Litchfield County 4-H continued its grassroots effort to help local families in need this week. This effort builds upon several dairy donations that have gone to area food pantries over the past two years since the pandemic started back in March of 2020. On 12/15/22, 4 pallets (equating to 768 gallons) of whole milk purchased […]
4-H & Youth
Happy Holidays from UConn Extension
Happy holidays to our program participants, partners, and volunteers, from all of us at UConn Extension! May they be filled with warmth and cheer.
Give to Extension
Gifts to Extension support programs in all 169 cities and towns of Connecticut. Your contribution positively impacts the 4-H youth program, agriculture and food, climate, health, and sustainable landscapes. Support Extension today at #GivingDay
Respecting Our Roots with the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation
A partnership between UConn and local tribes led to the development of Meechooôk Farm and other programs that strengthen the tribal community, their land-base, and self-sufficiency. Learn more about the project by reading this article. Financial support for this work was provided by the USDA NIFA Federally-Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP Awards 2017-41580-26950 and 2022-41580-37944). […]
Fall Updates from Extension
The changing seasons are a reliable time marker, and this fall, UConn Extension is experiencing our own transitions. It’s an exciting time as new educators join the team and continue implementing our statewide programs. Catch up on our latest updates:
4-H Annual Survey
Its that time of year again! Please make sure to check your email over the next few weeks as we send out links to the annual 4-H survey. We use this information to improve our programming!
UConn Beef Cattle to Be Sold at Middlesex Livestock Auction
EDIT: Today’s sale of UConn Beef Cattle at the Middlesex Livestock Auction has been changed to next Monday, October 31, 2022. A select number of cows will still be sold at today’s auction (starting at 7PM) and a number of young stock will be for sale on the 31st. More details can be found at […]
Applications Open for Teen Biotechnology Program
Teens: Learn about biotechnology with UConn 4-H and explore the career possibilities. The programs are starting soon. Bloomfield – Sundays, 2-4 PM Suffield – Wednesdays, 2:30-4:30 PM Virtual/Online – Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 PM Sign up at
Adventures in Agriculture with Mashantucket Youth and 4-H
As a part of the symbiotic partnership between the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (MPTN) and UConn Extension and supported by USDA NIFA’s Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP), tribal youth engage in outreach opportunities designed to educate students about the origin of food and fiber. Programming during summer 2022 included a series of STEM activity […]
10 Ways to Volunteer with UConn 4-H
No matter how much time you have, volunteering with UConn 4-H makes a difference by helping youth explore and discover the skills they need to lead for a lifetime. There are lots of ways to get involved! Please note, your volunteer experience and/or opportunities may be happening virtually or in-person. Contact UConn 4-H for more […]
Help Wanted: Become a UConn 4-H Volunteer
UConn 4-H is Accepting Volunteer Applications UConn 4-H provides youth with life-changing experiences from flying rockets into space with NASA to organizing national conferences for other youth, and everything in between. These experiences are possible because of thousands of adult mentors and volunteers who work throughout the state and guide youth to reach their potential. […]
Youth Genetic Engineering Curriculum Available
Education Professionals and 4-H Leaders: Use our genetic engineering curriculum (both formal and informal) for assistance in your classroom or with your 4-H club. Full curriculum downloads are available at These can also be used in other educational settings, learn more and explore the toolkit at This work is supported by Agriculture and […]
Youth Invited to Apply for Biotechnology Career Readiness Program
Youth are invited to apply for a new biotechnology career readiness program with UConn Extension’s 4-H program. Cohorts of teen 4-H members will build knowledge and career awareness through the program, while also visiting laboratories, meeting with biotechnology professionals, and developing a biotechnology video game. Applications are available now for this new program at […]
Summer Program Updates
Empowering Connecticut Communities Extension programs are in full swing this summer, both in-person and online. we are here to serve and empower our Connecticut communities, while co-creating solutions to the critical issues that residents and communities are facing. Programs focus on the expertise of the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR) and incorporate […]
UConn 4-H New Haven County: Here to Be Healthy!
