Lifecycle of Single Use Plastics

Authors: Rosa Colon, Keira Touhey, Brian Gartner, Ava Genovese, Gina Panez, and Syma Ebbin

Publication: July 2024 | EXT074


Many plastic water bottles with blue labels and white caps lines up in diagnonal rows.
(Jonathan Chng/Unsplash)

The number of single-use plastics that have been produced has increased alarmingly in recent years, with dire effects for wildlife, ecosystems, and human health everywhere. The cycle of plastics includes manufacturing, use, and disposal of these practical yet environmentally hazardous materials.

This fact sheet attempts to educate the public on the harmful consequences of single-use plastics and the pressing need for change. Reducing plastic trash is one step to protect the environment for coming generations. Being aware of the effects of consumption patterns is another. This factsheet is useful for readers interested in information the use of single-use plastics and help create awareness on single-use plastic effects on the health of animals and people.

The Lifecycle

The life cycle of single-use plastics illustrates the path through which the products travel as they are created, used, and disposed of. This process includes five major stages: (1) Fossil Fuel Extraction, (2) Plastic Manufacturing, (3) Transportation, (4) Disposal, and (5) Final Destination (Saraswati, 2022). Each stage negatively impacts environmental health whether through land disruption, air and water pollutants, or changes in the chemical composition of soil.

Fossil Fuel Extraction

A bile of plastic waste, consisting of plastic bottles in various shapes with labels of caps in many colors.
(engin akyurt/Unsplash)

The life cycle begins with the extraction of raw materials to be used in the making of single-use plastics. In nearly all cases, plastics originate from oil, gas, and coal. Oil and gas are extracted using one of three methods: pumping, drilling, or fracking (González, 2024). Extraction through pumping and drilling are considered conventional methods of extracting, which work to capture the desired material by drilling and digging deep into the ground, displacing rock and soil products to nearby areas. These activities disturb ecosystems in the process. Such disturbances make the land around the site extremely vulnerable to damage such as water pollution which can have serious implications on the lives of animals and plants inhabiting the area (Brown, 2021).

Marine environments are particularly impacted by drilling methods, as most of the oil used to manufacture plastics is extracted from offshore drilling sites. Each stage within the drilling process presents its own harmful effects on the surrounding environment. For example, seismic blasting, used to locate oil reserves in the ocean, utilizes extremely loud sounds to pinpoint possible drilling sites, harming many marine species that rely on sound to communicate, hunt, find mates, or navigate. Oil spills and gas leaks at drilling sites also introduce possible life-threatening compounds to the marine environment around them (Hu, 2024).

Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is another method of extracting that has very serious environmental impacts, including water contamination and the emission of air pollutants, greatly affecting the water and air quality for many surrounding communities and ecosystems (“hydraulic fracturing and health”). Thus, while fossil fuel extraction is just one of five stages in the process of plastic creation, use, and disposal, it presents considerable concerns regarding environmental health, with the continued production of plastics.

The transportation of fossil fuels to the manufacturing site also poses potential environmental hazards. Since most of the oil extracted in the lifecycle of plastics is transported to the manufacturing site via pipelines or large oil tanker ships, leakages and spills are not uncommon in this process. Such leakages can be disastrous for the surrounding marine life in two main ways: oiling and oil toxicity (“oil spills,” 2020).

Oiling refers to when oil physically damages a plant or animal. In most cases, organisms are coated in oil, greatly hindering mobility and organism-environment interactions. Oil toxicity, as its name suggests, occurs because of the release of toxic compounds found in oil. When these compounds are leaked into the marine environment, their interaction with organisms can cause a variety of health issues among populations of wildlife (National Research, 2003).


A beach with washed up plastic waste, consisting of thin plastic strips and pellets.
(Sören Funk/Unsplash)

Manufacturing of single-use plastics significantly contributes to the detrimental effects on the health of animals and people. The intricate process begins with the extraction of hydrocarbons from fossil fuels, primarily crude oil and natural gas. Once extracted, these hydrocarbons undergo a refining process, where they are transformed into raw materials such as ethylene and Propylene, the building blocks of plastic (Geyer et al., 2017). Subsequently, these raw materials are polymerized, forming long chains of molecules, which are then processed into various plastic products through molding, extrusion, or other manufacturing techniques.

