What 4-H Means to Me

4-H cloverCurrent UConn 4-H members shared their thoughts on their experiences with UConn 4-H and what it means to them.

“Through my leadership and citizenship experiences in 4-H, I have met an incredible group of people that I have built connections with.  It’s been amazing to see how 4-H creates a sense of excitement and perseverance, and how it connects members across the country with one idea.” – 17-year-old Hartford County 4-H Member

“4-H is more than an animal you show, or a photo or sewing project, more than ribbons or a fair once a year, more than monthly meetings and community service projects. It is really all those things and more, put together with people that have common interests to create an independent community. A community that thrives on learning and educating, balances being a team player and a leader, recognizes challenges and successes.” – 15-year-old Litchfield County 4-H Member

“The 4-H Ignite event stands to be one of my favorite memories. During this event I met people from all over the U.S. teaching me how to work with people that I am unfamiliar with. Along with this, I learned about problems from all around the world, from drought to biosecurity. I became familiar with solving problems and even was able to share with my own agriculture class back at school. This trip showed me that no matter where you are from you can get along with others.” – 17-year-old Middlesex County 4-H Member

“Through the highs and lows of my 4-H experience, one thing has stayed constant: unwavering gratitude. Gratitude for knowledge, friendships, personal growth, and mentors who were able to selflessly welcome me in as their own. 4-H ignites curiosity, shapes character and inspires a lifelong love for learning. So, thank you 4-H for fostering a sense of purpose that extends far beyond my years of participation. Although I am not finished yet, this is my reminder to continue to explore my interests so that I am still able to help future generations.” – 16-year-old Hartford County 4-H Member

“4-H has provided me with an impeccably supportive and widespread community.  It is something that I can already look back on and say it changed me for the better, and then I remember I’m not even done yet.  Within 4-H, I have been able to grow into a version of myself where I can confidently take charge when needed and see myself as a leader, but at the same time I’ve developed my ability to work well with others in any situation.” – 17-year-old Hartford County 4-H member