Deer Management

Strategies To Minimize Deer Damage On School Grounds  

By Victoria Wallace and Alyssa Siegel-Miles

Publication # EXT020 | March 2022


The population of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Connecticut has increased dramatically, from very few in the early 20th century to over 100,000 today. This rebound is due to the shortage of predators and the ability of deer to quickly and plentifully reproduce. Simultaneously, areas of natural vegetation have been greatly diminished, as neighborhoods have been constructed within deer’s natural territory, which has led to a rise in feeding damage of specimen horticultural plants. The over-abundance of these docile, but voracious, creatures impacts design and maintenance of landscapes, especially in urban and suburban communities.  

School landscapes should not attract deer or encourage their visitation and feeding. The design should dissuade deer browse by incorporating (primarily native) plants that are less palatable to deer into school landscapes.

Habitat and Behavior

Deer are herbivores, primarily browsers, who feed on both woody and herbaceous plants. They consume an average of 5-15 lbs./day of leaves, shoots, twigs, lichens, and fruit. When a preferred food source, such as acorns, corn, or hay, is abundant, they will eagerly devour it, but when favored vegetation is unavailable, deer will eat almost anything to survive. In spring, deer seek out young, tender new growth emerging from the ground, as they prefer soft vegetation with a high water content, particularly delicate young flower buds. Well-fertilized and over-watered plants are often especially lush and appealing. 

Deer injure and disfigure plants not only by eating leaves and stems, but also by rubbing antlers against the bark of trees. When they locate plants that they truly favor, or when food options are limited, deer may strip plants of leaves or bark. The severity of the damage depends on the season, food availability, food source, and weather conditions. Damage is most common on plants that are low-branched, easy to reach, accessible, and small or young. This behavior is particularly damaging to young trees with thin bark.

Deer will continually venture to urban and suburban landscapes to forage, especially in winter months when food is scarce. Deer can be creatures of habit; they usually frequent areas where they feel safe, and the scent of other deer is evident.

Human and Ecological Threats from High Deer Populations

With hunting prohibited in many Connecticut municipalities, the high population of deer has become an extensive problem. The surplus population of deer in suburban and urban locations may present a challenge for landscape maintenance and has the potential to impact the health and safety of school children, teachers, and staff.

Deer are the primary host of the adult Blacklegged or Deer Tick (Ixodes scapularis) that transmits diseases, including Lyme, Babesiosis, and Anaplasmosis. Tick eradication options on daycare and K-8 school properties have been severely reduced, due to Connecticut’s ban on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered pesticides. Discouraging deer populations on school properties is the first line of defense to reduce overall tick populations.

Forests with high populations of deer have reduced natural revegetation of desired hardwood species. Many wildflowers and flowering shrubs, including threatened or endangered species, such as trilliums and orchids, are favored as a food source by deer. Many browse-resistant plants, such as the invasive Asiatic bittersweet and Japanese barberry, have lower economic, aesthetic, and wildlife value than the species they displace. Many bird species and small mammal populations are negatively impacted by the change in forest ecosystems caused by excessive deer browse.

Deer Management Option

The most important way to discourage deer from feeding on and disfiguring plants in the landscape is to incorporate species that deer prefer not to eat. However, no plant is completely deer proof. Deer must be redirected so that they avoid locations where their browsing is not acceptable. They need to be convinced the area is not safe and the food source to which they are drawn is unsavory.