Another important part of the process is adding other chemicals to change the characteristics of the final plastic product. This leads to the variation in types of plastics (ex. HDPE, PVC, # 1 , # 2 & # 3 plastics, etc.) These added chemicals vary and are often toxic in nature. All types of toxic chemicals pose risks, but collectively they impact the health of the planet. Throughout this manufacturing process, a significant amount of energy is consumed, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, and further exacerbating environmental degradation.

Therefore, understanding the manufacturing process of single-use plastics is essential for developing strategies to mitigate their adverse effects on both ecosystems and public health. A monumental issue that has arisen related to transportation is the creation of nurdles along the coastlines of countries like Sri Lanka. Nurdles are tiny, lentil-sized pellets of plastic, and have been appearing in abundance. These pose a huge toxic threat to the state of the planet’ s water and marine life. “They have been found in the bodies of dead dolphins and the mouths of fish. About 1,680 tons of nurdles were released into the ocean.” These nurdles often contain toxic materials and only exacerbate the damage. At this point, nurdles are not deemed as hazardous under the international maritime organization’ s (IMO’s). While awareness has been rising, more serious action must be taken to prevent spills of these materials from happening.


Understanding the role of transportation in the life cycle of single-use plastics is crucial for devising effective strategies to mitigate their adverse effects on both environmental and human health. Transportation is a critical aspect of the life cycle of single-use plastics, contributing to their widespread distribution and subsequent impact on the health of animals and people. The journey of single-use plastics typically begins with the shipment of raw materials from extraction sites to manufacturing facilities and then continues with the distribution of finished products to consumers.

Raw materials such as crude oil and natural gas are often transported via pipelines, tankers, or trucks, emitting greenhouse gases and contributing to air and water pollution throughout the transportation process (Plasticseurope, 2020). Once manufactured, single-use plastic products are distributed globally through intricate supply chains, involving trucks, ships, trains, and airplanes. Each stage of transportation adds to the environmental footprint of products. Oil is often transported by tankers over marine waters, posing a massive risk of potential spills, which can then lead to pollution and the decreased health of aquatic life.


A woman in a yellow high visibility safety vest standing in front of cubes of plastic waste. A blue building and pinetrees are in the background.
(Vivianne Lemay/Unsplash)

Particularly tiny objects like straws, bags, and cutlery are examples of single-use plastics that are typically difficult to recycle because they get caught in the gaps in recycling equipment and are consequently frequently rejected by recycling facilities. Single-use plastics just break up when left on their own; they don't truly decompose. Plastics are gradually reduced in size by the sun and heat over time, becoming what are known as microplastics. These little, barely discernible shards of plastic, measuring no more than five millimeters in length, are nearly ubiquitous. Certain microplastics, such as the microbeads found in face cleansers and the microfibers in polyester clothes, are even smaller by design (Lindwall, 2020). They have been found inside human bodies, in the water, and consumed by wildlife. Microplastics can be especially harmful to animals since they can quickly build up inside an animal's body after consumption, resulting in harm to the animal’s health.

Human health is harmed by both microplastic exposure and the toxins added to plastics during processing. Numerous compounds included in plastics are recognized endocrine disruptors, and studies have indicated that exposure to these substances may have negative effects on human health, such as hormone abnormalities, infertility, and even cancer. One example among many, the di (2 - Ethylhexyl) phthalate, is frequently added to plastic products to increase their flexibility, such as garden hoses and shower curtains. However, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determined that DEHP is likely carcinogenic to humans (Lindwall, 2020).

Furthermore, the disposal of single-use plastics further perpetuates the transportation cycle, as waste is transported to landfills, recycling facilities, orincineration plants, often over long distances. It is estimated “That between 1.15 and 2.41 million tons of plastic waste currently enters the ocean every year from rivers, with over 74 % of emissions occurring between may and October.” (NCBI, 2017). The disposal of single-use plastics not only contributes to environmental degradation but also facilitates their dispersion into natural habitats, where they pose risks to wildlife and ecosystems through ingestion, entanglement, and the release of harmful chemicals. The disposal of single-use plastics after a short lifespan leads to pollution, with plastic waste accumulating in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, posing serious health risks to wildlife and humans through ingestion, entanglement, and the release of toxic chemicals (Rochman et al., 2016).

