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Summer 2021

Extension educators rose to the challenge and virtually shared our programs and educational outreach over the past year and a half. While we will continue incorporating virtual educational opportunities, we are eager to resume in-person programs as well. A few of our educators share what the new normal with Extension will be for their programs. All our programs will continue serving your needs, including those that are not listed. We continue adhering to all state guidelines, and protocols may adapt as needed.


The UConn 4-H Program is looking forward to in-person 4-H club and county activities this fall. UConn 4-H delegates plan to participate in various 4-H activities at the Eastern States Exposition and the National 4-H Congress.

Master Gardeners

Master Gardeners have started reconnecting directly with the public through our outdoor activities and look forward to increasing in-person classes and events this fall. Our online experiences over the last year helped us reach an even larger audience, however, and we will continue to incorporate new technologies alongside our familiar hands-on programming. The heightened interest in gardening and environmental projects is likely to continue and we will be here in person, by phone, and online to assist!


Programs at the Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) are slowly returning in-person outreach into the mix. However, virtually all programs will be retaining elements of the techniques and educational options developed during the pandemic year. The Land Use Academy now has recorded online versions of all basic training modules, available to the user at any time. CLEAR, in concert with the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, is developing a new “one-stop shopping” online training portal (coming soon!) that will include all our virtual programs.

People Empowering People (PEP)

UConn Extension’s People Empowering People (PEP) Program is a parent, community, and civic leadership program, and we are preparing for different possibilities this fall. We plan to offer in-person PEP Communities Training for our local partnering organizations in October. However, we will offer this training online again if needed. Partner organizations can choose to offer the training in-person or online. Our People Empowering People CI Program reaches people who are currently incarcerated in correctional institutions in our state. When the Connecticut Department of Corrections is ready for our trained volunteer facilitators to return and lead the PEP CI program with the partnering institutions, the facilitators will return.

CLIR Lifelong Learning

Our volunteer board of directors is forming our fall program plan and will be releasing more information in early August.

Visit our programs page to find out more about the new normal for our other Extension programs.

venn diagram of Extension programs with food, health and sustainability

Connecting Connecticut Podcast

Connecting Connecticut is our new podcast that explores the programs and resources we offer through the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. Extension is an organization for everyone here in Connecticut. Whether we live in a town with 1,000 or 100,000 people the programs UConn Extension provides are impactful and beneficial. Listen to the podcast.

man sitting at an Apple computer

Virtual Extension Programs

Recorded webinars and video lessons are available on-demand from our programs in agriculture, food, climate, health, and sustainable landscapes. Extension educators are ready to work with you and identify solutions for the challenges you face. View our programs.


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