Strategies to reduce browse damage and to protect plant material on school properties include:

  • Incorporate deer-resistant plants into the landscape (Figure 2). See table below for a list of recommended plants.
  • Divide the school landscape into deer feeding preference zones, prioritized by attractiveness to deer and damage potential. Plant the most browse-resistant plants along the far edge of the property where deer frequent. Plants that are the most susceptible to browse damage should be used infrequently and interspersed with deer resistant plants or grown within a fenced or protected area, such as a school courtyard.
  • Shield young trees and those with thin bark by placing protective devices that discourage feeding and deer rub. Use tree protectors, plastic tree wrap, burlap, netting, or fishing line to restrict access to young or specimen plants. Wire-mesh cylinders that encircle the trunk are easy to create and install. Fishing line strung around specimen plants is a simple and inexpensive method to confuse and repel deer. Regardless of the product used, the design should not pose a hazard to children who may travel near the landscaped area.
  • Use fencing to restrict deer access when possible. Fences must be at least 7-8’ high, with no more than 6” x 6” gaps and must extend to the ground (Figure 3). While fencing is the best deterrent to protect plant material from deer, it may be impractical on school property settings.
  • Modify fertilization of landscape plants if deer consistently travel to a specific location. Deer favor lush, well fertilized plants, but may avoid the same plants if they are less appetizing.
  • Use motion-activated lights, sprinklers, or noisemakers, where appropriate, to startle deer and cause them to flee. Success with these types of deterrents is often short-lived. Deer become accustomed to and recognize the devices if they are not moved or altered in pattern that keeps deer constantly wary.
  • Annual clean-up of school property perimeters and wood line edges helps to reduce tick populations. Good sanitation along property boundaries is essential to limit the opportunity for ticks to encounter deer hosts that may travel close to areas where students frequent.
  • Incorporate the use of CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) approved EPA minimum risk repellents. Repellents are products that deter feeding or discourage deer browse because of an unpleasant taste or odor. They must be applied repeatedly, especially after rain events, to protect new growth as it emerges. Coverage of the plant should begin at the ground level and extend upward at least six feet. Some repellents are to be sprayed on ribbons as part of fencing kits rather than directly on plant surfaces. Due to the lingering unpleasant taste or odor, many of these repellents may not be suitable for landscape beds adjacent to school buildings. Refer to DEEP’s most current list of approved EPA minimum risk products ( as a resource of available products. All products used to discourage feeding must be referenced in the district’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan, if placed in a school landscape. Homemade recipes are unregistered and by law are not allowed to be applied on school properties.

For more information, refer to CT.Gov, NC State Extension Powerpoint, and CAES.

Deer Resistant Trees

In the below list, “rarely damaged” plants are the least likely to attract deer and are recommended if plant damage by deer browse is of high concern. For more information, refer to UConn’s Native Plant and Sustainable Landscaping Guide, available at

Deer Tolerance Key:

R = Rarely Damaged       S = Seldom Severely Damaged

Light Key:

