UConn Extension offers Bedding Plant Program for Greenhouse Growers
Get the latest information on insect and disease management, proper watering techniques and mixing pesticide formulations and network with fellow growers. This educational program will feature the following topics of interest to those who produce spring ornamental crops in the greenhouse:
- Watering: Air and Water Balance in the Root-Zone
Rosa Raudales, Greenhouse Extension Specialist, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
- Root Rots, Mildews, and Blights
Dr. Yonghao Li, CT Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, CT
- Update on Managing Insects and Mites
Leanne Pundt, Extension Educator, UConn Extension, Torrington, CT
- Pesticide Formulations
Candace Bartholomew, Pesticide Safety Educator, UConn Extension
For your convenience, this program will be offered in two separate locations.
- January 29th, this program will be offered from 9:30 to 2:30 at the Litchfield County Extension Center at 843 University Drive in Torrington, CT.
- February 14th, this program will be offered from 9:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the Tolland County Extension Office at 24 Hyde Avenue in Vernon, CT.
Four Pesticide recertification credits available
Handouts, lunch and beverages will be included in your registration fee of $25.00.
Please make checks payable to the University of Connecticut and send to Litchfield County Extension Center, 843 University Drive, Torrington, CT 06790. No credit card payments accepted.
For more information, contact Leanne Pundt, at 860.626.6855 or email: leanne.pundt@uconn.edu Click here to view program brochure and registration form.
The University of Connecticut is an equal opportunity program provider and employer.