approval for a Greenhouse
Whether expanding a greenhouse operation, or building a new one, zoning approval is required. In some communities, especially smaller ones, this may be easy to obtain. In others, a considerable expenditure in time and money may be required. This usually depends on the level of preparedness (including paperwork), the complexity of the regulations and the feelings of neighbors toward the business.
How Horse Enthusiasts Can Help Protect Water Bodies
Time on the water, either with or without horses, is often restorative and a fun way to cool off. A horse owner’s thoughts may turn to dreams of riding on the beach or swimming with horses. However, here are some considerations of horses around water bodies.
Equine Management: To Blanket or Not to Blanket
To blanket or not to blanket? Some scientists from Norway decided to give horses the chance to answer that question. In a paper entitled Horses can learn to use symbols to communicate their preferences, scientists taught 23 horses three different symbols that either meant ‘take blanket off’, ‘put blanket on’ or ‘no change’.
Enjoying the Winter with Your Horse
One of the benefits of living in places that experience true winter is the ability to enjoy the changing seasons. By being properly prepared, there is no reason not to enjoy winter horseback riding. Here are a few tips for being prepared, using the letters from the the song Let It Snow for inspiration.
Lifecycle of Single Use Plastics
The number of single-use plastics that have been produced has increased alarmingly in recent years, with dire effects for wildlife, ecosystems, and human health everywhere. The cycle of plastics includes manufacturing, use, and disposal of these practical yet environmentally hazardous materials. This fact sheet attempts to educate the public on the harmful consequences of single-use plastics and the pressing need for change. and is useful for readers interested in information the use of single-use plastics, as well as help create awareness on single-use plastic effects on the health of animals and people.
Crop Production
Understanding Spring frosts: Critical Temperatures, Freeze Injury, and Frost Protection in Connecticut Fruit Orchards
Late Spring frosts remain one of the most concerning and devastating weather events for fruit producers in the Northeast U.S. With a shifting climate and increasing weather instability, it is important to know what factors influence Spring frosts. Here, critical temperatures, freeze injury and frost protection are explored to help prepare for the future, keeping in mind that extreme weather events like this will likely continue to occur.
Health & Wellness
Low-Cost Emergency Supply Kit: Assemble Your Own Kit for Less
Emergency and weather-related events can lead to everything from power outages to evacuation, and preparing ahead of time can help reduce stress. Gathering supplies beforehand also ensures collecting the potentially wide range of needs of various household members. Although pre-assembled emergency supply kits are commercially available to purchase, a supply kit tailored to specific needs can be assembled inexpensively.
Health & Wellness
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) Fact Sheet
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) is a severe viral disease caused by the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus (EEEV). The virus mainly circulates among birds, through mosquito bites, and can infect other animals, as well as humans. EEE is found primarily in the Eastern U.S., Great Lakes region, and along the Gulf Coast. EEE is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito that acquire the virus from birds. Mosquitos can then transmit the virus to humans and animals.
Toxoplasmosis Fact Sheet
Zoonotic diseases (that spread from animals to humans) are a common issue of concern worldwide. One Health, a program that prioritizes the health of humans, animals, and the environment, studies how zoonotic diseases are transmitted between animals and humans via various methods. This fact sheet provides information on Toxoplasmosis, a common protozoan zoonotic disease in the United States. The etiological (origin) agent of toxoplasmosis is a protozoan parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. It is most commonly contracted by eating infected undercooked meat, or through infected cat feces.
Does Bird Flu Affect My Food?
Bird flu (avian influenza) has become an increased concern in the health community throughout the United States. Thoughts of the potential risk of contracting the disease from foods that store bought foods prepared and consumed at home are concerning to many consumers. This fact sheet provides information on how to prevent risk from bird flu exposure and how to prepare food properly to ensure food safety.
Cleaning and Removing Mold in Your Home
Mold grows in wet, damp conditions, and in homes can form after flooding or water leaks. Mold in the home can cause health issues, and it is important to remove it quickly and carefully. Mold can grow on many surfaces, including walls, clothing, carpets, and in the spaces under carpets, between walls, attics, and basements, damaging building materials and furnishings. Look for discolored patches, including red, black, blue and green; it can also appear slimy or fuzzy. Negative health impacts from mold are common and are another reason it is crucial to avoid mold in homes, offices, and other locations.
Crop Production
Non-Infectious Plant Disorders – Oedema and Intumescences
Oedema (edema) or intumescences are lesions that can occur on begonia, ivy geraniums, cactus, cleome, ivy, ornamental sweet potato vine, and annual thunbergia. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and tomato can also suffer from this disorder. Houseplants with fleshy leaves, such as jade, peperomia and schefflera, may be prone to edema when the environmental conditions are favorable. The target audience of this factsheet is commercial greenhouse growers.
Crop Production
Quick Guide to Flood Food Safety for Fruit and Vegetable Farmers
Flooding on fruit and vegetable farms introduces contaminants and new food safety challenges. This quick guide covers the types of flooding, sources of contamination, guidelines, preventative measures, and recommendations for farmers.
Commercial Turfgrass & Landscaping
Invasive Plant Factsheet Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima)
Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima), native to China, grows quickly and can ultimately reach up to 80-100’ in height. Tree-of-heaven was first introduced into the U.S., in the Philadelphia area, in 1784. It is particularly invasive in urban landscapes and establishes quickly. The plant is resistant to pollution and can tolerate very poor soils. Tree-of-heaven is very common in the Midwest, lower northeast, as well as the west and southwest coast. Well-established tree-of-heaven stands are only eliminated through repeated monitoring and control efforts. Initial treatments often only reduce the root systems, making follow-up measures necessary.
