All trail users should follow basic tips for personal safety. These tips can also be adapted to other situations.
1. Be aware of your surroundings and other people on the trails and in parking lots. Do not wear head- phones or earbuds.
2. Park in well-lit areas and lock the doors of your vehicle, and trailer for equestrians.
3. If possible, don’t go alone. Walk or ride with a friend. If you think someone is following you, go towards public areas.
4. Always tell someone where you are going and when you expect to be back. Share your route with them.
5. Carry your cell phone, but be aware that you might not have cell phone service in all areas.
6. Carry a map. Know your route, and carry the map anyway.
7. Carry pepper spray for protection if it makes you feel more comfortable.
8. Wear blaze orange or reflective material during hunting season.
9. Carry water and sunscreen.
10. Pay attention to trail markers so you can identify your location.
Download our brochure for more information on trail etiquette.
This message is brought to you by the UConn Extension PATHS team – People Active on Trails for Health and Sustainability. We are an interdisciplinary team of University of Connecticut extension educators, faculty, and staff committed to understanding and promoting the benefits of trails and natural resources for health, community & economic development and implementing a social ecological approach to health education.