Japanese knotweed, Polygonum cuspidatum, is an aggressive invasive plant that grows vigorously along roadsides, wetland habitat, and utility rights of way. It may take years to control as new growth from rhizomes occurs even if the original plants are killed. Cutting back repeatedly is helpful, but works better when an herbicide is applied to open […]
Chloride is Crucial for Crops!
Article by Haiying Tao, PhD, UConn Assistant Professor, Soil Fertility & Health While we all are aware that the big three, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are needed for healthy plants, many of us don’t give much thought to the dozen or so trace elements that while needed in tiny quantities are also […]
UConn Extension Welcomes New Fruit Educator Evan Lentz
How can UConn Extension help you? Evan Lentz, the new assistant Extension educator of fruit production and IPM at UConn’s Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture wants to know. Lentz, a recent graduate of UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, has expertise in commercial fruit production with an emphasis on small and some niche […]
Free One-on-One Consultations for CT Farmers
Hey Farmers! For those of you that are growing commercially, aka are a farm businesses, it’s time for you to sign up for a FREE consultations with some of the experts in the state surrounding a wide variety of topics! Check it out here: https://newfarms.uconn.edu/consultations/ These are free one on one consultations for Connecticut Farmers, with specialists in certain fields of […]
Job Opening: Assistant/Associate Extension Educator In Soil Health
Search #: 496069 Work type: Full-time Location: Hartford County Extension Ctr Categories: Faculty Extension Educator The Department of Extension is seeking applicants for a full-time (11 month) non-tenure track Assistant/Associate Extension Educator in Soil Health. The successful applicant will assess, develop and deliver impactful extension programs on soil health, regenerative agriculture, and conservation practices. These programs will build an […]
Urban Farmer Training Course
UConn Extension, in partnership with CPEN, the Community Placemaking Engagement Network, is offering an urban farmer training course in New Haven scheduled to run from April to October. The course, taught by Jacqueline Kowalski, a UConn urban agriculture educator, will train locals to produce fresh food, manage a marketplace and develop as agricultural entrepreneurs and vendors. […]
Water Webinar March 30, 2023
Are you drowning with questions about agricultural water? Join us for our water webinar on March 30! Topics include compliance dates, new assessment tools, and harvest/post-harvest water. Speakers: Indu Upadhyaya, Food Safety Extension Specialist Diane Wright Hirsch, Emeritus Faculty Food Safety Click/tap here or on the flyer above to register!
UConn Extension Internship Application Deadline Extended
The application deadline for our summer internships has been extended to March 26th. Get paid while learning and working in a career-oriented role. We offer internships in the following disciplines: Food Health Nutrition Sustainability Research Agribusiness Youth Education Community Development Marketing Click here to view internship descriptions. Most of these roles are for an average […]
Highlights of Extension
Our 2022 Highlights of Extension report shows how UConn Extension continues innovating to meet audiences and partners around the issues identified in the strategic initiatives set forth by the UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. Youth programs, water quality, and geospatial education are all part of the sustainable landscapes and climate portfolios and […]
Today: Matching Gifts for our Master Gardeners
It’s the final day of UConn Gives! Yesterday was a great day as we reached the halfway mark towards our $20,000 goal. So many of you stepped up and donated to the Master Gardener program – Thank you to all who have donated thus far! But now it’s the home stretch and we’re hoping to […]
Why Support Extension During UConn Gives
It’s UConn Gives, a 36-hour giving initiative that brings UConn Nation together to support and celebrate what they care about at UConn. We are asking you to support our Extension programs during this event. Matt Syrotiak and Stacey Stearns share information about the 4-H and Master Gardener programs, and why your support of $5 can […]
Support Extension During UConn Gives
Extension program participants everywhere know that we are committed to providing an exceptional experience. During UConn Gives, a 36-hour giving initiative on March 8-9, program participants, faculty, staff, and friends worldwide come together to give back and celebrate what they care about at UConn Extension. Please join us in supporting our Extension programs – $5 […]
Apply to Become a Summer Intern with Extension
