- Make plans to attend the UConn Garden Conference on March 19, 2015. Go to http://2015garden.uconn.edu
- Send your soil sample to the UConn Soil Nutrient Analysis Laboratory before April 1st to avoid the spring rush. Add limestone, fertilizer or organic materials as
Photo: UNH Extension recommended but wait until mid-April to fertilize the lawn.
- Start seeds of annual flowers and vegetables that require 10-12 weeks of growth before transplanting such as tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant.
- Direct plant seeds of cold weather vegetables such as spinach, peas, lettuce, and broccoli as soon as the soil is workable.
- Also, as the ground becomes workable, de-thatch any areas of the lawn that have an inch or more of thatch, then reseed any bare spots.
- Consider putting in raised garden beds in any areas where the soil is especially poor, compacted or does not drain well.
- Plant cool-season annuals like pansies, snapdragons, and calendulas at the end of the month if the weather permits.
- Carefully remove winter mulches from planting beds as the snow melts and the temperatures warm.
- Save plastic milk jugs or 2-liter bottles to use as individual hot caps for small garden plants. Remember to remove them for watering or if the temperature rises.
- Prune apple and pear trees as well as blueberry bushes during mild spells. If everbearing raspberries were not cut down last fall, prune the canes to the ground now.
For more information please visit the UConn Home & Garden Education Center or call 1-877-486-6271.