FS = Full Sun       PS = Part Shade       SH = Full Shade

TREE SPECIES Deer Tolerance Height Width Flower Color Flower Time Light Native? Attributes/Maintenance
Arborvitae ’Green Giant’  (Thuja plicata x standishii) S 40-60’ 15-20 ---- ---- FS No Evergreen. Popular, fast-growing cultivar. Prefers moist, deep, loamy soil. Attractive pyramidal shape that requires little to no pruning. In optimal conditions, can grow 3-4 feet per year. Use for hedge, screen, windbreak. 
Birch, sweet (Betula lenta) S 40-70’ 35-50’ brown, green April-May FS/PS Yes Best in deep, rich, moist, acidic soils, in full sun; tolerates light shade. Sensitive to soil compaction. Good fall color (yellow). Also: river birch (Betula nigra) is adaptable, tolerant of heat and poor drainage; gray birch (Betula populifolia) has ornamental bark and is fast growing but short-lived.
Eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) S 30-65' 10-20’ ---- ---- FS Yes Evergreen. Adapts to poor, droughty soils; pH adaptable. Very tough; screening, naturalizing, coastal planting. Best drought resistance of any conifer native to U.S.
Ginkgo  (Ginkgo biloba) R 50-80' 30-40’ green April FS No Evergreen. Adapts to poor, droughty soils; pH adaptable. Very tough; screening, naturalizing, coastal planting. Best drought resistance of any conifer native to U.S.
Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis) R 30-70’ 20-30’ Green-yellow, white May-June FS No Good street and parking lot tree. Tolerant of drought, air pollution, clay soil. F. inermis is a thornless and nearly seedpod-free variety. Native to southeast U.S. Beneficial to bees, butterflies, and birds.
Maple, sugar  (Acer rubrum) S 40-80' 30-50' red March-April FS/PS Yes Adaptable; tolerant of many conditions. Relatively fast growing. Red-orange showy fall color. Ornamental bark. Shallow roots. Beneficial to bees, butterflies, and birds.
Maple, sugar  (Acer  saccharum) S 40-80' 30-60' green April FS/PS Yes Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Prefers fertile, slightly acidic soil. Shade tolerant. Excellent specimen tree for lawn or parks. Has been frequently used as a street tree, but is generally intolerant of road salt, soil compaction and pollution.
Oaks  (Quercus spp.) S 50-100’ 20-30’ Yellow-green April-May FS/PS Yes Many oaks make good lawn or street trees (Q. bicolor, Q. rubra, Q. velutina). All oaks have exceptional wildlife value. Oaks have a taproot, making them difficult to transplant.
Pine, eastern white (Pinus strobus) R 50-80' 20-40' ---- ---- FS Yes Prefers fertile soil and cool, humid climates. Some susceptibility to white pine blister rust and white pine weevil. Water roots deeply, particularly in dry spells, but avoid wetting the foliage. Plant in protected locations; apply a winter mulch.
Serviceberry (Amelanchier  arborea) S 15-25' 15-25' white March-April FS/


Yes Root suckers can be removed to produce a more tree like form, or will become shrubby. Attractive fall color, fragrant flower; edible red berries attract birds. Salt tolerant.
Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) R 70-90’ 30-40’ Yellow- orange May-June FS Yes Large shade, lawn tree. Not recommended as a street tree. Fast-growing; susceptible to limb breakage in storms. Good fall color. Beneficial to bees, butterflies, and birds.

Table Table Table

For more information: or contact: Victoria Wallace,, (860) 885-2826

Deer Resistant Shrubs

Ornamental grasses and ferns are also nearly all highly resistant to deer damage. In addition to those species mentioned in this document, deer tend to avoid plants with strong scents and acrid, bitter flavors, such as herbs; that have thorns or prickles on leaves or stems; with hairy or fuzzy foliage; and that are poisonous or have thick, latex-like sap.  