Mosquito Borne Diseases: Eastern and Western Equine Encephalomyelitis and West Nile Virus – Prevention is Just a Vaccine Away
Mosquitoes cause three of the major diseases that affect horses today. Eastern and Western Equine Encephalomyelitis have been around for many years and can be caused by mosquitoes or arthropods, and by now you have probably heard of West Nile Virus that recently emerged and became a problem in the last few years. Knowing the cause, clinical signs, treatment and prevention of these diseases are important, since letting these diseases go untreated can lead to the demise of your favorite horse.
Home & Garden
Managing Water Use at Home During Drought in Connecticut
If I went to the desert southwest and told them that I was concerned about drought here in Connecticut, I would probably get laughed out of the room! Despite the fact that we get about 48 inches of precipitation annually, we still can experience periods that are classified as drought. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide recommendations for residential water users to prepare for drought conditions. The primary focus will be on private wells.
Lighting and Your Horse
Circadian and circannual regulation in the horse refers to the internal timing in the equine athlete. A circadian rhythm lasts approximately 24 hours and exists under constant conditions. It can be synchronized by external signals (light/dark the most important) and is endogenously (within the body) generated. It is unaffected by changes in temperature. Feeding and exercise schedules are secondary cues that help synchronize circadian rhythms.
Commercial Turfgrass & Landscaping
Invasive Plant Factsheet: Common Reed (Phragmites australis)
Phragmites australis is an aggressive, robust perennial grass, which creates dense infestations. It is easily identified by its height (five to thirteen feet) and feathery flowers, which appear in June. Phragmites creates dense monocultures in freshwater marshes and wetlands, as well as along river edges and roadsides. It is common to brackish (slightly saline) environments and disturbed sites. Its salt tolerance allows it to persist where few other species can survive.
Commercial Turfgrass & Landscaping
Invasive Plant Factsheet: Autumn Olive (Elaeagnus umbellata)
The Autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata) is an invasive, deciduous shrub or small tree. This densely branched plant can grow up to 20 feet and up to 30 of leaves. The Autumn olive is a fast grower and prolific seed producer. While roots are capable of fixing nitrogen in the soil, Autumn olive out-competes and displaces native shrubs. Autumn olive, native to China, Japan, and Korea, is found in the U.S. from Maine, south to northern Florida, west to Nebraska, with scattered infestations in the Northwest U.S. It was introduced into the U.S. in the 1830s, for erosion control and as a windbreak, and for its showy foliage, flowers and berries.
Horse Management and the Land in the Fall
Fall can often be a busy season as temperatures drop, trees change colors and leaves fall and crisp, cool air often leads to more time outdoors. It’s also a great time for land, home and horse owners to consider dealing with not only leaves, but drainage issues, acorns, and storm preparedness. It is a great time to take a look around and assess the horse-keeping situation and be sure that acorns, leaves and drainage don’t cause issues. It is also a great time to get ready to deal with whatever Mother Nature may bring in the time and seasons to come.
Home & Garden
Jumping Worms
While most earthworms are not native to the United States., many earthworm species provide benefits to urban soils (those in landscapes, lawns and forests) by helping to improve the porousness of the soil, which improves drainage and aeration. Concern has grown over the last decade over several worm species, predominantly of the Amynthas spp., that are reported to cause soil damage, significantly changing its texture and composition. ‘Jumping worms’ is the common name for several similar-looking species.
Crop Production
Downy Mildew on Basil in the Greenhouse
Downy mildew on basil was first reported in the United States in 2007, in Florida. By 2008 and 2009, it was widespread in the Northeast. Downy mildew on basil is seed-borne, so infections can begin in the greenhouse. It is also readily spread by air-blown spores. This fact sheet should be of interest to commercial greenhouse growers.
Crop Production
Intumescences (Edema) on Greenhouse Tomatoes
Intumescences is an abiotic disorder that can affect greenhouse-grown tomatoes. It is a physiological disorder, not an infectious disease. It is also known as edema (oedema). The target audience of this fact sheet is commercial greenhouse growers.
Handling Food with Mold
Many of soils throughout Connecticut tend to be more acidic, formed as rocks were ground and deposited by glaciation. The pH of soils cultivated for vegetable growing typically declines (becomes more acidic) gradually from the removal of calcium, magnesium and potassium ions–by leaching and crop uptake–and from the use of acid-forming fertilizers. Testing every year gives a more complete evaluation and is also appropriate when significant changes have been made in the fertilizer program. Reviewing fertilizer labelling is essential.
Cracking the Code: Your Essential Guide to Egg Safety
Eggs can be a delicious protein diet staple when used in salads and sandwiches, or when used for their binding function in baking and holding together ground meats. However, consumers in general do not associate this protein-rich food with biological, food safety hazards. Eggs CAN carry harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella, and when improperly handled or prepared can cause foodborne illness.
Health & Wellness
Managing Your Private Well: Testing and Treatment Guide [PDF]
If you’re wondering why no one’s told you to test your drinking water, it’s because private wells have very little governmental regulation, leaving most of the responsibility to the well owner. This fact sheet explains water testing and treatment if needed.
Agriculture & Food
Put Local on Your Tray Toolkit
Many of soils throughout Connecticut tend to be more acidic, formed as rocks were ground and deposited by glaciation. The pH of soils cultivated for vegetable growing typically declines (becomes more acidic) gradually from the removal of calcium, magnesium and potassium ions–by leaching and crop uptake–and from the use of acid-forming fertilizers. Testing every year gives a more complete evaluation and is also appropriate when significant changes have been made in the fertilizer program. Reviewing fertilizer labelling is essential.