UConn Extension People Empowering People (PEP) Correctional Institute (CI) Program UConn Extension People Empowering People CI is seeking volunteer facilitators to go into the Cheshire Correctional Institution, York Correctional Institution and Corrigan Correctional Center to facilitate UConn Extension PEP CI on a weekly basis. The UConn PEP CI program mission is to draw from the […]
Master Gardener Plant Clinic at the Darien Library
The Master Gardener program offers a Plant Clinic at the Bartlett Arboretum in Stamford, one of our program locations. Pat Carroll, Coordinator for the Bartlett Arboretum location, wanted to extend their reach since we have Master Gardeners and clients who live in communities ranging from Greenwich to Fairfield and as far north as Ridgefield and Redding. […]
Getting Locally Grown, Fresh Food onto Student Lunch Trays
Recent policy changes are raising the opportunity for many more Connecticut students to taste fresh, locally grown food in their school cafeterias. UConn Extension is well positioned to make the most of these changes. First, in 2021, the CT Grown for CT Kids Grants program was created by the state to help school districts and […]
Flooding Resources for Agriculture, Residents & Municipalities
Many of our communities are affected by the statewide flooding from the Connecticut River after heavy rains in New York and Vermont. Flooding conditions continued after more rain arrived. UConn Extension has the following resources to support agricultural producers, consumers, residents, and others affected. Flooding Resources
Latino Conservation Week Events
UConn Extension is celebrating Latino Conservation Week, originally a Hispanic Access Foundation initiative, from July 15-21 with programs and resources in Hartford, Windsor, and Bridgeport. Connecticut Science Center Event, Hartford, July 15th – 9:30 AM – 2 PM In recognition of Latino Conservation Week, the Connecticut Science Center and UConn Extension’s Urban and Community Forestry […]
Flooding Resources
Updated on July 24, 2023 Many of our communities are affected by the statewide flooding from the Connecticut River after heavy rains in New York and Vermont. Flooding conditions continued after more rain arrived. UConn Extension has the following resources to support agricultural producers, consumers, residents, and others affected. You can also sign up for […]
Bug Out During our 2023 Bug Week Events
UConn Extension’s 9th annual Bug Week is buzzing from July 24 to July 29 with programs for the entire family. All ages are welcome to attend and explore the activities and events dedicated to insects and their relatives. Bug Week programs include the following: Join UConn Extension faculty, Spring Valley Student Farm staff and students […]
Master Gardener Photo Contest
Help us build a Master Gardener Calendar, 2024, for release in Fall of 2023! If you are a gardener, farmer, or enjoy spending time outside then you probably have a collection of photos waiting to be shared with the world. Our calendar might be the perfect opportunity to showcase your vision of the plant world […]
Leaders of Color in Conservation
We’re pleased to introduce our 2023 Leaders of Color in Conservation in Connecticut. UConn Extension, in partnership with a BIPOC-led organization, E&G Community Builders is implementing the Leaders of Color in Conservation Training Project (LOCCT). We are training and mentoring these individuals in conservation planning and common practices on small farms.
Honoring & Remembering on Juneteenth
We celebrate Juneteenth on Monday, the Black Independence Day. Umekia Taylor of our UConn Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program- EFNEP shares more information and recipes you can use to celebrate: s.uconn.edu/juneteenth
The Big E, 4-H, and FFA
The Big E can be a transformational educational experience for youth involved in 4-H and/or the National FFA Organization. Learn more about the event in personal testimonials and impact statements in this video!
Did You Know? Asparagus
Asparagus should not be harvested the first two years after planting. The third year, harvest is limited to 2 weeks. After that, it is safe to harvest for 4-8 weeks, then allow ferns to develop. Some people opt not to harvest the 3rd year, but it can be done. -Pamm Cooper
UConn Summer Riding: Community Polo Lessons 2023
Polo lesson registration is now open! Lessons are available to Intermediate or Advanced Level riders who can maintain control of their horse at the walk, trot and canter, and comfortable on different levels of horses. DATES Session 1: Jun 5 – 24 Session 2: Jun 26 – Jul 14 Session 3: Jul 17 – Aug […]
Play Breadwinner and Learn about Financial Literacy
Are you interested in learning more about financial literacy? Want to practice budgeting and making sound financial decisions as an adult in Connecticut? Play Breadwinner! Breadwinner was created with the purpose of teaching others about how to manage your money in the Connecticut workforce. The hope is to get teenagers and young adults to practice […]
WTNH Channel 8 airs story on CT shell recycling program
WTNH Channel 8 news broadcast a story about Connecticut Sea Grant’s shell recycling initiative on its April 19 show. CTSG’s Tessa Getchis, aquaculture extension specialist, and Michael Gilman, shell recycling coordinator, were interviewed for the piece, titled “Connecticut oyster recycling program reinvigorates reefs.” Watch the story here.