SHRUB SPECIES Deer Toler. Height Width Flower Color Flower Time Light Native? Attributes/Maintenance
Bayberry (Morella  pensylvanica) R 5-10' 5-10' yellow- green May FS/PS Yes Tolerates drought, erosion, wet soils. Salt tolerant. Roots form suckers to colonize an area. Best in groups or massed. Foliage fragrant; fruit showy - attracts birds, provides winter interest. Separate male and female plants - need at least one male plant for fruit production on females.
Boxwood  (Buxus  sempervirens) R 15-20' 10-15' insignif- icant Spring FS/PS No Drought tolerant. Protect from drying winds, especially in winter. Evergreen. Root rot can be a problem in poorly draining soils. Used for foundation planting or low hedge.
Cypress, Siberian (Microbiota  decussata) S .5-1.5’ 3-12’ ---- ---- FS/PS No Dwarf, evergreen conifer forms excellent ground cover. Best performance is in cool summer climates. More shade tolerant than ground cover Junipers.
Dogwood, silky (Cornus amomum) S 6-12’ 6-12’ Yellow- white May- June FS/PS Yes Copious blue fruits, red fall color. Adaptable to a range of cultural situations. Can be used as hedge or in rain garden. Excellent food source for bees, butterflies, and birds.
Leucothoe, drooping (Leucothoe  fontanesiana) R 3-7' 3-7' creamy white May- June PS No Prefers moist, fertile, acidic soils. Not drought tolerant.  Evergreen. Fragrant, long lasting flowers. Needs little or no pruning; rejuvenate if needed by cutting back to the ground after flowering. Native to southeast U.S.  
Mountain-laurel (Kalmia latifolia) R 5-15’   5-15’   white, pink, red   late May June FS/PS Yes Evergreen. Solution plant for dry, acidic shade locations. Requires a cool, moist, acidic, organic soil for best performance. Avoid windswept sites. CT state flower.  
Pieris, Japanese (Pieris japonica) R 4-8' 3-6' white late March- April FS/PS No Prefers fertile, acidic soils and mulch. Evergreen. Protect from winter winds. Watch for lacebug infestations. Prune immediately after flowering in late spring.
Spicebush (Lindera  benzoin) R 6-12’ 6-12’ yellow March   FS/PS Yes Used as hedge, in rain gardens, woodland borders. Good fall color (best in full sun). Butterfly larval host plant. Fragrant. Attracts and supports butterflies, bees, and birds.
Sumac, fragrant (Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low') R 1.5-2' 5-8' yellow Spring FS/PS Yes Salt tolerant. If winter injury or die back, cut the affected part down to 6"; it will regrow. Showy red fruit in fall; fast spreader. Attracts and supports birds and bees.
Sweetbells (Eubotrys  racemosa R 4-6’ 4-6’ white, pink May- June FS/PS Yes Thrives in moist locations; performs well in much drier soils as well. Bell-shaped flowers. Suckers form colonies. Bright red fall color. Attracts and supports butterflies and bees.
Sweetfern (Comptonia  peregrina) R 2-5' 4-8' yellow April- May FS/PS Yes Performs well in dry, infertile soils. Difficult to transplant; best when container grown. Good for naturalizing and     embankments. Fragrant foliage.
Sweetgale  (Myrica gale) R 3-4’ 3-5’ yellow March- May FS/PS Yes Prefers moist or wet soils, can grow in very acid soil. Plant fixes nitrogen. Separate male and female plants; both   needed to produce seed. Aromatic fruit and foliage.

