Cushman Joins UConn Extension

Jen Cushman
Jen Cushman decorating the Governor’s Residence with UConn Extension.

Jen Cushman joined UConn Extension as the new 4-H Extension Educator in Harford County. Ms. Cushman has an outstanding background in STEM programming, specifically environmental and agriculture education, having served as a Regional Agri-science Head teacher in the Glastonbury school system. She organized recruitment to increase the diverse student base in nine towns and cities surrounding Glastonbury. Jen has coached FFA Career Development Events and managed volunteers and parents who serve on alumni and advocacy committees. She has served as Adjunct Faculty with the Neag School of Education on Instruction of Subject Area Methods for Agri-science Education. Ms. Cushman has a BS in Animal Science from UConn and her Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from the Neag School of Education at UConn. She also has her Sixth Year Certificate in Educational Leadership. Ms. Cushman has held numerous roles relevant to her work with Extension including serving as a member of the CT Department of Education on their Animal Science Standards Revisions Committee, as well as the National Council for Agricultural Education Standards Revisions for Animal Science in 2014. She has served as co-Leader of the First Town Veterinary Science 4-H Club and is Secretary of the New England 4-H Goat Committee. Ms. Cushman started at UConn Extension on December 28th.