Biological Controls for Greenhouse Growers

plantUConn Extension hosted a workshop on Thursday, July 31st at the Tolland Extension Centeron Biological Controls for greenhouse growers. The workshop was attended by a diverse group of 80 greenhouse growers, retailers and educators from across the state, and organized by Leanne Pundt of UConn Extension.


Dr. Rose Buitenhuis from the Vineland Research and Innovation Center in Ontario Canada gave two presentations: Greenhouse Pest Control: A Systems Approach and Innovations in Greenhouse Pest Management at the Biological Controls: Putting it all Together for Success.


Dr. Doug Cox from the University of Massachusetts spoke on Growing Greenhouse Plants with Water Soluble Fertilizers.


Doug Barrow, from Biobest USA, spoke on Biocontrol Programs in Greenhouse Vegetable Crops and brought samples such as the bumblebee box used to pollinate greenhouse tomato crops and aphid banker plants.

bee box