Table Table Table

For more information: or contact: Victoria Wallace,, (860) 885-2826

Deer Resistant Perennials

PERENNIAL SPECIES Deer Tolerance Height Width Flower Color Flower Time Light Native? Attributes/Maintenance
Anise hyssop (Agastache  foeniculum)   R 2-4’ 2-3’ lavender - purple   June-Sept. FS Yes Prefers dry to medium soils. Good cut flower. May re-seed. Good soil drainage is essential. Attracts hummingbirds; nectar supports native bees and butterflies.  
Aster, New Eng. (Symphyotrichum  novae-angliae)   S 3-6' 3-5’   purple, blue August- Sept. FS Yes Syn. Aster novae-angliae. Adaptable to a wide range of soil moisture. Showy, good cut flowers. Nectar source for bees and monarch butterflies. Larval host plant for pearl crescent and checkerspot butterflies.  
Bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis) R 2-3' 1.5-2.5' white, pink April- May PS/SH No Prefers moist, moderately fertile soils. Intolerant of wet soils in winter, dry soils in summer. Good soil drainage is essential. Foliage usually goes dormant by mid-summer; plant among groundcover/later developing perennials (e.g., ferns).
Bleeding heart, fringed (Dicentra  eximia) R 1-1.5' 1-1.5' rose pink to purplish red April- July PS Yes Prefers moist, moderately fertile soils. Intolerant of wet soils in winter and dry soils in summer. Naturalizes by self-seeding in favorable environments. Good soil drainage is essential.
Coneflower, pale purple (Echinacea  pallida) R 2-3’ 1-2’ pale purple June-July FS/PS Yes Adaptable to a wide range of soil moisture. Long tap root;   drought tolerant. Mixes well with grasses. Showy, fragrant, good cut flowers. Self-seeds freely. Attracts and supports beneficial pollinators (butterflies, bees).
Ginger, European (Asarum europaeum R 6" 1-1.5' green- yellow,  brown April- May PS/SH No Prefers moderately fertile, consistently moist, acidic soils. May self-seed. Glossy, leathery, heart-shaped leaves used for groundcover in heavy shade.
Ginger, wild (Asarum  canadense) R 6"-1' 1-1.5' Purplish-brown April- May PS/SH Yes Prefers moderately fertile, consistently moist, acidic soils. Spreads slowly by rhizomes. Attractive groundcover for heavy shade.
Indigo, false (Baptisia  australis) R 3-4' 3-4' indigo blue May- June FS/PS Yes Roots should not be disturbed once plants established. Taller plants may need support, particularly when grown in part shade locations. Best flowering in full sun. Attracts butterflies. Attractive seed heads in summer/fall.
Milkweed, butterfly (Asclepias  tuberosa) R 1-2.5’ 1-2’ orange June-August FS Yes Prefers dry to medium soils. Essential food source for Monarch butterfly caterpillars. Good cut flower. May re-seed. Good soil drainage essential
Sage, Russian (Perovskia  atriplicifolia) R 3-4' 3-4' purplish blue, lavender July- Sept. FS No Drought tolerant. Blue-grey, fragrant foliage. Provide room for spread. 'Little Spire' is a compact cultivar.
Spurge,  Allegheny (Pachysandra procumbens S .5-1’ 1-2’ white March-April PS/SH Yes Drought tolerant. Fragrant flowers. Prefers acidic, fertile soil. For ground cover, set plants 6-12" apart. Spreads slowly to form colonies. Avoid overhead watering; thin plants periodically for air circulation to prevent disease.
White baneberry (Actaea pachypoda)   R 1.5-2.5’ 2-3’ white May- June PS/SH Yes Prefers humus-rich, moist soil in woodlands and shade gardens. Attractive, but poisonous, white berries. Intolerant of dry soils. Naturalizes by self-seeding.  
White snakeroot (Ageratina  altissima)   R 3-5’ 1-3’ white Sept.-frost PS/SH Yes Prolific self-seeder; deadhead if unwanted. Prefers part shade in moist, rich soils; tolerates moderately dry soils. Attracts and supports beneficial pollinators (butterflies, bees).
Wild geranium (Geranium  maculatum) R 1-3’ 1-3’ pink- lavender March-July PS/SH Yes Deadheading prolongs bloom. Native to dry or moist woods;  woodland edges; dappled meadows. Thrives under variety of  conditions - rich, acidic. Seeds attract doves, bobwhite quail.
Yarrow (Achillea     millefolium) R 1.5-2.5’ 1-2' white June- Sept. FS Yes Drought and salt tolerant. Fragrant flowers attract butterflies. 'Sunny Seduction' is a popular yellow cultivar.  

Table Table Table

For more information: or contact: Victoria Wallace,, (860) 885-2826

Plants Highly Susceptible to Deer Damage

These species are highly favored by deer and likely to sustain significant damage from deer browse:


Cardinal flower (Lobelia spp.) Daisy (Leucanthemum spp.) Daylily (Hemerocallis spp.)
Hardy Geranium (Geranium spp.) Hollyhock (Alcea rosea) Hosta (Hosta spp.)
Lily (Lilium spp.) Garden phlox (Phlox paniculata) Purple Coneflower (Echinacea spp.)
Rose Mallow (Hibiscus spp.) Sea-holly (Eryngium spp.) Strawberry (Fragaria spp.)

Shrubs and Trees:

American Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) Atlantic White Cedar (Chamaecyparis sp.) Azalea (Rhododendron spp.)
Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus) Cherry (Prunus spp.)
Apple (Malus spp.) Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) English Ivy (Hedera helix)
Fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus) Pear (Prunus spp.) Plum (Prunus spp.)
Rhododendron (Rhododendron spp.) Rose (Rosa spp.) Yew (Taxus spp.)



