CT Sea Grant is now accepting applications for the following positions:
- Regional Aquaculture Liaison Assistant Extension Educator
- Sustainable and Resilient Communities Assistant Extension Educator
Apply Today!
Regional Aquaculture Liaison Assistant Extension Educator
Connecticut Sea Grant, the Department of Extension, College of Agriculture Health and Natural Resources, University of Connecticut, and the NOAA Milford Lab invite applications for a Regional Aquaculture Liaison Assistant Extension Educator. The position is a grant-funded, four-year initiative to enable, augment, and accelerate the exchange of ideas and information between NOAA NEFSC Milford Lab researchers and end users, including the latest research results and tools and how they address existing and emerging needs. The full advertisement, job description and link for applications can be found at https://academicjobsonline. org/ajo/jobs/19063.
Sustainable and Resilient Communities Assistant Extension Educator
Connecticut Sea Grant invites applications for two Sustainable and Resilient Communities Assistant Extension Educators. The positions are part of an initiative to implement a five-year work plan on Sustainable and Resilient Communities, under the umbrella of the Sustainable and Resilient Communities work group of the EPA-funded Long Island Sound Study (LISS). The full advertisement, job description and link for applications can be found at https://academicjobsonline.