UConn Undergraduate Students: Apply for one of our summer internships. We have 18 opportunities available throughout the state. Learn more and apply at https://s.uconn.edu/interns Get paid and gain valuable in-the-field experience in your chosen discipline at an in-state Extension office location. Food Health Nutrition Sustainability Research Agribusiness Youth Education Community Development Marketing Learn where Extension […]
Jardin Para Principiantes
¿Quieres hacer un jardin pero no sabes cómo empezar? ¡UCONN Master Gardeners pueden ayudarte! Ofrecemos un taller “Jardin para Principiantes” el 14 de marzo del 2023. La presentación incluye como planificar tu jardin, la siembra, el mantenimiento, y la cosecha de sus vegetales, frutas o flores favoritos. También hablaremos de cómo hacer un jardin en […]
Getting to the Root Videos & Farmer Panels
From UConn Solid Ground: In 2022 we kicked off a new video series with the goal of raising the visibility of some of the many entrepreneurs among the new farmer community. Last year we learned about Cut Flower Farming at Eddy Farm and Niche Livestock Farming at BOTL farm. These videos as well as the […]
Become a FoodCorps Service Member
About FoodCorps FoodCorps partners with schools and communities to nourish kids’ health, education, and sense of belonging so that every child, in every school, experiences the joy and power of food. Our AmeriCorps members serve alongside educators and school nutrition leaders to provide kids with nourishing meals, food education, and culturally affirming experiences with food […]
Job Opening Master Gardener (Educational Program Coordinator)
Master Gardener (Educational Program Coordinator) APPLY NOW Search #: 497171 Work type: Full-time Location: Other – please see posting for additional information Categories: Academic Programs and Services JOB SUMMARY This Master Gardener (Educational Program Coordinator) position ensures the effective and consistent function of the UConn Extension Master Gardener program in developing trained volunteers who can assist the general public […]
Plentiful Plants
This is a fun time of year – sort of. Although cold and (normally) snowy outside, plant people are filled with joy and anticipation for the upcoming spring season. While ordering seeds can give us hope, we tend to like to get our hands dirty – literally. I find that this is a great time […]
CT NOFA Winter Conference – workshop previews
CT NOFA is proud to present our 41st Winter Conference, to be held the second week of March, kicking off on Monday, March 6th, 2023 with a week of live virtual workshops and concluding on March 11th with an in-person gathering and celebration at Wesleyan University. We’ll be offering a variety of live virtual workshops on farming, […]
Urban Farming Program in Hartford
Live in the Hartford area and interested in growing your Urban Farming Experience? Running from March through November for 3 years, this program offers all participants both in-class and hands-on training and education on multiple farming techniques. All participants become active farmers working together to supply produce to the Hartford Public Schools and individually […]
Recognizing Diane Gawronski, UConn Master Gardener, for Receiving Haddam Historical Society Award
We love sharing the accomplishments of Master Gardeners! Diane Gawronski, MG Middlesex Class of 2022, was honored this year with an award by the Haddam Historical Society. See their full post below: “This year the Haddam Historical Society acknowledged garden volunteer Dr. Diane Gawronski, DMD with the Founders’ Day Award. Diane has been responsible for […]
Creating Small Farms
Join a group of passionate farmers for a strategic planning and brainstorming session. We’re developing an onramp for farm ownership in CT. DATE AND TIME Sat, February 04, 2023 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM EST LOCATION Sticks & Stones Farm 171 Huntingtown Road Newtown, CT 06470 Sign up here: https://realfoodct.kindful.com/e/creating-small-farms • Enjoy a complementary catered lunch, […]
Northeast Disability and Agriculture Conference (FREE!)
The Northeast Disability and Agriculture Conference is a first-time regional event designed to educate and empower the agricultural community. Through workshops and presentations, farmer attendees will learn how to better advocate for themselves, and service provider attendees will learn how to identify potential distress risks within the community. Together attendees will learn how to build […]
SNEFCC is Hiring!
The Southern New England Farmers of Color Collaborative is hiring! Project Manager Project Coordinator 1 Project Coordinator 2 All positions are part time (up to 800 hrs/year) and will entail some evening commitments, and some travel within the region of CT, MA, and RI Accepting Applications until positions are filled. Apply at https://bit.ly/snefccjobs
Happy Holidays from UConn Extension
Happy holidays to our program participants, partners, and volunteers, from all of us at UConn Extension! May they be filled with warmth and cheer.