Clausen, R. 2011. 50 Beautiful Deer-Resistant Plants: The Prettiest Annuals, Perennials, Bulbs, and Shrubs that Deer Don't Eat. Timber Press.  

Connecticut DEEP. White-tailed Deer Fact Sheet. Glen, C. 2015. Deer Resistant Plants Recommended for Central & SE NC Landscapes. North Carolina Cooperative Extension. 

Glen, C. 2018. Minimizing Deer Damage. Powerpoint. North Carolina Cooperative Extension. Kilpatrick. H., A. Labonte, K. Stafford. 2014. The Relationship Between Deer Density, Tick Abundance, and Human Cases of Lyme Disease in a Residential Community. Journal of Medical Entomology. Volume 51, Issue 4. 1 July 2014. Pages 777784.   

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. 2018. Community Deer Management Guide.  Perdomo, Pedro; Nitsche, Peter; Drake, David. Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance. Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension. New Jersey. 

Stafford, K., and S. Williams. 2014. Deer, Ticks, and Lyme Disease: Deer Management as a Strategy for the Reduction of Lyme Disease. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. New Haven.  

Wallace, V. and A. Siegel-Miles. 2020. Connecticut Native Plant and Sustainable Landscaping Guide. UConn Extension. 44 pp. 

Ward, Jeffrey S. 2000. Limiting Deer Browse Damage to Landscape Plants. Connecticut     Agricultural Experiment Station. New Haven. 

Williams, S.C., J.S. Ward, and U. Ramakrishnan. 2006. Deer Damage Management Options. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 1005 15p.

UConn Extension is committed to providing equal access and full participation for individuals with disabilities within all our programs and activities. Visit for more resources. UConn is an equal opportunity program provider and employer.  

Funds to support the creation of this document were provided by the Crop Protection and Pest Management Extension Implementation Program [grant no. 2017-70006-27201/project accession no. 013777] from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.


Clausen, R. 2011. 50 Beautiful Deer-Resistant Plants: The Prettiest Annuals, Perennials, Bulbs, and Shrubs that Deer Don't Eat. Timber Press.  

Connecticut DEEP. White-tailed Deer Fact Sheet. Glen, C. 2015. Deer Resistant Plants Recommended for Central & SE NC Landscapes. North Carolina Cooperative Extension. 

Glen, C. 2018. Minimizing Deer Damage. Powerpoint. North Carolina Cooperative Extension. Kilpatrick. H., A. Labonte, K. Stafford. 2014. The Relationship Between Deer Density, Tick Abundance, and Human Cases of Lyme Disease in a Residential Community. Journal of Medical Entomology. Volume 51, Issue 4. 1 July 2014. Pages 777784.   

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. 2018. Community Deer Management Guide.  Perdomo, Pedro; Nitsche, Peter; Drake, David. Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance. Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension. New Jersey. 

Stafford, K., and S. Williams. 2014. Deer, Ticks, and Lyme Disease: Deer Management as a Strategy for the Reduction of Lyme Disease. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. New Haven.  

Wallace, V. and A. Siegel-Miles. 2020. Connecticut Native Plant and Sustainable Landscaping Guide. UConn Extension. 44 pp. 

Ward, Jeffrey S. 2000. Limiting Deer Browse Damage to Landscape Plants. Connecticut     Agricultural Experiment Station. New Haven. 

Williams, S.C., J.S. Ward, and U. Ramakrishnan. 2006. Deer Damage Management Options. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 1005 15p.

UConn Extension is committed to providing equal access and full participation for individuals with disabilities within all our programs and activities. Visit for more resources. UConn is an equal opportunity program provider and employer.  

Funds to support the creation of this document were provided by the Crop Protection and Pest Management Extension Implementation Program [grant no. 2017-70006-27201/project accession no. 013777] from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.