4-H Youth Survey
Are you a 4-H member who participated in 2023? Are you between the ages of 13 and 18? Do you want to share your experience? Please help us gather feedback on our programming by filling out the anonymous Annual Index Survey at s.uconn.edu/4-Hindex23
Summer Horseback Riding Classes with Animal Science Department
Are you looking for activities to get you outside this Summer? Do you want more riding instruction to grow your skillset? The UConn Animal Science department is offering horseback riding classes to the public this summer and there is something for everyone! Learn more at the following link: s.uconn.edu/summer-riding Lessons include Dressage, Hunt Seat, Polo, […]
Advancing Environmental & Climate Justice in CT
Romina Flores Diaz, a political science student at UConn Hartford, and Mayra Rodríguez González, our urban and community forestry assistant extension educator, advanced UConn CAHNR’s strategic vision through their collaborative research on Resilient Cities, Racism, and Equity. At the Undergraduate Research Conference in Storrs, Romina presented an evidence-based approach to achieve environmental and climate justice […]
Windham Extension Council Annual Meeting
Join us for a celebration of UConn Extension work with the Windham County Extension Council. Dr. Joe Emenheiser, our livestock Extension Educator, will conduct a demonstration on considerations of sheep management with sheep onsite. Topics will include basic handling, body condition scoring, general management, and more! Stay for local apple crisp and refreshments. Wednesday, May […]
Free One-on-One Consultations for CT Farmers
Hey Farmers! For those of you that are growing commercially, aka are a farm businesses, it’s time for you to sign up for a FREE consultations with some of the experts in the state surrounding a wide variety of topics! Check it out here: https://newfarms.uconn.edu/consultations/ These are free one on one consultations for Connecticut Farmers, with specialists in certain fields of […]
Job Opening: Assistant/Associate Extension Educator In Soil Health
Search #: 496069 Work type: Full-time Location: Hartford County Extension Ctr Categories: Faculty Extension Educator The Department of Extension is seeking applicants for a full-time (11 month) non-tenure track Assistant/Associate Extension Educator in Soil Health. The successful applicant will assess, develop and deliver impactful extension programs on soil health, regenerative agriculture, and conservation practices. These programs will build an […]
Urban Farmer Training Course
UConn Extension, in partnership with CPEN, the Community Placemaking Engagement Network, is offering an urban farmer training course in New Haven scheduled to run from April to October. The course, taught by Jacqueline Kowalski, a UConn urban agriculture educator, will train locals to produce fresh food, manage a marketplace and develop as agricultural entrepreneurs and vendors. […]
Connecticut Sea Grant’s 2022 Annual Report Now Available
Post by Connecticut Sea Grant Connecticut Sea Grant’s 2022 Annual Report is now available as a downloadable pdf. It offers highlights of CTSG’s accomplishments for the 2021-22 Sea Grant fiscal year, which runs from February 2021 through January 2022. The annual report features information about CTSG’s budget and summaries of projects and programs in: fisheries […]
Join Us in Celebrating the Month of the Military Child
April is designated as the Month of the Military Child, a time to honor the strength and the sacrifices of our military children. UConn 4-H recognizes the importance of providing a supportive environment for military-connected children and youth to excel. We are proud to serve military families with our predictable military youth clubs on installations […]
Free Poultry Seminar with UConn Extension
Improving Poultry Production Using Natural Interventions Wednesday, April 26, 2023 10:00-2:00 Tolland County Extension Center 24 Hyde Avenue, Vernon, CT 06066 Join UConn Extension and a team of experts for an informative presentation and discussion on poultry health and disease, the use of various additives in poultry production, and related topics. Click here to register! […]
Applications for the CEE-Change Fellowship Are Now Open
ee360+ and Cedar Tree Foundation are excited to launch the 2023 CEE-Change Fellowship to scale up their impact as they work to create a more equitable and sustainable future. Become a Civics and Environmental Education (CEE)-Change Fellow to strengthen your community through a community-based environmental education action project. Gain access to opportunities for leadership training, […]
UConn Extension Internship Application Deadline Extended
The application deadline for our summer internships has been extended to March 26th. Get paid while learning and working in a career-oriented role. We offer internships in the following disciplines: Food Health Nutrition Sustainability Research Agribusiness Youth Education Community Development Marketing Click here to view internship descriptions. Most of these roles are for an average […]
Highlights of Extension