Do you need some tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Do you have a project that you are passionate about, but haven’t shown it off? Are you looking for a place to both learn and enjoy what you learn about? My name is Genesis Rosario and I’m the Summer 2022 Intern for UConn […]
Youth: Apply for New Biotechnology Career Readiness Program
Youth are invited to apply for a new biotechnology career readiness program with UConn Extension’s 4-H program. Cohorts of teen 4-H members will build knowledge and career awareness through the program, while also visiting laboratories, meeting with biotechnology professionals, and developing a biotechnology video game. Applications are available now for this new program at […]
UConn 4-H – A Thriving Family
Article by Cade Buckheit This summer I have been given the opportunity to work as a part of the UConn 4-H family, right near where I live in Middlesex County! One of my goals for the summer to spread the word about 4-H. As the largest youth organization in the country, 4-H has focused on […]
Transformative Life Experiences with Environmental Education
UConn’s Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA) offers several educational programs for both children and adults, including the Conservation Ambassador Program, Conservation Partnership program, and Teacher Professional Learning program. Environmental education is a crucial part of working towards a more sustainable world. The first step in making positive environmental changes both locally and worldwide is making […]
Meet Emilie Caron, our 4-H Intern in Hartford County
Hey! My name is Emilie Caron, and I am so thrilled to be telling you all about the Hartford County 4-H Extension Program this summer! I work at the office in Farmington as the 4-H Summer Intern and work on the county programming closely with Jen Cushman. We work mainly in office on projects pertaining to […]
Learning by Doing with Heather Wirth, Extension Intern
My name is Heather Wirth, and I am excited to be an intern this summer through UConn Extension. I am working with UConn 4-H – Tolland County to plan this year’s edition of 4-H Food Revolution. My job is to create a curriculum for a four day youth summer program as well as recruiting participants. […]
Extension Recognizes Program Volunteers
Volunteers are the heart of UConn Extension Master Gardener Program, UConn CLIR program, and our UConn 4-H program. We were honored to recognize a few of them for their contributions at an event on June 16, 2022. In total, our volunteers donated 156,597 hours (the equivalent of 6,524 days) to our programs in 2021. Thank […]
Job Openings with UConn Extension
UConn Extension is hiring! We have several positions open. Please visit the individual position links for full descriptions and information on how to apply: Assistant/Associate Extension Educator – Soil Health Associate Dean for Extension 4-H Youth Development Food and Agricultural Literacy Assistant/Associate Extension Educator in Water Quality Administrative Program Support 1, Storrs Campus Educational Program […]
UConn 4-H Escape Moves to the Next Level
The UConn 4-H program introduced escape rooms in 2019 as a tool for teaching concepts and content to youth in a fun and interactive manner. This saw great success among audiences of all ages and was repeated a second time in early 2020. Then March 2020 introduced the pandemic and shuttered all in-person 4-H programming. […]
Community Promise Week – Thank You Volunteers!
To celebrate our amazing volunteers, we are recognizing the work they’ve done. This April 24-30 is our #CommunityPromiseWeek, where we’ll be highlighting a few key leaders that make our programs possible. Thank you to Carol, Sandy, Ellen, Kim, Peg and Rich for all that you do! Stay tuned throughout the week as we highlight more […]
4-H Mentoring Continues Serving Youth
Youth in Waterbury continued benefitting from the 4-H Mentoring project during the pandemic. The 4-H Mentoring Project is a prevention program where youth gain knowledge, build character, and develop life skills. It is a fun learning environment that helps them become self-directing, productive members of society. Approximately 45 youth ages nine through 14 participate annually. […]
Extension Donor Support is Growing Statewide Programming
The work of UConn Extension serves thousands of people across Connecticut. UConn Extension educators work in all 169 cities and towns helping Connecticut residents to solve problems in their communities and provide transformational learning experiences to program participants. This couldn’t be done without the financial support of generous donors, many of whom have experienced Extension […]
Job: Educational Program Assistant – Part-Time in Fairfield Co.
