UConn to host major invasive plant conference on October 11
The Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group (CIPWG) will present a symposium on Tuesday,
October 11, 2016 at the Student Union, University of Connecticut in Storrs, CT. The symposium will take place from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The symposium theme is Invasive Plants in Our Changing World: Learn from the Past, Prepare for the Future. People with all levels of interest and experience are invited to attend.
This 8th biennial conference features national, regional, and local experts as well as citizen volunteers sharing practical solutions for invasive plant management and actions needed to promote native species and improve wildlife habitat. The symposium is open to the public and will include introductory information about invasive plants.
Nationally-recognized Keynote speaker, Jil Swearingen, co-author of Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas will present, “We’re Moving on Up: Invasive Plants Heading North”. Karl Wagener, Executive Director of the Connecticut Council on Environmental Quality, will speak on “Connecticut’s Future: Rooted in Choice”. William Hyatt, Vice Chair of the Connecticut Invasive Plants Council, will provide a legislative update. Charlotte Pyle, recently retired from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service will deliver closing remarks.
Concurrent afternoon sessions will include:
• What Are Other States Doing? Panel discussion with New England invasive plant experts.
• Native Plants for our Pollinators – Creating a balanced and healthy pollinator environment.
• Management of Key Invasives: Success Stories and Progress Reports
• Biological Control: No Animal Too Small – Learn about these valuable invasive plant management tools.
• Aquatic Invasive Plants – Updates on Hydrilla and other new aquatic invasive plant threats.
• Plants to Watch Out For – What are the new invasives that threaten our borders?
Research and management posters, an invasive plant identification area, and other educational exhibits will be featured throughout the day.
The symposium agenda and online registration are available at www.cipwg.uconn.edu. Early registration is $50 (postmarked on or before September 12); regular registration is $60 (postmarked AFTER September 12 or for walk-in registrations). Student fee (with valid student ID) is $25. Registration includes parking and lunch. In addition, Pesticide Recertification and other Continuing Education Credits will be available. Attendees are advised to register early, as the last symposium had record attendance and sold out with 500 attendees.
On-line registration is preferred, but if you would like to pay by check, please visit the CIPWG website at www.cipwg.uconn.edu to download the registration form and mail it in with your payment. For additional information, contact Donna Ellis at 860-486-6448; donna.ellis@uconn.edu.