Master Gardener Calendar 2023
We are excited to present the 2023 UConn Master Gardener Calendar in Digital and Printable form. This calendar was compiled using photography and tips shared from Master Gardeners in New Haven County. The calendar includes information about our programming, resources for more information, insect highlights and the official Plant Hardiness Zone map of Connecticut and […]
Does your farm offer a CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture) program? In the upcoming months the Connecticut Grown campaign will be promoting CSA’s and we want to be sure your farm is included. The Department of Agriculture maintains a list of Connecticut CSAs at https://portal.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=74ef6c0c3fdcad5c83a78f294&id=343708bd23&e=075feba670. To add your farm to this list, or to update the information […]
NEW online Soil Course: Soil Health and Climate Adaption for CT Growers
As part of UConn Extension’s Solid Ground program we are sharing a NEW online Soil Course: Soil Health and Climate Adaption for CT Growers, led by the one and only soil scientist, Kip Kolesinskas! Sign Up HERE This 10-module online course is for growers looking to learn more about analyzing their soils, understanding soil health, assessing […]
Give to Extension
Gifts to Extension support programs in all 169 cities and towns of Connecticut. Your contribution positively impacts the 4-H youth program, agriculture and food, climate, health, and sustainable landscapes. Support Extension today at s.uconn.edu/givetoextension #GivingDay
Programas y Servicios en Español
¿Sabía que la Extensión de UConn ofrece programas y servicios en español? Si tiene interés en la salud, nutrición, horticultura, manejo integrado de plagas, y el desarrollo personal y comunitario nuestros programas están disponibles para ayudarlo a aprender! UConn EFNEP El Programa Ampliado de Educación en Alimentación y Nutrición (UConn EFNEP) ayuda […]
Fall Updates from Extension
The changing seasons are a reliable time marker, and this fall, UConn Extension is experiencing our own transitions. It’s an exciting time as new educators join the team and continue implementing our statewide programs. Catch up on our latest updates: s.uconn.edu/fall-news
Job Opening: Fairfield County Master Gardener Coordinator
Position Description UConn Extension Master Gardener Coordinator Lower Fairfield County The UConn Extension Master Gardener Program is seeking applications for the position of Master Gardener Program Coordinator for Lower Fairfield County, based at the Bartlett Arboretum and Gardens in Stamford, CT. This is a 16-hour-per-week position and is a temporary, six month appointment. Renewal is […]
2023 Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers’ Conference & Trade Show: We’re Back!
UConn Extension’s 2023 Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers’ Conference Wednesday, January 4, 2023 Sheraton Hartford South Hotel 100 Capital Blvd, Rocky Hill, CT 06067 Trade Show: 8:00-8:55, 10:00-10:45, 12:00 -1:00 8:00-8:55 Registration, breakfast, socialize, visit trade show Morning Moderator – Mary Concklin, Fruit Extension Specialist Emeritus, UConn 8:55 Welcome: Indrajeet Chaubey, Dean of CAHNR, UConn […]
FSMA Produce Safety Course
FSMA Produce Safety Rule/Produce Safety Alliance Approved Grower Training Course (In person) November 30, December 1; December 2, Snow Date 8:30 am through 3:30 pm Middlesex County Extension Center 1066 Saybrook Rd Haddam, CT Registration Deadline Friday, 11/18 Space limited to 30 participants. REGISTRATION: Course fee is $50. The preferred method of registration/payment is through […]
Virtual Invasive Plant Symposium, Thursday, November 3, 2022, 8:30 AM-4 PM
Virtual Invasive Plant Symposium, Thursday, November 3, 2022, 8:30 AM-4 PM This is the last week to register! The Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group (CIPWG) 2022 symposium will be a full-day virtual webcast on November 3, with some sessions directed to all attendees and other sessions in concurrent breakouts (recordings of all sessions will be […]
Calling Master Gardener Alumni
Along with the changes in temperature and color brought with Fall, graduation season is upon us! As our new cohort of interns are joining the ranks of seasoned Master Gardener’s, we would love to hear from our Alums – even if you have not participated in Master Gardener events in a while. We encourage you […]
Job Opening: Master Gardener Coordinator – Tolland County
The UConn Extension Master Gardener Program is seeking applications for the position of Master Gardener Tolland County Program Coordinator. This is a 16-hour-per-week position and is a temporary, six-month appointment. Renewal is optional pending coordinator review and availability of program funding. Responsibilities include but are not limited to providing leadership for the base county Master […]
Home and Garden Center Launches New Website
The UConn Home & Garden Education Center has been posting weekly blogs on a variety of horticultural topics since 2009. Over the years, contributors have included UConn faculty, staff, students and even a few guest columnists, each providing their unique takes on what’s happening in their yards and gardens, the latest horticultural happenings, ways to […]
10 Ways to Volunteer with UConn 4-H
No matter how much time you have, volunteering with UConn 4-H makes a difference by helping youth explore and discover the skills they need to lead for a lifetime. There are lots of ways to get involved! Please note, your volunteer experience and/or opportunities may be happening virtually or in-person. Contact UConn 4-H for more […]
Help Wanted: Become a UConn 4-H Volunteer
UConn 4-H is Accepting Volunteer Applications UConn 4-H provides youth with life-changing experiences from flying rockets into space with NASA to organizing national conferences for other youth, and everything in between. These experiences are possible because of thousands of adult mentors and volunteers who work throughout the state and guide youth to reach their potential. […]