Apply Here: Search #: 496223Work type: Part-timeLocation: Fairfield County Extension CtrCategories: Academic Programs and Services JOB SUMMARY The UConn Extension Center located in Bethel, CT is seeking applications for a part-time Educational Program Assistant 1 position (50%). This position is responsible for supporting and helping implement high-quality, comprehensive, Extension programming at different program sites throughout the region, with […]
UConn Gives – Please Support Our Programs
Friends, please join us in supporting our UConn Extension Master Gardener Program and UConn 4-H program during #UConnGives. $5 helps support these programs and unlocks matching gifts. Give to the Master Gardeners: Give to 4-H:
Waterbury 4-H Youth Mentoring Program is Thriving
Waterbury’s 4-H program is going strong! As we all know the past two years have been far from ordinary. While Waterbury Youth Services, Inc. (WYS) has been facilitating 4-H programing for 30 years, we have had to face new challenges and with them, new joys. While in person programming was not an option, our team […]
Swine and Poultry Owners Educational Session
An educational session for Poultry and Swine owners will be held on April 7th at the Litchfield County Extension office. There is a great lineup of guest speakers! Register at
EFNEP/4-H Special Interest group with Danbury Public Schools
UConn Extension in Fairfield County is leading a EFNEP/4-H special interest group with Danbury Public Schools at Rogers Park Middle School. EFNEP educator Heather Peracchio is engaging students with Teen Cuisine curriculum and hands-on activities in grades 6-8th. During National Nutrition Month in March students enjoyed learning about MyPlate healthy eating and made a Colorful […]
Joro Spider Information
You asked, we answered. We’ve been getting questions about Joro spiders. Gail Reynolds from our UConn Extension Master Gardener program answered: Joro spiders, Trichonephila clavata, have been sensationalized in recent news stories. The actual appearance of these spiders in Connecticut has not been documented. According to various reports, this spider was first noted in Georgia in […]
Part-Time Positions on Biotechnology Grant Project
UConn Extension has two part-time positions open on a biotechnology grant project. These positions are both four-year appointments through the grant period. Program Assistant (15 hours per week) Program Coordinator (15 hours per week) The grant will create 4-H clubs focused on teaching teen members about biotechnology and encouraging them to pursue it as a […]
Avian Influenza in Connecticut
Poultry and Avian Enthusiasts: Connecticut has confirmed cases of Avian Influenza. Please take proper precautions to protect your birds and minimize disease spread: The Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL) at UConn CAHNR is working with the Connecticut Department of Agriculture and Usda Aphis on diagnosis and surveillance. TODAY (MARCH 3rd) —FREE WEBINAR: “Healthy […]
Black History Month 2022 – Health and Wellness
Have your ever wondered about the history of Black History Month? Dr. Carter G. Woodson is credited with bringing to the forefront the importance of teaching about Black History, Culture and Life. Carter G. Woodson, was the son of former slaves, and as a child, worked as a sharecropper, a miner and other odd jobs […]
2021 Highlights of Extension Report
The past two years have challenged us more than anyone could have predicted. Extension adapted our services and programs to continue serving our audiences. We are addressing critical issues related to agriculture and food, climate adaptation, enhancing health and well-being, social justice, and sustainable landscapes. Extension is unique because the services we provide are […]
Why I Wish I Had Joined 4-H
This past summer, I enjoyed my internship with Litchfield County 4-H so much that I found myself quite sad at times that I had never done 4-H as a child. I had friends who were a part of it, but I never fully understood what it was, and never joined. From what I have observed […]
Umekia “Mickey” Taylor: Educator Spotlight
Merging Fitness and Nutrition to Create Healthy Lifestyles Umekia “Mickey” Taylor ’83 (CAHNR) merges fitness and nutrition to help people create healthy lifestyles. She is a community nutrition extension educator and the supervisor for Extension’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) in New Haven County. “UConn Extension’s nutrition outreach education is valuable because we […]
4-H Youth and Biotechnology Video Games!
UConn Extension has a new USDA-NIFA funded project will develop cohorts of 4-H youth and create biotechnology video games. The games will convey fun and science-based information about biotechnology such as genetic engineering. They will also build public confidence in the safe use of biotechnology in agriculture and the food system. The project will also […]
Celebrating Black History Month, The Paradigm Shift
Have your ever wondered about the history of Black History Month? Dr. Carter G. Woodson is credited with bringing to the forefront the importance of teaching about Black History, Culture and Life. Carter G. Woodson, was the son of former slaves, and as a child, worked as a sharecropper, a miner and other odd jobs […]