Final Destination

Every year, at least 14 million tons of plastic enter the oceans (IUCN, 2021). This results in the final destination for single-use plastic waste to dominate the marine litter population, accounting for 80 percent of all debris found in the ocean, ranging from surface waters to deep-sea sediments (IUCN, 2021).

Every continent has plastic beaches, with higher concentrations of plastic debris found close to well-known tourist attractions and densely populated places. Another significant effect is that the ability of ecosystems to adapt to climate change is diminished by plastic pollution, which can modify habitats and natural processes. The pollution in the ocean and different ecosystems pose a big risk to animals and humans as it can be ingested and entangled which can lead to death. Plastic pollution can also be a vector for invasive species as they carry organisms to new habitats. These harmful impacts to the environment are why new ways of reducing plastic waste should be strongly considered.

A plastic bottle with a blue cap on a beach with the ocean in the background at sunset.
(Ishan @seefromthesky/Unsplash)


1) Rental Shopping Bags

While many cities and countries have phased out plastic grocery bags, many stores still sell reusable bags for people who forget to bring their own (and reusable bags can have a surprisingly large footprint). Some stores can begin to offer rentals of reusable shopping bags; when customers return them, they get back the deposit they paid.

2) Reusable containers for prepared food

Takeout and prepared food containers generate an estimated 11 billion pieces of packaging waste each year. To prevent this unnecessary waste, restaurants and stores should switch to non-plastic, compostable alternatives for takeout containers and utensils.

3) Food in the nude

Often, produce items are sold wrapped in plastic to preserve their freshness and lengthen their shelf life. Recently, retailers have begun switching to plastic-free displays that now mist” fruit and vegetables with water to help them stay fresh longer without plastic, which is a good alternative.

4) Reusable packaging for online orders

Loop, a service designed to reuse common single-use items, has partnered with many brands to collect, sort, and clean empty products for the company to refill (loop). Such a service reduces unnecessary waste from conventional single-use products and provides consumers with more options to help support sustainability.

Additional Resources

Guardian News and Media. (2021, November 29). Nurdles: The worst toxic waste you’ve probably never heard of. The Guardian.

Hu, S. (2024, March 22). Offshore drilling 101. NRDC.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. (n.d.). Hydraulic fracturing and health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

IUCN. (2021, November). Marine plastic pollution. IUCN.

Lebreton, L. C. M., van der Zwet, J., Damsteeg, J. W., Slat, B., Andrady, A., & Reisser, J. (n.d.). River plastic emissions to the world’s oceans. Nature Communications.

Lindwall, C. (2020, January 9). Single-use plastics 101. NRDC.

Link, K. (2021, March 31). Are supermarkets doing enough to reduce single-use plastic waste? FoodPrint.

Loop. (2024). Loop: A global platform for reuse.

National Research Council (US) Committee on Oil in the Sea: Inputs, Fates, and Effects. (2003). Oil in the sea III: Inputs, fates, and effects (5th ed.). National Academies Press.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (2020, August 20). Oil spills. NOAA.

Plastics Europe. (2022, January 20). Plastics - The facts 2020. Plastics Europe.

Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made. (n.d.). Science Advances.

Rochman, C. M., Tahir, A., Williams, S. L., Baxa, D. V., Lam, R., Miller, J. T., Teh, F.-C., Werorilangi, S., & Teh, S. J. (2015, September 24). Anthropogenic debris in seafood: Plastic debris and fibers from textiles in fish and bivalves sold for human consumption. Scientific Reports, 5(14340).

Saraswati, A. (2022, October 4). Plastic life cycle you need to know. Greeneration Foundation.

U.S. Energy Information Administration. (n.d.). Coal and the environment. U.S. Energy Information Administration.

The information in this document is for educational purposes only. The recommendations contained are based on the best available knowledge at the time of publication. Any reference to commercial products, trade or brand names is for information only, and no endorsement or approval is intended. UConn Extension does not guarantee or warrant the standard of any product referenced or imply approval of the product to the exclusion of others which also may be available. The University of Connecticut, UConn Extension, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources is an equal opportunity program provider and employer.