Shellfish Habitat Restoration

shellfish habitat
Photo: Tessa Getchis

The COVID-19 pandemic hit the aquaculture industry particularly hard. It was facing catastrophic sales losses that would have forced many out of business. Connecticut Sea Grant Extension helped keep industry members afloat during the pandemic

by involving them in shellfish habitat restoration work. We kept people working at a time when the shellfish marketplace collapsed and there was little if any revenue generated from sales. We have 46 companies in Connecticut that employ over 300 individuals. The economic impacts to these families and businesses would have been devastating. 

Part of this effort included creating a Shellfish Restoration map. We collaborated with a group of our partners and stakeholders. Industry professionals, regulators, municipal shellfish commissions, and others can use the map. Our efforts to strengthen the industry are continuing with several new initiatives. Visit for more information.

Article by Tessa Getchis