March 26, 2020 Update
The following information has been compiled for the general public and for those who come under essential businesses in Connecticut.
FDA resources:
- FDA has recently stated that food supply is safe among COVID-19 and there are no current disruptions in the supply chain. Consumers should be confident in the safety of their food. To read more about coronavirus impacting the food industry please visit FDA leaders_food supply is safe.
- If you have questions such as
- How do I maintain social distancing in my food production/processing facility and food retail establishment where employees typically work within close distances?
- A worker in my food production/processing facility/farm has tested positive for COVID-19. What do I need to do to continue operations while protecting my other employees?
or other concerns regarding Food safety and COVID-19, please visit FDA Latest FAQs
Consumer resources:
- As a consumer if you have questions such as
- Should I mist produce with a very diluted bleach solution (a teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water) and let it air dry before I eat it to avoid contracting COVID-1?
- Does cooking foods kill the virus that causes COVID-19? (Short answer- YES)
Please visit Consumer_FAQs
Since, it is believed that cooking can kill viruses, it is recommended that the high-risk population (especially under current circumstances) such as immunocompromised hosts and seniors, avoid the consumption of RAW produce.
Other food safety resources:
- For questions that food industry in other states (NY and neighboring) may have such as
- How long can COVID-19 remain viable on different surfaces?
- Can animals raised for food and animal products be source of infection with COVID-19?
Please visit FAQs_FoodIndustry
- Food safety_COVID-19_Checklist
- SOP_Actions_to_be taken when worker tests positive for COVID-19
- Attached document for list of frequently touched surfaces and how to clean them
For businesses:
- Under the Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan program,a qualifying business or nonprofit organization can apply for a loan of up to $75,000 or three months of operating expenses (whichever is lesser). All of the information can be found at CT_Recovery Bridge Loan Program
- The American Farmland Trust’s Farmer Relief Fundwill award farmers with cash grants of up to $1000 each to help them weather the current storm of market disruptions caused by the coronavirus crisis. Initially eligible applicants include any small and mid-sized direct-market producers. For complete information go to the ATF website at Farmer Relief Fund.
As always, if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. At UConn extension, we will try to answer your queries as soon as possible and keep you updated as we know more.
Educator: Indu Upadhyaya, DVM, MVSc, PhD,
Assistant Extension Educator, Food Safety