Our 2022 Highlights of Extension report shows how UConn Extension continues innovating to meet audiences and partners around the issues identified in the strategic initiatives set forth by the UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. Youth programs, water quality, and geospatial education are all part of the sustainable landscapes and climate portfolios and […]
Today: Matching Gifts for our Master Gardeners
It’s the final day of UConn Gives! Yesterday was a great day as we reached the halfway mark towards our $20,000 goal. So many of you stepped up and donated to the Master Gardener program – Thank you to all who have donated thus far! But now it’s the home stretch and we’re hoping to […]
Support Extension During UConn Gives
Extension program participants everywhere know that we are committed to providing an exceptional experience. During UConn Gives, a 36-hour giving initiative on March 8-9, program participants, faculty, staff, and friends worldwide come together to give back and celebrate what they care about at UConn Extension. Please join us in supporting our Extension programs – $5 […]
Apply to Become a Summer Intern with Extension
UConn Undergraduate Students: Apply for one of our summer internships. We have 18 opportunities available throughout the state. Learn more and apply at https://s.uconn.edu/interns Get paid and gain valuable in-the-field experience in your chosen discipline at an in-state Extension office location. Food Health Nutrition Sustainability Research Agribusiness Youth Education Community Development Marketing Learn where Extension […]
Jardin Para Principiantes
¿Quieres hacer un jardin pero no sabes cómo empezar? ¡UCONN Master Gardeners pueden ayudarte! Ofrecemos un taller “Jardin para Principiantes” el 14 de marzo del 2023. La presentación incluye como planificar tu jardin, la siembra, el mantenimiento, y la cosecha de sus vegetales, frutas o flores favoritos. También hablaremos de cómo hacer un jardin en […]
Getting to the Root Videos & Farmer Panels
From UConn Solid Ground: In 2022 we kicked off a new video series with the goal of raising the visibility of some of the many entrepreneurs among the new farmer community. Last year we learned about Cut Flower Farming at Eddy Farm and Niche Livestock Farming at BOTL farm. These videos as well as the […]
Job Openings at UConn Extension
Remember to check our jobs page with UConn Extension and consider the opportunity to join our team! There are several new faculty and staff openings encompassing varying backgrounds and specialties. The current open positions are below. Visiting Assistant Extension Educator – Long Island Sound Study (LISS) Outreach Coordinator Visiting Assistant Extension Educator – Nature-Based Approaches […]
Connecticut Saves Week
Connecticut Saves Week is February 27th through March 3rd, 2023! Each day includes a financial theme that Connecticut Saves will be promoting alongside America Saves. Monday, February 27: Saving Automatically, Tuesday, February 28: Saving for the Unexpected, Wednesday, March 1: Saving for Major Milestones, Thursday, March 2: Paying Down Debt is Saving Friday, March 3: […]
DIY Video Series
We’ve been working away in the background at getting some great videos pulled together for you. In our DIY Video Series, we visit farms all over the state and look at different projects they have tackled to make some of the costs a little easier on their wallets and more sustainable for their farms. Each […]
Celebrating George Washington Carver
As the first African American who attended Iowa State University, George Washington Carver earned both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. An expert in plant research and development, Dr. Carver was recruited to Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, by the Black Educator, Booker T. Washington. Some of Dr. Carver’s accomplishments include: 👉🏾Taught black farmers how to rotate […]
Questions About Feeding Your Family?
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle may be difficulty when you are worried about the affordability of healthy foods and creating nutritious meals. UConn EFNEP, UConn Healthy Family CT, and SNAP-Ed are dedicated to helping you and your family achieve health goals. Scan the QR code to learn more or visit communitynutrition.cahnr.uconn.edu
Seminarios Web para Trabajadores de la Industria de Invernaderos y Viveros Ornamentales – 2023
Le invitamos a atender a estos seminarios web (webinars) en español diseñados para trabajadores en invernaderos y viveros de producción de plantas ornamentales. El programa incluye ocho presentaciones/videos de 30 minutos cada una. Marzo 20: Saneamiento de superficies duras entre ciclos de cultivos en invernaderos que producen plantas ornamentales – Rosa Raudales Marzo 2: Control de malezas como […]
Outreach Assistant (Educational Program Assistant 2)
Outreach Assistant (Educational Program Assistant 2) APPLICATIONS CLOSED Search #: 497128 Work type: Part-time Location: Tolland County Extension Center Categories: Academic Programs and Services JOB SUMMARY UConn Extension is seeking a part-time Outreach Assistant (Education Program Assistant 2) who will coordinate the activities and provide support for the University’s farm-to-school outreach programming in partnership with the CT Farm […]