Great Gull Island Boat Trip

Photos and article by Juliana Barrett for UConn Extension


Great Gull Island (GGI) is a 17-acre island between Block Island and Long Island Sounds. As one of the most important nesting habitats for roseate terns and common terns in the western hemisphere, it is critical to maintain and improve the nesting habitats on GGI. Currently, invasive and nuisance plants are overtaking much of the Island. UConn CT Sea Grant and UConn Extension are partnering with the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) and the USFWS to conduct habitat management to improve nesting habitat. UConn has played a key role in bringing partners together and has gotten grants to aid the efforts of the AMNH.


On July 17, an intrepid crew set sail for the Island and got a grand tour of the bird nesting areas and the habitat issues with which UConn faculty are helping. Many photographs were taken and all that was left behind was UConn Dairy Bar ice cream as a thank you to those working and volunteering on the Island.

tern chick terns Gull participants