The winners of the 2020 UConn 4-H Calendar Photography Contest have been selected! Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the participants. We enjoyed viewing your favorite 4-H project pictures and are glad a wide range of 4-H activities will be represented in the calendar.

The 2020 UConn 4-H Calendar Photo Contest results are as follows:
- Mia B. “Dumpy Tree Frog” Windham
- Derrick B. “Antique Tractor” Hartford
- Angela B. “Robin Eggs” New London
- Alexis B. “Nose licks” Hartford
- Sofie C. “Iris in the Rain” Fairfield
- Abby C. “Dew in the morning” Windham
- Caroline H. “Howl” Hartford
- Emily K. “Levi with her tongue out” Litchfield
- Kaylie M. “Wander” New London
- Laura M. “Listen to your Heart” New London
- Kendall R. “Snow Storm” Windham
- Peyton R. “Princess Leia” Windham
- Marjorie S. “Teamwork” – Best of Show Litchfield
- Delaney T. “Sleeping Beauty” Hartford
- Harper T. “Tenderness” Fairfield
- Cassie W. “Bee Hive” New London
Congratulations to Marjorie from Litchfield County. Her photo was selected as best of show from among all applicants and will appear on the cover. Calendars will be available from each of the county 4-H programs and distributed in late September. The calendar follows the 4-H year and runs from October 2020 through December 2021.
UConn 4-H is the youth development program of UConn CAHNR Extension. 4-H is a community of over 6 million young people across America who are learning Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), leadership, citizenship and life skills through their 4-H project work. 4-H provides youth with the opportunity to develop lifelong skills including civic engagement and healthy living. Learn more and enroll your child in the UConn 4-H program at
UConn CAHNR Extension has more than 100 years’ experience strengthening communities in Connecticut and beyond. Extension programs address the full range of issues set forth in CAHNR’s strategic initiatives:
- Ensuring a vibrant and sustainable agricultural industry and food supply
- Enhancing health and well-being locally, nationally, and globally
- Designing sustainable landscapes across urban-rural interfaces
- Advancing adaptation and resilience in a changing climate.
Programs delivered by Extension reach individuals, communities, and businesses in each of Connecticut’s 169 municipalities.